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Get Rid Of Those Energy Drinks: 5 Health Benefits Of Drinking Coconut Water

Coconut ‘water’ is actually the juice present inside the endosperm (interior cavity) of the young (about 5-7 months old) and tender coconut. This clear liquid is sweet and sterile and contains various essential compounds such as vitamins, minerals, sugars, electrolytes, amino acids, phytohormones, and cytokine.

Each tender coconut may contain around 200 to 1000 ml of water, depending on the size and species. Any fruit that is younger than five months of age will be bitter and without any nutrients. On the other hand, mature coconuts have less water because their endosperm is thick with a white edible kernel.

Below are 5 reasons you should get rid of those energy drinks and take more coconut water;

1.It Prevents And Treats Dehydration

Dehydration occurs when the water content in your body drops. It is usually a result of not drinking enough water or losing water through excretion. Coconut water keeps you hydrated, which is why a lot of athletes use it as a post-workout drink.

When you are dehydrated, you don’t just lose water; you lose essential salts and nutrients as well. Coconut water, which has high water content and is rich in nutrients, helps replenish your body

2. Promotes Cardiovascular Health

For a healthy heart, you need to eat nutritious food and exercise regularly. And now, you can add drinking coconut water to the list.

Studies have shown that coconut water can reduce the risk of heart attacks, lower blood pressure, and hypertension.

Tender coconut water, preferably fresh, can be had once a day to improve cardiovascular health.

Caution—Coconut water might be low in calories, but the yield from one coconut can contain about five grams of sugar. Therefore, drinking too much coconut water is not recommended.

3. Aids Digestion

It is common knowledge that ingesting fibers is essential for your digestive system to function properly. Coconut water is rich in fibre, which is why it helps with your digestive system.

The water a single coconut yield contains about 9% of the amount of fiber that is required by your body in a single day.

4. Aids Weight Loss

Weight loss is one of the most amazing benefits of drinking coconut water. Consuming empty calories is one the main reasons you tend to put on weight. Aerated drinks and other sugary drinks can make you pile on calories and leave you feeling hungry. If you are seeking an alternative, coconut water is an excellent substitute.

Coconut water is a good source of dietary fiber. Fiber does not get digested by your body, so it stays in your system longer and keeps you feeling full. This is why you rarely feel hungry, and eat less.

5. Beneficial After A Prolonged Workout Session

Replace your energy drinks with coconut to stay hydrated even after a long work-out session.

Coconut water is rich in essential potassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium which helps natural replenishment of lost electrolytes in the body. Also, they assist in maintaining proper fluid balance.


Five (5) Health Benefits Of Mangoes

Mangoes come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors depending on the type of cultivar.  Their shape also varies from oval, round, heart shaped to kidney shaped or long and slender.  It has a pleasant and rich flavor, which is a combination of sweet with mild tartness. All varieties of mangoes have been hailed as delicacies and are used in several recipes including savory dishes, desserts and smoothies. Unripe mangoes are used to make pickles. They are a rich source of vitamins A, C and D.

Below are 5 health benefits of eating mangoes;

1. Controls Blood Pressure:

Fresh mango is a good source of potassium, which is an important component of cell and body fluids. Potassium helps control heart rate, blood pressure and prevents cardiovascular diseases.

2. Aids Weight Loss:

Mango is low in calories and devoid of any sodium or fat. Being loaded with nutrients in concentrated form, mango can be a healthy snack substitute. The high fiber content helps burn additional calories by boosting the digestive function of the body, thus helping in weight loss. The vitamins and minerals in the fruit also helps to keep you satiated for a longer time.

3. Good For Diabetics:

Apart from the fruit, mango leaves are particularly beneficial for diabetic patients as they can normalize blood insulin levels. The traditional remedy is to boil mango leaves in water, soak them overnight and then consume the filtered concoction in the morning. This will regulate the body’s insulin levels. Since mangoes have a low glycemic index, consuming them in moderate quantities will not increase your sugar levels.

