Mozzart gifts Nuu community in Kitui with a fresh water point worth Ksh.3M

While substantial progress has been made in increasing access to clean drinking water, millions of people mostly in rural areas, still lack this basic need.

According to statistics worldwide, one in three people do not have access to safe drinking water.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also demonstrated the critical importance of sanitation, hygiene and adequate access to clean water for preventing and containing diseases.

It is with this in mind that Mozzart commissioned its eight water project in the Kyumbe Primary School in Wingemi Location, Kitui Country.

Mozzart has continued to show support to the people of Kenya through Social Responsibility and initiative “Action 100 Wells” which aims to deliver clean and safe drinking water to needy communities by drilling boreholes.

The head teacher, Mr Robert Wambua, thanked Mozzart for the gesture.

“Thank you Mozzart for what you have done. This is a very great resource for the people in this community. You have solved a big water problem that has been with us for years. We had pupils walking 25 kms with 5 litres of water everyday but that burden has now been relieved. The burden has also been lifted off the backs of the parents thanks to Mozzart,”

Area Chief Geoffrey Mutiango echoed Wambua’s sentiments.

“On behalf of people of Wingemi Location and parents at large I can’t express how these people feel. We want to say thank you on behalf of them. We have approximately of 80,000 people residing in this location and we will ensure this serves them all. We have suffered together and we are now going to enjoy together. This is good news to us and I want to also ensure that we will give this project maximum security it deserves for it to serve us for a very long time.”, he said.

Mozzart Marketing Manager Frank Ochieng urged the local leadership to ensure the project benefits as many people within the area as possible.

“This is the eighth borehole we have successfully commissioned and we are very proud and happy to support the Nuu community. Six out of the eight boreholes are powered by solar pumps to sort out the problem with electricity outages, but most importantly in areas not yet connected to the national electricity grid. Since Mozzart has enabled the water to come up, my humble plea to the area leadership in charge of water is to lobby to ensure the water is piped for it to reach many more residents of Nuu,” he said.

So far Mozzart has commissioned fresh water points in Munguini Secondary School in Maragua, Muranga County, Imbo Kothidha, Homabay County, Lurambi Primary School, Kakamega County, Chebunyo Dispensary, Bomet County and Katanga Secondary School.

Others include Machakos County, Murumba Market, Busia County, Kakili Primary School, Makueni County and now Kyumbe Primary School, Kitui County.

The total cost of this project at Nuu is Ksh 2,964,044.

Drive Inn Primary School benefits as Mozzart renovates drainage and donates equipment worth Ksh.1,000,000

Education is the key to a better future for children, but without properly equipped classrooms, many kids struggle to learn.

Mozzart company recognized the importance of creating a safe and comfortable learning environment and donated 100 desks to Drive Inn Primary School in Nairobi.

Mozzart’s Country Director Sasa Krneta, Serbia Ambassador to Kenya Dragan Zupanjevac and other dignitaries were led by school officials in inspecting a drainage system that the company funded its renovation.

Thereafter, they officially handed over the new desks to the school.

The school’s headmistress Catherine Chalo thanked Mozzart and the Serbian Embassy in Kenya saying the gesture will go a long way in ensuring the students learn in a safe and better environment.

“This is great day for as as a community. We are really happy for the donation and what we have done to us. Now our pupils are no longer going to be squeezed as it has been. Now they are going to be comfortable learning.” She said.

Ambassador Dragan Zupanjevac urged the pupils to work hard and also thanked Mozzart for being involved in community projects in Kenya.

“I am very happy to hear today. We really thank our Serbian embassy and Mozzart Bet Kenya for coming through and initiating this. Let’s continue to support each other in developments especially education. Kenya and Serbia are good friends.” He said.

Mozzart Country Director Sasa Krneta reiterated the organization’s mission to support Kenyan communities.

“As Mozzart, we have always been willing to support community projects. The community is always at the center of whatever we do and we are always eager to assist. It is much easier to do so when you have institutional support, and in this case also great help of Embassy of Serbia in Kenya.” He said.

“I would especially like to thank our Ambassador for the initiative, we worked together in this mission to assist these children to attain their full potential,” he added.

