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7 Types Of Lips And The Personality Traits They Reveal. What’s Yours?

Just like our body shapes and heights, our lips also come in different shapes.

Lipsology is a relatively new pseudoscience that claims a direct relation between the shape of your lips and your personality traits. Jilly Eddy, after studying lip prints for over 3 decades, put forward this theory that had many people nodding along. The following are the most common lip shapes and the personalities their owners possess.

First of all, there are four areas that are important and should be noticed:

1. Wide lips

J Roberts

Wide lips cover a good portion of the lower half of the face. They are usually wide in length and sometimes in breadth.  Such people have an extroverted nature. They are good at making friends and are non-conformists. They have leadership potential and are driven to be perfect.

2. Round lips

These lips are almost circular in shape and are very prominent on the face. Women with these sort of lips are charismatic and have an adventurous streak. People with such lips are usually very confident and also risk-takers; therefore they can reach the heights of success or end up miserable failures.

3. Thin lips

Anushka Sharma

Both the upper and lower lips are thin; they may or may not have a pronounced Cupid’s bow. These lips usually belong to unsocial people who like to stay in control of their situation. They are known to have a high drive to succeed and can be ruthless to get there. They have a soft side that they rarely reveal.

4. Heart-shaped lips

Shraddha Kapoor

With a pronounced Cupid’s bow and full lower lips, these people are strong willed and independent. Women with this kind of lips are passionate and even glamorous. Heart-shaped lips reveal an artistic, creative, intelligent and energetic personality. These people are often very witty.

5. Full lips

Angelina Jolie

These lips are noticeable for their thickness much like round lips; however, they have a more prominent lip shape and aren’t merely round. These lips show a compassionate and helpful personality. These people are strong and competent. They make good friends and great parents.

6. Goldilocks lips

Kareena Kapoor

These lips are neither too thin nor too thick; they don’t have a very pronounced Cupid’s bow either. People with these lips are considered to be very undemanding and level-heading. They are rational beings who are considerate of other’s feelings and make good life partners.

7. Plump center

Priyanka Chopra

These lips are more thick and full at the center, specially on the upper lip. Such people are natural performers and enjoy being the center of attention. They are very dramatic and their relationships suffer many ups and downs. Women with these lips like being constantly pampered.




Six Human Face Shapes And How To Determine Yours

Do you know your face shape? Knowing your face shape is very essential especially as a woman.

Perhaps your hairdresser once threw the word “round” at you in regards to your face when discussing a possible new ‘do. Or maybe the makeup artist at your sister’s wedding said she added more arch to your brow to flatter your “square” face. Well the time is nigh to figure out what exactly your face shape is and what that means for you going forth.

First thing’s first — how does one figure out one’s face shape? There are a few different methods you can use to figure this out. Some are quite confusing so we took our time to look for this simple and easy one to help you out.

This video from NewBeauty Magazine on YouTube explains how you can trace the outline of your face onto your mirror and determine the shape from there.


Not interested in the video, then please follow these steps:

Pull and tie your hair back so that your face is clear of it.

a.Stand in front of a mirror such that your entire face is well visible in the reflections.

b.Use a lipstick to trace out the outline of your face on the mirror, but before doing so make sure that the shape is clearly visible and devoid of any hair.

Now all you have to do is to compare the various features of the outline you have made with the features stated in the list of face shapes given below;


In cases of a round face, a protruding jaw line is usually missing. Chubby cheeks and almost symmetrical length and width of face along with a round forehead are the primary features. The cheeks are usually the widest part of the face.


In the oval face type, the forehead is usually boarder than the jaw line. The chin tapers down and it somewhat resembles the shape of an inverted egg where the length is larger than the width


No! You don’t necessarily have to resemble Sponge Bob Square Pants. It is just that you will have a prominent jaw line and a square chin whereas the other parts of your face will more or less resemble a straight line.


An oblong face is most often confused with an oval face. However an oblong face is much longer than the oval face and has a softer jaw line which is of similar width like your forehead. Oblong faces are less wide than the oval ones.