4. Aphrodisiac Qualities:

Mango is also referred to as the ‘love fruit’ due to its aphrodisiac qualities. Consumption of mangoes can increase virility in men. The abundant amount of vitamin E in mangoes helps to regulate sex hormones and boosts sex drive.

5. Treatment Of Acne:

Vitamins C and vitamin A in mangoes are strong antioxidants that help in curing acne and pimples. Vitamin A is your skin’s best friend and its deficiency can lead to dull skin, open pores, eruptions on the arms and elbows. Vitamin C is involved in collagen formation and keeps your skin firm. If you have acne prone skin, you can prepare a raw mango astringent by boiling some unpeeled raw mangoes in water. After cooling, apply this solution on your skin for soothing effect. Drinking mango juice also prevents the outbreak of acne.


5 Reasons You Should Gift Dark Chocolate To That ‘Special Someone’ This Xmas

Thinking of what to gift that special person this Christmas. Well, you might have heard of the numerous health risks of eating too much chocolate.

Hey, if that is your worry, then worry no more because, dark chocolates are exception.

Keep in mind that all chocolate was not created equal;

Dark chocolate packs more of a health punch overall, but even the bittersweet varieties can be high in calories, fat and sugar.

However, treating yourself to a small amount regularly is definitely a health message we can get behind.

Take a look at some of the surprising health benefits below;

1.It Improves Blood Flow

Cocoa has anti-clotting, blood-thinning properties  that work in a similar way to aspirin which can improve blood flow and circulation.

2. It Can Quiet Coughs

Can’t stop coughing? An ingredient in chocolate called theobromine seems to reduce activity of the vagus verve, the part of the brain that triggers hard-to-shake coughs. In late 2010, the BBC reported that scientists were investigating creating a drug containing theobromine to replace cough syrups containing codeine, which can have risky side effects.

 3. It Protects Your Skin

Forget what you’ve heard about chocolate causing breakouts: Dark chocolate is actually good for your skin. The type of antioxidants called flavonoids found in it offer some protection from UV damage from the sun. And no, that does not mean you can skip the sunscreen!
4. It May Fight Diabetes
A small Italian study from 2005 found that regularly eating chocolate increases insulin sensitivity, thereby reducing risk of diabetes.
5.  It Improves Vision
Because of chocolate’s ability to improve blood flow, in particular to the brain, researchers at the University of Reading hypothesized in a small 2011 study that it may also increase blood flow to the retina, thereby giving vision a boost.
So now that you know the health benefits, don’t you think giving at least a bar to that special person this festive season would cause no harm?
Besides, who doesn’t love chocolate, well some do but the lovers are many.

Six Health Benefits Of Drinking Water

Water is the main component of the human body. In fact, the body is composed of between 55 and 78 percent water, depending on body size. Adequate and regular water consumption has numerous health benefits. As an added plus, it has no calories, fat, carbohydrates or sugar.

The amount of water you consume everyday plays an important role in maintaining a healthy body. Experts recommend drinking eight to 10 glasses of water each day to maintain good health.

Furthermore, the Institute of Medicine has determined the adequate intake of total beverage per day (AI) to be about three liters or 13 cups for men and 2.2 liters or nine cups for women.

It helps keep the body well hydrated, which is essential because almost every cell in the body needs water to function properly.

Here are 6 reasons why you should drink more water:

1)Flushes Out Toxins

Helps the body get rid of waste through sweat and urination which reduces the risk of kidney stones and UTI’s (urinary tract infections).

2)Boosts Immune System

A water guzzler is less likely to get sick. And who wouldn’t rather feel healthy the majority of the time? Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu, cancer and other ailments like heart attacks.

3)Natural Headache Remedy

Helps relieve and prevent headaches (migraines & back pains too!) which are commonly caused by dehydration.

4)Improves Skin Complexion

Moisturizes your skin, keeps it fresh, soft, glowing and smooth. Gets rid of wrinkles and is the best anti-aging treatment around.