“I really hope this donation will help create a safe and comfortable learning environment. We saw here today a lot of kids that are really determined to learn and the least thing we can do is to give them something that will enable them to achieve their goals,”

Krneta said that Mozzart’s ongoing CSR activities will continue and that they we will put more resources to help communities around the country through several initiatives.

A sleek new Toyota Urban Cruiser up for grabs by a lucky Mozzart gamer!

Leading gaming company Mozzart has launched a promotion that will see one punter walk away with a brand new Toyota Urban Cruiser.

The winner of the promotion is one participant who will have won a Multi-bet with the most matches; “The Longest Winning Multi-bet slip.”

The multi-bet must be won in-order to qualify for the promotion.

The promotion will run from Friday 1st October to Sunday 19th December.

For your multi-bet to qualify for the win the Longest Multi-bet ticket and Win a Car Promotion;

  • Place a multi-bet of a minimum 4 games.
  • The minimum stake on your Multi-bet must be Ksh 50.
  • Each qualifying prediction in your multi-bet slip must have minimum odds of 1.35.
  • If your multi-bet contains some predictions with odds less than 1.35, those specific predictions will not be counted while finding which player has the longest winning multi-bet.
  • If a sporting event in your multi-bet is canceled for any reason, odds of 1 are calculated for that event, but the multi-bet still participates in the prize game, but that sporting event is not taken into account for calculation.
  • In the event that the kick-off of a sporting event is postponed, the ticket still participates in the promotion, but will wait a maximum of 50 hours to confirm the outcome of the event.

In case two or more players have the same number of won multi-bet matches and meets all the other conditions, the winner of the promotion will be determined in the following priority order:

The winning multi-bet with the most matches containing minimum odds equal to or over 1.35.

In case there is a tie on the most won matches in the bet slip, the participant who placed their bet first according to time will have the advantage.

In the unlikely event there is a tie on the most won matches in the bet slip, and also a tie on the participant who placed their bet first according to time, then a Live draw will be conducted.

All events on the bet slip must be sports events (results of individual or group sports events, a certain event during a sports competition, etc.)

Live bet tickets do not qualify. The bet slip may contain matches with Bonus odds.

The beginning of all sports events on the ticket must not be earlier than 00:01, October 1st, 2021.

Otherwise, the ticket is not taken into account. I.e. It does not meet the conditions for participation in the prize game.

Mozzart has other interesting offers on its portal e.g crazy bonus and world’s biggest odds. Play now

Mozzart infuses sponsorship for Nandi Road Race with a tree-planting, water-conservation exercise

The 11th edition of Nandi Road Race has received a big boost after leading gaming firm Mozzart pumped in Ksh 3M into this year’s event which is set to be held on Sunday 27th June in the athletics-rich Kapsabet town, Nandi County.

Themed ‘Preservation and Conservation of water towers and wetlands for the sustainable water resources‘, the race’s primary objective is environmental conservation and restoration of the county’s shrinking water towers and wetlands.

Registration for the event opened on Wednesday, 16 June with the organizers expecting a respectable entry list given the long layoff occasioned by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Among notable winners of the event since its inception in 2006 is World Championships bronze medalist at the 2017 and 2019 events in 10,000m Agnes Tirop who won the 2018 edition of the race.

Others include 2012 World Half Marathon bronze medalist Paskalia Chepkorir.

Mozzart wills to sponsor this noble event and the theme of this year’s race which is preserving our water catchment areas, is in line with their focus to provide clean water for use by Kenyans even in the most remote villages.

Hosea Sanga, the Athletics Kenya Vice Chairperson, Nandi County during the event’s launch in Nairobi, says:

“In the history of this race, we believe this will be the best event we have hosted. Athletes are eager to race after a long layoff due to the Covid-19 pandemic and we believe the turn up for the main event, the 10km men and women’s race will be good.”

In addition to the competitive 10km races, a 2km fun race has been organized aimed at having the community in Nandi County be part of the event which will be preceded by a tree-planting exercise in line with the theme of the race this year.