The mere mention of hearts seems to make us very romantic, but having this face shape can be very tricky as far as eyebrow shapes are concerned. This face shape is adorned with a wide forehead, which is much wider than the cheeks or the jaw line. It also consists of a narrow jaw line complemented by pointed high cheeks.


Elegant, right? The diamond face is ornate with a wide a wide forehead and equally wide cheeks which are very prominent and pointed in nature and a narrow and tapering jaw line.

Please note that if you don’t think your face fits into one of these categories — or could fit into more than one — that’s absolutely fine. Not anyone falls under these categories as there are a few others left out here.

For more beauty enhancement concerning your face, please read on ‘The Perfect Eyebrows For Six Human Face Shapes’

Let us know if these steps help you as well.


5Types Of Foot And What They Say About Your Personality

Everyone has a different kind of foot shape. Foot shape encompasses the length of the toes, how the toes compare to each other, and the overall shape of the foot. You might be very surprised to learn that foot and toe shape can tell you something about personality. While everyone has toes, we don’t usually think about what different toe and foot shapes might actually mean. In fact, taking a time to compare foot and toe shape to your own or others you’ve seen may not be something you’ve done or have only done rarely. However, people might take a second look at toes after finding out they may reveal a person’s personality.

1.Egyptian Foot

A pretty common foot type, the Egyptian toe is distinguished by a long big toe, followed by the other toes tapering at a 45 degree angle. The entire foot is at an incline, and usually longer and narrower than other shapes. People who have feet like this have a royal air about them, and love extra pampering. They have an eye for aesthetics, and are generally very friendly people—being the best fit to deal with difficult personalities.

2.Roman Foot

This particular toe shape is characterized by the first three toes being of the same height, with the other two in descending order. People with this foot type tend to be very outgoing and sociable. They also tend to be very charismatic, so they make great public speakers and business people.

3. The Square Foot

When all toes are nearly identical in length, then the person is said to have a “square foot.” Also known as the “peasant foot,” this foot type is the most rectangular in appearance. People with this foot type have a tendency to be calm and calculated when making decisions. As a result of this, they are very reliable and practical.4. The Greek Foot

Also known as the “flame foot or fire foot,” the most distinctive feature for this foot type is the extended second toe (it is larger than the big toe). People with the Greek foot tend to be enthusiastic and motivating. The Greek foot is seen commonly on artists and athletes (representative of people who are creative and sporty), as well as public speakers and innovators.

5. The Stretched Foot

These feet have a rather thin appearance. This is due to the fact that the toes are squished together, lending to a lengthier and thinner looking foot. The big toe is generally the largest of all the toes and then the size tapers with each toe. People with this foot type tend to value privacy while also being secretive. On top of this, they can also be impulsive and have sudden mood changes.But shape isn’t everything, apparently;

For instance, those who have small feet love  life and like to have a very hectic job, while larger feet are characteristic of those with the greatest desire to succeed in new ventures. Crooked toes are a sign of surrender, long ones denote ambition, and a very large big toe symbolizes a high degree of rationality.

We’re sure you do fall within one of these. Don’t forget to tell us which one.

Five Female Body Types

Do you know that women come in different body types or shapes?What body shape do I have is a question most of us have been asking ourselves. It is very essential to know your body shape as a woman because, knowing your body type will help you choose dress styles that are befitting enough to compliment your stature. But you must keep in mind that there is no ideal body type, there are at least five. This article will help you find out what body shape you have. The different types we use here are pear, apple, rectangle, inverted triangle and hourglass.

The body type is mainly defined by your skeletal structure, as well as your muscle and fat distribution. Your body type should be defined after puberty however it can still change based on exercise or hormonal level changes.

Note that your body type will stay with you your whole life. No matter how much weight you lose or how much you exercise, you will not attain “the one ideal” (which is usually a body shape you do not have). Whether you wear a size 2 or a size 22, your body type affects what suits you best. Proportions are as important for women with curvy figures.

Instead of wanting to change your body type – emphasize your advantages! Each body type has several beautiful parts you can highlight and please never downplay others if you do not like their body shape.

