5 Rules To Follow When Dating A Celebrity

Dating a celebrity is no easy task. You have to be strong, reasonable and adhere to certain rules while hoping everything works out well. Here are the best ones to follow:

Do not be jealous: Celebrities get a lot of attention from fans. They get seduced all the time. It’s up to you to act mature about it. You can either trust them or accept the fact that they’ll end up cheating on you at some point.

Be prepared to be alone most of the time: Being busy is part of the life. Your celebrity bae won’t be by your side all the time. Keep yourself busy with your own hustle or leisure activities and assume they are safe and sound

Accept that you will always be the underdog in the relationship: You will have to get in line with your celebrity lover’s decision. Most of the time, what they want to happen is what will happen. Their egos will come into play a number of times. If you are the kind of person that likes being in charge, maybe dating a celebrity is no the best move for you

Treat them like any other person: Celebrities have a public image as a well as a personal image. The best way to treat them is as if they are just normal people. Handle them on a personal level, not a career level.

Do not be obsessed: Ladies are the ones guilty of this. They get to obsessed with their celebrity catches to the point mediocrity. In every relationship, when you get too obsessed with your lover, they will start treating you like trash. It’s understandable to act a little excited because ‘umeangukia’. Your bae is adored by many people. But that’s no reason to worship you

About this writer:

Philip Etemesi