Mozzart Country Manager Saša Krneta was at the event, and said:

“As Mozzart, we are happy to sponsor this noble event and the theme of this year’s race which is preserving our water catchment areas, is in line with our focus to provide clean water for use by Kenyans even in the most remote villages,”

“Preserving the environment especially the water catchment areas is a crucial step in ensuring Kenyans can have access to clean water for use,” He adds.

Mozzart has an ongoing program known as “100 wells for our communities” whose purpose is to dig new water points across the country that will provide clean water for citizens.

So far the leading betting firm has drilled five wells and are aiming for more.

usia County people in celebration mode as Mozzart commissions a community Clean Water Project worth Ksh. 2.3M

Investing in clean water, sanitation and hygiene is cost-effective and good for society in so many ways.

Infectious water-borne diseases like diarrhoea, cholera, typhoid, Hepatitis A will be a thing of the past.

Clean drinking water is an essential foundation for good health.

It is for this reasons that Mozzart last year kicked off an ambitious project named “ACTION 100 WELLS” that aims at drilling boreholes to deliver safe and clean drinking water to over 100 communities in Kenya.

On Tuesday 18th May, the leading gaming company commissioned another water point worth Ksh 2.3 Million in Murumba Market, Busia County.

Busia County Governor during the commissioning event.

Busia County Governor Hon Sospeter Ojaamong thanked Mozzart for the gesture.

“We are very grateful top Mozzart for including Busia County in this great initiative. This will go a long way in increasing access to clean water for our people at the grassroots. I also wish to appreciate Mozzart for taking its CSR activities to rural Kenya, where great impact will be felt, this is very commendable,” he said.

While substantial progress has been made in increasing access to clean drinking water, billions of people mostly in rural areas, still lack this basic need.

According to global statistics, one in three people do not have access to safe drinking water.

Busia County Deputy Governor gives his remarks during the event.

Busia County Deputy Governor H.E Moses Mulomi echoed the sentiments of the governor.

“This project will improve the lives of area residents and it comes at a time when we are finalizing the tarmacking of this road that links Khunyangu Sub County Hospital. The future is bright for the people of this area and we sincerely thank Mozzart for this great initiative,” he said.

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the critical importance of sanitation, hygiene and adequate access to clean water for preventing and containing diseases.

So far, Mozzart has completed 5 boreholes, in Imbo Kothidha, Homa Bay County, at Lurambi Primary School, Kakamega County, at Chebunyo Dispensary, Bomet County, at Katanga Secondary School, Machakos County and now at Murumba Market in Busia County.

The boreholes are powered by Solar pumps to sort out the problem with electricity outages

According to the World Health Organization, hand washing is one of the most effective actions you can take to reduce the spread of pathogens and prevent infections, including the COVID-19 virus.

“Mozzart’s ‘Action 100 Wells’ project hopes to improve the living conditions of millions of people across Kenya’s 47 counties by giving them access to safe and clean drinking water. We have done 5 wells and have 95 more to go. Mozzart is proud to improve the lives of Murumba residents and to ensure the problem of lack of water in Murumba Market, Busia County is a thing of the past.”

Mozzart Country Manager Saša Krneta said.

Mozzart has spent over Ksh 70 million in CSR activities and provided great support to healthcare facilities in the fight against coronavirus.

Almost every week healthcare facilities across Kenya receive critical medical equipment from the leading gaming company and through the “100 wells for our communites” project.

It’s a clear testimony of the company’s commitment in giving back to the society.

Homa Bay County Governor Cyprian Awiti: Mozzart’s donations will improve health care in our county

The end of the coronavirus is not yet in sight, but from day one Mozzart has constantly been providing assistance to the health system of Kenya.

Mozzart has so far spent over Ksh 70 million in various CSR activities, mostly for the fight against pandemic through the “SUPPORTING OUR HEALTHCARE FACILITIES” program.

This socially responsible company donates medical equipment to hospitals all over the country several times a month, and this time they visited Homa Bay Level 4 Hospital.

Part of the donated equipment which worth 2.5 million included 3ply disposable masks, N95 face masks, PPE kits, anti-fog goggles, face shields, mattresses and hospital beds.

At hand to receive the equipment was Homa Bay County Governor Hon. Cyprian Awiti and other dignitaries from the county.

Awiti was very grateful to Mozzart and said the donation would go a long way in improving health care in the county.