Of course not every woman falls exactly into one of the categories. You might not be exactly an hourglass, but an hourglass with pear tendencies. Or a pear with a little extra weight around your waist. The point is in choosing the body type that is the closest to your body and then use the information here to find your way to dress with your style.

You can best determine your body type standing in front of a full, wide length mirror.

Stand naked* in front of a full-length mirror (some feet away). It always helps to ask some friends to join you as they might have a second opinion!
*Underwear can disguise your real shape!

You can now observe your overall body shape. Focus on the shape of your torso – shoulders to hips. How do your shoulders compare to your waistline and your hips? Is your weight equally distributed?

  • Shoulders wider than waistline and hip line: Congratulations, you are an inverted triangle!
  • Hips wider than shoulders and waistline: Congratulations, you are a pear!
  • Hips and shoulders same width, waistline a lot smaller: Congratulations, you are an hourglass!
  • Shoulders, waistline and hip line about same size. If you gain weight, you gain it evenly in all areas: Congratulations, you are a rectangle!
  • Shoulders and hip line are about same size. Waistline is same size or wider than shoulders and hips: Congratulations, you are an apple!

Below are the various features of the different body types;

Apple body type

Your shoulders and hips are around the same size. Rectangle shaped ladies have little difference between the measurements of their chest, waist and hips. You as an apple shaped girl have chest and waist measurements that are fairly close, but your hips are about six inches smaller than your chests.


  • Hips and shoulders have the same width; waistline has the same width or is wider.
  • You gain weight mainly around the waist, at least in proportion to the other parts of your body.
  • You probably have slender lower legs and arms.
  • Your high hip is wider than your lower hip.
  • Your bust and/or midriff are larger than your hips.
  • You might be short waisted.
  • Your thighs or hips are probably the narrowest part of your body.

Rectangle body type

Your shoulders, waistline, bust and hips are around the same size.

Your shoulder, bust and hip measurements are within 5 percent of each other. Your waist is less than 25 percent smaller than your shoulder or bust measurements- Waist measures from 1″ to 8″ (2,5cm – 20cm) smaller than the bust.


  • Your hips, waistline and shoulders have about the same width.
  • Rectangles gain weight evenly, but may gain some more through the upper back or neck.
  • You have rather straight shoulders.
  • Your buttocks are flat.
  • You have an athletic build and a small bust line.

Hourglass body type

Your shoulders and hips are around the same size. Your waistline is significantly smaller. thew rule of thumb here is about 75%, this is what we use in the body shape calculator linked in option 2.

Your shoulder and hip measurements are within 5 percent of each other. Your waist is at least 25 percent smaller than your shoulder, hip and bust measurements. Your waist is 8″ to 12″  (2,5 – 30cm) smaller than the hip or bust measurement.


  • Your hips and shoulders have about the same width.
  • You have round and sloping shoulders.
  • You have a well-defined waistline.
  • Your cleavage is great.
  • You buttocks are rather round.
  • Your lower hips are wider than your high hips.
  • Your thighs are full but narrower than the lower hips.
  • Hourglass body shapes gain weight through the hips and above the waist.

Pear body type

Your hips are wider than your shoulders. They are also wider than your hips, making them the widest area of your body. In numbers, your hip measurement is more than 5 percent bigger than your shoulder or bust measurements.


  • Your hips are wider than your shoulders.
  • You have round, sloping shoulders.
  • You have a well-defined waistline (and might even have killer abs).
  • Your  buttocks and thighs are full and round.
  • Pear body shapes gain weight on their thighs.

Inverted triangle body type

Your shoulders are wider than your hips. They are the widest part of your body. Your shoulders are more than 5 percent bigger than your hip measurement.


  • You have prominent and broad straight shoulders – wider than your waistline or hips.
  • You have an athletic build.
  • You probably have rather flat buttocks.
  • You might have a larger chest and fuller back than rectangles.
  • When inverted triangles gain weight, they usually gain it through the torso and back area.

So, here we are ladies, we have come to the end of this article. Hope it helps you know your body type as well as the clothes that best fit you. Guys, I’m sure by now you already know the body type of your woman or you’re vigorously trying to figure it out. Just share this with her and the two of you can best choose the exact type.