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Eight Fruits To Help You Avoid Constipation

It’s abnormal and totally unhealthy for one to miss attending the nature’s call at least once each day.

Besides, we’re in a era where having a flat stomach has become a must for both men and women.

Yeah, men are inclusive of course, how do you call those sexy six packs you’re so dying for?

Now, in order to access this, you must frequently get rid of the waste products from your system.

Attending the nature’s call is one of the ways to achieve that small stomach you’re exercising or skipping meals for.

The situation whereby one misses out on this activity continuously for days is ‘Constipation.’

Note that constipation is never a good condition and could lead you to the hospital for a surgery in some cases.

As a result, apart from drinking enough water each day, there are some essential fruits that can help you poop easily.

Below are five of such fruits, get them from the market or groceries and safe yourself from constipation;

 1. Apples

Green apples, red apples… whichever you like. Don’t hesitate to start your mornings with a whole apple with the peel on. Apples are rich in fibre which helps in digestion and can improve free bowels.

2. Papaya/ Pawpaw

Papaya is a fruit that possesses some of the most potent anti-inflammatory properties found in nature. Thanks to a magic compound called papain, you will digest foods better, your diarrhea and constipation will clear up and your colon will be healthier.

One of the best ways to eat pawpaw is by cutting it in half and then into chunks and mixing it with some natural yogurt. It will reinforce your intestinal flora and cleanse your intestines. It’s delicious for dessert!

3. Watermelon

As you may already know, watermelon is rich in water and minerals like potassium, two ideal substances for detoxifying the colon and keeping it healthy. This fruit is great for those suffering from an irritable bowel as it acts as a soothing tonic to reduce inflammation and keep you hydrated.

Enjoy this fruit as often as you can.

4. Avocados

Avocados, being high in healthy fat and a plethora of vitamins and minerals top the list of must-have foods. They are also called as butter fruit. They contain 6.7 g of fiber in a 100 g serving. Avocados also have more potassium than bananas and help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The high fiber content and vitamin-C present in them promote easier bowel movements preventing constipation. Avocados are listed as one of the top fruits to be included in the diet for regular consumption.

5. Bananas

Eating a banana a day offers innumerable benefits. Remember that you shouldn’t eat this fruit in the evening. It’s best to have at the start of the day for better digestion.

  • Bananas contain natural antacids that keep fecal matter and toxins from clinging to the mucus in the intestines.
  • Bananas are rich in potassium, an essential mineral for the intestines and digestive system. Thanks to their potassium content, bananas improve digestion and reduce pain and the inflammation associated with diarrhea and other problems.
  • They’re rich in soluble fiber, the type of fiber that’s easier for the colon to process. However, keep in mind that bananas contain sugar, so you should only consume one banana per day.

6. Passion Fruits

Passion fruits contain some of the highest levels of fiber among all fruits. In just 100 g of passion fruit, the fiber content is 10.4 g! That’s a lot of fiber when compared with other fruits. So, go for it to ease constipation woes.

7. Guavas

Among the finest of fruits, guavas were once underrated. In fact, they fare much better than apples and can indeed keep doctors away if eaten regularly. A 100 g guava holds 5.4 g of fiber. Hence, they facilitate easy bowel movement.

8. Blackberries

Blackberries contain one of the highest antioxidant levels and are rich in bioflavonoids and vitamin C. Up to 5.3 g of fiber is found in 100 g of blackberries.




5 Reasons You Should Start Your Day With A Glass Of Warm Water

How you start your day is extremely important. We all have our own ritual we do when we get up. Some of us need hot coffee first thing in the morning, some of us need breakfast first, and some cannot fathom putting anything into our systems. Whatever your ritual is, it is vital for setting the tone and mood to your day. We all know the saying “Waking up on the wrong side of bed”; these words hold truth for those of us that wake up feeling not so great in the morning after a particularly rough night.

We’ve heard of the water therapy on countless times. But how many of us actually partake in it. Water, as we all know is an essential element for the existence of mankind. I don’t know how many people prefer their tea or coffee cold.

However, when it comes to water, most people prefer it ice cold. According to Ayurveda, you are doing it wrong. Regular consumption of warm water, especially in the morning, has beneficial effect on the body.

Below are five of such health benefits;

1. Boosts Metabolism

Unfortunately, we all get stomachaches. Well, this means that you should definitely drink 1 glass of warm water in the morning on empty stomach. Why – well, that’s easy to answer – because it will boost your metabolism and it will help your body to function properly. Your stomachaches will disappear almost instantly!

2. Eases Pain

Many experts around the world claim that the warm water is the most powerful natural remedy and that it can alleviate pain with menstrual cramps. This water’s heat will relax tummy muscles and it will soothe the pain. We can also mention that warm water is also extremely good for all kinds of cramps. This is because warm water enhances capillary circulation and it relaxes the muscles.