“Apart from the Covid-19 pandemic, this equipment will also be key in the fight against other diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV amongst others and we are therefore very grateful to Mozzart for the gesture.”

“These things will go a long way in addressing health care issues in our county. We feel elated and want to sincerely thank Mozzart. One health care uses at least two PPE’s in a day. A frontline worker might even use more so there’s need to have more and we thank Mozzart for this initiative,” he said,

“So far we have vaccinated slightly over 11,000 citizens in Homa Bay and we are still in progress to vaccinate more. Apart from the Covid-19 pandemic, this equipment will also be key in the fight against other diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV amongst others and we are therefore very grateful to Mozzart for the gesture.” He added.

Mozzart Country Manager Sasa Krneta confirmed the organization would continue its support to Kenyan communities through its various CSR activities.

Mozzart has donated critical equipment to 33 different hospitals across the country since last year and also also have the #Action100Wells which is basically aimed at digging 100 new water points in different locations in Kenya.

So far Mozzart has actioned four wells and the fourth one is ongoing in Busia. Their commitment to supporting Kenyans across the country is unwavering.

Mozzart purchases Christian Ronaldo’s armband for Ksh. 9.64M at a charity auction to raise money for a boy’s treatment

Mozzart will go to incredible odds for charitable causes

The gaming giant has purchased Christian Ronaldo’s armband in an auction, at a whopping £64,000.

To make it more palatable, that’s Ksh 9.64 million!

What’s inspiring is that all this was for a greater cause: it was a charity auction for the medical treatment of a little Serbian boy – Gavrilo Djurdjevic.

Mozzart participated in the auction, primarily because of its humanitarian cause, together with the strong desire to awaken the importance of social responsibility in other individuals, companies and organizations.

The captain’s armband of Cristiano Ronaldo, thrown to the ground of the Belgrade’s Maracana after the Serbia’s World Cup qualifier match against Portugal, was bought by the company Mozzart at a humanitarian auction and thus provided 7,500,000 dinars for the medical treatment of little Gavrilo Djurdjevic!

The auction was hosted online through Limundo platform by the organization “Together for Life”, which ended this morning at 9.38am, when Mozzart’s offer was declared the highest.

Speaking at the event, Borjan Popović, Director of the Corporate communications sector of Mozzart, said:

We decided to participate in the auction, primarily because of its humanitarian cause, together with the strong desire to awaken the importance of social responsibility in other individuals, companies and organizations.  For many years now, Mozzart has been helping many organizations in charge of raising the money  for the treatment of children”.

He further says:

We immediately joined the auction with the desire, not only to elevate the required amount  for the little Gavrilo, but also to raise the awareness of how necessary it is for all of us to be united and to continuously provide the support to such actions”.

The auction got the entire Serbia moving, which is why we hope that as many people as possible will now get involved and help, in accordance with their financial capacities.

As mentioned, Ronald⁷o angrily threw down his armband near the touchline after his injury-time goal was disallowed.

After the match, it was picked up by a young firefighter on duty Djordje Vukicevic, with the human purpose of helping little Gavrilo.

Gavrilo was born on September 7th 2020, and three months after his birth, he was diagnosed with a rare neuromuscular disease SMA 1 (spinal muscle atrophy type 1).

You can read HERE how you can help Gavrilo  in his difficult fight.

Mozzart supports the Kenya Police force with a donation of PPE’s worth Ksh 4 Million

Helping Kenya’s healthcare system has been a priority in Mozzart’s socially responsible work in recent months.

But, the goal of these actions is not only to improve working conditions of health workers, but also to establish support for the entire community.

Leading gaming company Mozzart donated Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) worth Ksh 4 Million to the Kenya Police on Tuesday 30 March.

The donated equipment included isolation gowns, nitrile powder free gloves, shoe covers, 3ply face masks with shields, 3ply protective face masks and disposable bags.

At hand to receive the donation was Mr. Nyale Munga, the Principal Assistant to the Inspector General of Police Hilary Mutyambai who thanked Mozzart.

“On behalf of the Inspector General and Kenya Police, I would like to thank Mozzart and we hope this is the beginning of a mutually beneficial partnership” He said.

