Do you inwardly groan in agony each time your spouse mutters: “Aki sina pesa ya Chama hii mwezi….”?

Despite the effects of the pandemic, the festive season is gradually mellowing. It may not peak to usual levels in previous years, but, still, the festive fever is slowly spreading.

People seem happier on a general scale.

The urban dwellers are increasingly lighting up sleepy, dreary village paths. It’s a great change for new faces, new dialects and much-needed treats from the city.

The hilarious theatrics, though!

The inevitable Selfie’s are OK, and expected.

Grandma is patiently begrudging teenage grandkids with the odd Selfie. After all, she recently got funky new dentures – a set of heavenly white enamel jewels.

What’s not Ok, though, is the filters on every photo taken for Instagram. The village has a natural feel, a rusty aura that makes a fortnight away from the concrete jungle a worthwhile sojourn.

Be natural!

The men use the village vacation to bond with their age mates.

They’ll leave the homestead at break of dawn ‘to see Mwenda pale karibu na cattle dip’ – and, they’ll return at midnight, if at all.

They’ll return sloshed on local brews. But, true to self, they’ll chew their way through cold dinner to appease their spouses!

Men are simple in nature. No one cares about who bought a new ride, or who snapped up a lucrative tender with a local NGO. Their boyhood friendships are rekindled over a pot of local brew.

The urban women easily bond in secluded groups with their village peers and share funny tidbits about their husbands.

Women are generous – they’ll share wigs, weaves and Vitenge fabrics. They’ll share new recipes and coach each other on new beauty trends.

The urban ladies will call their urban friends and introduce them to their village friends – and it’s wonderful, basic networking.

“Aki wewe Mama Natasha, ukipatana na Mama Mike mnaweza kuwa marafiki sana”.

And, that’s how lifelong friendships are made.

Women tend to cement new alliances with future plans. They’ll make steaming pots of tea – and talk about forming new Chama’s. They’ll even elect new officials and form a conclusive constitution.

It matters not, if all members are in the village for X-mas. They’ll call lady friends they think are a fit for the new Chama.

It’s incredulous, but a section of the region’s most enterprising investments started with a group of ladies gushing about everything over a pot of tea.

The new Chama officials will hit the ground running. The treasurer role usually gets a grounded woman.

She’ll marshal the rest into opening a central Chama account.

For this account, each will get the number – and, like clockwork, each member channels monthly contributions.

The men? Well, the agony wrought upon by their spouses muttering:

“Aki sina pesa ya Chama hii mwezi….”

If you form an impromptu Chama with fellow ladies, it’s prudent to consider opening a central Chama account with Co-op Bank.

Co-op Bank has established a unique grass root banking experience through its Co-op Kwa Jirani model that mirrors banking in conventional banking halls.

These agents are your everyday grocer shops, butcheries, hardware dealers, et al.

At Co-op Kwa Jirani, one can make instant cash withdrawals and deposits from Co-op Bank account, SACCO Account or Fethalink.

That’s how conveniently new Chama members make deposits into a central account, right from next door!

About this writer:

Kibaki Muthamia

Storyteller. SEO & UX Expert. Scriptwriter. CVs & Resumes. Biographies. [email protected]