3. Improves Circulation

Drinking warm water in the morning will improve your circulation as well! How this works – well, the experts say that if you drink warm water in the morning, on empty stomach, it will help your body to flush all harmful toxins and wastes. So, in this way, it will improve its circulation.

4. Cleanse The Body From Harmful Toxins

Yes, and if you drink cup of hot water in the morning, it will help you clean your body from harmful toxins. How this works – well, this is mainly because water and other liquids promote the decomposition of food in the stomach and improve the digestive tract. So, try to replace the cold water with hot water, and you will improve your digestion, especially after meals.

5. Slow Down the Aging Process

How this works – well, first of all, premature aging is the worst nightmare for every person in the world, especially for women. But, ladies, you shouldn’t be worried, because this can be prevented by consuming warm water. As we all know, the presence of toxins in the body speeds up the aging process, and just like we said, water frees the body of toxins, and it slows down the aging process and increases the skin’s elasticity. That’s it – 6 very important reasons why you should drink warm water in the morning, on empty stomach. We really hope you find this post helpful and please share it with your friends and family. Thanks again and have a good one!

6. Speed-Up the Weight Loss Process

Can I ask you a simple question – did you know that a glass of warm water in the morning will help you lose weight much faster, right? This is because warm water increases body temperature and accelerates your organism. So, in this way, your body will burn more calories and you’ll also have a beneficial effect on your kidneys and all excretion organ.

So, make it a habit to drink a glass of warm water each morning on an empty stomach.




Know Your Sleeping Positions, Its Advantages And Disadvantages On Your Health

Do you sleep on your back, side, or tummy? If you are pregnant, sore, or have certain medical conditions, you may have to sleep in certain positions to be comfortable. Sleeping the wrong way can cause or aggravate neck or back pain. How you sleep may reveal aspects of your personality. Read on to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of your sleeping position.

1. Sleeping On Your Back

Some people who sleep on their backs may experience low back pain from this sleep position. It can also make existing back pain worse. So this is not the best sleep position for lower back pain. If you suffer from snoring or sleep apnea, sleeping on your back may aggravate these conditions. There are upsides to sleeping on your back. Your head, neck, and spine are in a neutral position so you’re less likely to experience neck pain. Sleeping on your back with your head slightly elevated is also the best sleep position for heartburn.

2. Sleeping On Your Stomach

Approximately 7% of people sleep on their stomach. It may help ease snoring, but sleeping in this position may aggravate other medical conditions. Your neck and spine are not in a neutral position when you sleep on your stomach. This may cause neck and back pain. Stomach sleeping can put pressure on nerves and cause numbness, tingling, and nerve pain. It’s best to choose another sleep position if you are stomach sleeper. If you can’t break the habit, prop your forehead up on a pillow so your head and spine remain in a neutral position and you have room to breathe.

3. Star Fish Position

People who sleep in a starfish position sleep on their backs with their arms up over their head. Approximately 5% of people sleep this way. Research shows people who sleep in this position do not like being the center of attention. They are also likely to be good listeners and helpful. As all those who sleep on their backs, people who sleep in the starfish position may be prone to snoring and sleep problems.

4. Freefall Position

About 7% of people sleep on their stomachs with their heads turned to the side. People who sleep this way have their arms wrapped around a pillow or tucked under a pillow. One sleep researcher discovered people who sleep this way may be more likely to be outspoken, outgoing, and sociable. They may also be more likely to not take criticism well.

5. The Soldier Position

In this position, the sleepers lie on their backs and their arms are down and close to the body. Approximately 8% of people sleep like this. Research has shown that people who sleep in this position may have quiet and reserved personalities. They may also have high standards both for themselves and others. This is not one of the best sleep positions for snoring and may prevent you from getting a restful night’s sleep. Talk to your doctor if snoring keeps you from getting enough rest.

6. Sleeping On Your Side

The most popular sleep position by far is side sleeping. Approximately 41% of people sleep this way, curled up on their sides with their knees bent. This is also called the fetal position. More women than men sleep in this position. This position is good for pregnant women because it facilitates circulation to both mom and the fetus. The position may be good for those who snore. If you have arthritis, sleeping in this position may make you sore. Curling up may also prevent you from breathing deeply because your diaphragm is restricted.

7. The Log Position

People who sleep in the log position sleep on their sides with their arms down next to their bodies. This sleep position may be good for you if you snore. If you have arthritis, you may wake up in pain. Approximately 15% of people sleep like a log. Researchers have found that people who sleep this way easygoing and social. They are more likely to be trusting, perhaps even gullible.

8. The Spooning Position


Spooning is a side sleeping position for couples where the person in the back holds the one in the front close to their body. Couples may wake up more frequently sleeping this way, but cuddling stimulates the release of oxytocin. This is a hormone that promotes bonding, decreases stress, and may help you get to sleep more quickly. Cuddling for as little as 10 minutes is enough to trigger the release of oxytocin.