5)Promotes Weight Loss

Removes by-products of fat, reduces eating intake (by filling up your tummy if consumed prior to meals), reduces hunger (hello natural appetite suppressant!), raises your metabolism and has zero calories!

6)Increases Energy & Relieves Fatigue

Since your brain is mostly water, drinking it helps you think, focus and concentrate better and be more alert. As an added bonus, your energy levels are also boosted!

6 Amazing Health Benefits Of Tiger Nuts(Chufa)

Tiger nuts are one of nature’s super foods. They are high in fibre and highly nutritious. It is believed to contain ingredients that can help prevent heart attacks and improve blood circulation. People in North Africa and Spain have been snacking on tiger nuts for centuries. The Tiger nut is not a “nut” but a “TUBER”

Composition of Tiger Nuts Tuber (g/100 g)

Moisture 26
Lipid 24.49
Fiber 8.91
Starch 29.90
Ash 1.70
Protein 5.04
Sucrose 13.03
Carbohydrates 43.30
Sugar 15.42

Below are 6 of the amazing health benefits of tiger nuts:

1.Tiger nuts are a good source of Vitamin E

Tiger nuts are a good source of the antioxidant, Vitamin E, which helps to protect against the damage caused by free radicals in the body. By protecting the body against free radicals, Vitamin E can help prevent both cancer and coronary diseases, as well as slow down the onset of the signs of ageing.

2.They help to control blood pressure

The nuts are high in amino acids, especially one called arginine, which has been shown to be beneficial to those suffering with high blood pressure. It has also been clinically proven to reduce blood pressure.

3.They contain the healthy fats

Tiger nuts contain the healthy oils that are very similar to olive oil. The oil extracted from the nuts consists of around 80% unsaturated fats and only 18% of the cholesterol causing saturated fat.

4. They help regulate blood sugar levels

Another one of great health benefits is that they help regulate blood sugar levels. The insoluble fibre found in tiger nuts can be of great help to diabetics. It is important to diabetics, because, unlike other carbohydrates, it does not cause peaks and troughs in the blood sugar levels.

5. They are a rich source of protein

A vital ingredient used in the building of muscle, skin and bone is protein and tiger nuts provide a rich source of it. They are in fact one the best, non-meat, sources of protein that there is.

6.They are a good source of magnesium

They are good natural source of magnesium, needed for the proper functioning of the immune system. Magnesium help with muscle and nerve function and regulates the heart beat and maintain healthy blood pressure levels.

Five Foods To Avoid When Trying To Lose Weight

These days, everyone is trying to ether lose weight or maintain it. Losing weight comes with so many ups and downs accompanied sometimes by exercises that sometimes deter one from even achieving the goal of losing weight.

As it stands, our weight is mostly determined by the foods we eat. This is because foods we eat can have a major effect on our weight.

Some foods, like full-fat yogurt, coconut oil and eggs, help with weight loss. Other foods, especially processed and refined products, can make you gain weight. It is therefore essential for us to not only beware of the time we eat but to also know the types of foods to eat when considering weight lose.
Below are five foods to consider not eating when trying to lose weight:

1.Sugary Drinks

Sugar-sweetened beverages, like soda among others are one of the unhealthiest foods on the planet. They are strongly associated with weight gain and can have disastrous health effects when consumed in excess. Even though sugary drinks contain a lot of calories, your brain doesn’t register them like solid food. Liquid sugar calories don’t make you feel full, and you won’t eat less food to compensate. Instead, you end up adding these calories on top of your normal intake. If you are serious about losing weight, consider giving up sugary drinks completely.

2. Pastries, Cookies, Cakes

Pastries, cookies and cakes are packed with unhealthy ingredients like added sugar and refined flour. They may also contain artificial trans fats, which are very harmful and linked to many diseases. Pastries, cookies and cakes are not very satisfying, and you will likely become hungry very quickly after eating these high-calorie, low-nutrient foods. If you’re craving something sweet,it is advisable to reach for a piece of dark chocolates instead.