9. The Fetal Position

Side sleepers who sleep with their legs bent and curled toward their torsos are sleeping in the so called fetal position. Women are twice as likely to sleep in the fetal position as men. Researchers have found that people who sleep in the fetal position have warm and friendly personalities. They may be more likely to be sensitive on the inside and have a tough, protective exterior. If sleeping this way hurts your hips, placing a pillow between your knees may help relieve the pressure.

10. The Yearner Position


People who sleep in the yearner position sleep on their sides with their arms outstretched in front of the body. The position may be good for you if you snore, but bad if you suffer from arthritis. Approximately 13% of people sleep in this position. In a study, a researcher found that people who sleep in the yearner position are stubborn. They are open-minded, but also suspicious and cynical. They tend to stick to a decision once they’ve made up their minds.


Six (6) Natural Remedies To Help You Stop Snoring

Snoring is one of the most embarrassing involuntary actions that bug a lot of people’s lives. Sleeping in the same room with someone who snores can really be a pin in the a$$. It can result in poor sleep for you and whoever you share a room with.This unpleasant habit, is however, caused by the relaxation of muscles in the roof of your mouth, tongue and throat which can block your airways and cause vibration.

You don’t always have to use fancy medication and drastic measures to stop it. Here are five ways in which you can cut out your snoring habit with simple, natural remedies.


Why do people snore?

In fact, snoring may be a sign of a serious health condition, including:

  • obstructive sleep apnea (blocked airways)
  • obesity
  • an issue with the structure of your mouth, nose, or throat
  • sleep deprivation.

In this case,  it’s important to seek a doctor’s care in order to get the medical treatment you need to address the underlying condition.

In other cases, snoring may be caused simply by sleeping on your back or drinking alcohol too close to bedtime.

It is therefore important that you know what’s making you snore so you can figure out which remedy to use.

No matter the cause, there are solutions to relieve your snoring and help you and your loved one sleep better at night.

Cases of snoring caused by benign factors — like sleep position — can often be treated with simple home remedies.

Below are six of them;

1. Quit Bad Habits Such As Alcoholism, Smoking Etc

 Intake of Alcohol, sedatives, and drugs that promote deep sleep can all cause snoring. Even excessive tiredness can have that same effect. If you tone your tongue and throat muscles, they will have less of a tendency to let loose tissues flop into the airway during sleep.

If you cannot quit drinking or using sedatives for one reason or the other, make sure you don’t take any of such stuff at least two hours before bedtime.

2. Lose weight if you are overweight

This will help reduce the amount of tissue in the throat that might be causing your snoring. You can lose weight by reducing your overall caloric intake by eating smaller portions and more healthy foods. Make sure you get regular exercise daily. You may also consider seeing your doctor or a nutritionist for help.

3. Change Sleeping Position – Adjust Pillows

Another thing that makes you snore is sleeping on your back can be the sole cause of snoring, so try to maintain the sideways position throughout the night. However, if you have formed a habit of sleeping on your back, you can sew a tennis or golf ball into your pajama shirts to make rolling onto your back uncomfortable, hence forcing you back to the side position. After a while, sleeping on your side will become a habit and you can dispense with the tennis balls.

Secondly, elevating your head about four inches ease breathing and encourage your tongue and jaw to move forward. But note that if your head is too high, your airways can get constricted, still causing you to snore. If you have a pillow that is too thick, or you sleep on multiple pillows, try adjusting the height. There are specially designed pillows available to help prevent snoring by making sure your neck muscles are not crimped. Finding a pillow that keeps your head and neck in a proper position is worth taking the time to do to help you breathe right.

4. Cultivate Good Sleeping Habit

Create a healthy bedtime ritual and stick to it. Hitting the sack in a routine way can help you sleep better and minimize snoring. Set a time for retiring and a time for waking up. Poor sleep habits (also known as poor sleep “hygiene”) can have an effect similar to that of drinking alcohol. Working long hours without enough sleep makes you to finally hit the sack overtired – “You sleep hard and deep, and the muscles become floppier, which creates snoring.”

Make sure you get the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep you need each night.

5. Sleep on your side.

Sleeping on your back sometimes causes the tongue to move to the back of the throat, which partly blocks airflow through your throat. Sleeping on your side may be all you need to do to allow air to flow easily and reduce or stop your snoring.

6. Clear the Airways

Another of the snoring prevention tips is to clear sinus congestion if you’ve got a stuffy nose. Rinse sinuses with saline before bed using a Neti pot, nasal decongestant, antihistamine or nasal strips. This is because blockade of the air passage is a major cause of snoring, and this blockade is brought about by varying factors.

If you have allergies, reduce dust mites and pet dander in your bedroom or use an allergy medication. But, do not use those products for more than two weeks. If your congestion persists, see your doctor as the condition may be a result of a sinus infection that requires treatment with antibiotics.