3. Ice Cream

Ice cream is incredibly delicious, but very unhealthy. It is high in calories, and most types are loaded with sugar. A small portion of ice cream is fine every now and then, but the problem is that it’s very easy to consume massive amounts in one sitting. Consider making your own ice cream, using less sugar and healthier ingredients like full-fat yogurt and fruit. Remember that store-bought ice cream is high in sugar, and homemade ice cream is a better alternative. Also, be mindful of portions, as it’s very easy to eat too much ice cream. Serve yourself a small portion and put the ice cream away so that you won’t end up eating too much.

4. Some Types Of Alcohol, Especially Beer

Alcohol provides more calories than carbs and protein, or about 7 calories per gram. However, the evidence for alcohol and weight gain is not clear. Drinking alcohol in moderation seems to be fine and is actually linked to reduced weight gain. Heavy drinking, on the other hand, is associated with increased weight gain. The type of alcohol also matters. Beer can cause weight gain, but drinking wine in moderation may actually be beneficial.

5. Foods High In Added Sugar

Added sugar is one of the worst things in the modern diet. Excess amounts have been linked to some of the most serious diseases in the world today. Foods high in added sugar usually provide tons of empty calories, but are not very filling. Examples of foods that may contain massive amounts of added sugar include sugary breakfast cereals, granola bars and low-fat, flavored yogurt. You should be especially careful when selecting “low-fat” or “fat-free” foods, as manufacturers often add lots of sugar to make up for the flavor that’s lost when the fat is removed.

Many products, such as low-fat and fat-free foods, seem healthy but are loaded with sugar

5 Health Benefits Of Prekese

Tetrapleura tetraptera is a species of flowering plant in the pea family native to Western Africa. The plant is called Prekese (or, more correctly, Prɛkɛsɛ) in the Twi language of Ghana. It is also called Uhio (Uhiokrihio) in the Igbo Language of Nigeria,

The tree has many uses. Its sweet fragrance is highly valued. The fruit is conventionally used as spice and as a natural multivitamins. It is rich in protein, lipids, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, and vitamin C. In Nigeria, it is cooked in soup and fed to mothers to prevent post-partum contraction. In Ghana, prekese has been used to flavor soft drinks. The major constituents are Tannins, flavonoids and starch.

In West Africa, the plant Tetrapleura tetraptera (locally known as Aridan) is used as a spice, a medicine and as a dietary supplement rich in vitamins. It is mostly found in Ghana in the West Africa. it is used to prepare palm nut soup because of it medicinal benefits.

Below are 5 health benefits of Prekese:

1. Diabetes

Prekese Fruit Juice

As per a study done on rats, it was found that Tetrapleura tetraptera or Uyayak is very beneficial in controlling type 2 diabetes mellitus. It was also found that prekese fruit extract was beneficial in lowering blood glucose levels in both fasting and nonfasting conditions.

2. Fever And Enema

A person who is recovering from a medical condition is often asked to bathe with water soaked with whole fruit. This also gives fast relief from feverish conditions. Similar infusion also helps people suffering from constipation, enema, and emetic.

3. Mosquito Repellent

The fruit has a strong smell due to which it is often used as the mosquito repellent and is effective too. This property is attributed to the presence of essential oils in it.

4. Pospartum Care

Edeminang pod is used as an additive in the soup which is served to postpartum mother to avoid contraction. The pods are rich in potassium, iron, and calcium which are the three most important ingredients required for postpartum woman. The soup also helps in the production of milk in new mothers and helps to restore the lost blood.

5. Wound Healing Properties

Wet fruit extract of the dry prekese has very good wound healing properties. Traditionally the aqueous extract from the fruit is used for healing which is proved scientifically too. However, the low concentration (200mg/ml) of the extract proved to be more efficient than when high concentration (2000mg/ml) extract was taken. The study was done at the University of Uyo.

To have best effects always use the fruit extract in low concentration for healing wounds.