Mozzart Country Director Mr. Sasa Krneta thanked the Kenya Police for serving the country even in the midst of the dangerous Coronavirus pandemic and reiterated the company’s commitment to helping Kenyan communities.

“We appreciate with gratitude the exceptional work the Police Service are doing in the country to ensure there’s peace and safety for everyone. Mozzart is very delighted to donate PPES to the Police in this exceptionally hard times,” he said.

“We hope these PPEs will aid in reducing the spread of the virus. The aim is to protect them (police) and the public in the fight against COVID-19 and to combat the spread,” he added.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Mozzart has invested over Ksh 60 million in the fight against Coronavirus by donating vital medical equipment to more than 30 hospitals around the country.

The donations included hospital beds, bed side lockers, patient monitors, oxygen concentrators, surgical masks, infant phototherapy machines, infant incubators amongst others.

The company also launched the “100 Wells for our communities” project that is aimed at delivering clean water to various communities around the country.

Mozzart makes a timely donation to Burnt Forest Sub-County Hospital of medical equipment worth Ksh 1.5 million

Leading gaming company Mozzart continued with its health philanthropy by donating medical equipment worth Ksh 1.5 million to the Burnt Forest Sub County Hospital on Wednesday 10th March.

These included hospital beds, bed side lockers, patient monitors, oxygen concentrators, surgical masks, infant phototherapy machine and an infant incubator.

“We were in dire need and you have given us just what we wanted. The donated items will be put in use immediately and they are really going to assist the people of Burnt Forest and Uasin Gishu County.” – Dr. Sonde Teddy, Medical Superintendent at Burnt Forest Sub County Hospital.

Dr. Sonde Teddy, the Medical Superintendent at the Burnt Forest Sub county hospital thanked Mozzart for the donation.

“We thank Mozzart for the donation. We were in dire need and you have given us just what we wanted. The donated items will be put in use immediately and they are really going to assist the people of Burnt Forest and Uasin Gishu County.” He said.

Mozzart CSR representative Cyprian Aluda reiterated the organization commitment to supporting hospitals around the country.

“On behalf of Mozzart, our Country Manager Sasa Krneta and the Marketing Manager Frank Ochieng who really wanted to be here today but couldn’t make it, we want to thank you for accepting our donations. This is not the first hospital we are supporting – we have been supporting health care facilities and we will continue to do so,” he said.

Since November 2020, 20 different hospitals have received essential medical equipment courtesy of Mozzart. The facilities include Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital, Pumwani Maternity Hospital, Ngara Health Centre, Chemolingot Sub County Hospital, Mathare North Health Centre, Kahawa West Health Centre, Kayole 1 Health Centre, Kayole 2 Sub County Hospital.

Others include Nyamache Sub-County Referral Hospital, Rachuonyo County Hospital, Dandora 1 Health Center, Mukuru Health Center, Dandora 2 Health Center, Kakamega Referral Hospital, Waithaka Health Center, Vihiga County Referral Hospital, Yala Sub County Hospital, Molo Sub County Hospital, Kombewa Sub County Hospital and now the Burnt Forest Sub County Hospital.

More hospitals around the country are lined up to benefit in the coming weeks.

Molo Town residents welcome Mozzart into their midst as they receive Ksh 1.5m worth of medical equipment donation to Molo Sub-County Hospital

Good tidings are happening in Molo – a steadily growing township smack in the middle of Nakuru County. Besides a rich agricultural background, Molo people are generally friendly, with an entrepreneurial spirit that started in the colonial days when the Kenya Railways found a station in the town.

At the time, the snake line was known as the Uganda Railways under the now defunct EA Railways Corporation.

Leading gaming company Mozzart has made a gesture of goodwill that will cement a generational relationship with Molo people.

On Thursday 4th March , this socially responsible company provided medical equipment worth Ksh 1.5 Million to the Molo Sub County Hospital in Nakuru.

The donated equipment included hospital beds, bed side lockers, maternity delivery beds, patient monitors, oxygen concentrators, oxygen flow meters and infant incubators.

“We had an empty room with no beds and other necessary medical equipment because we lacked funds but through Mozzart, we now can afford a smile as the people of Molo and Nakuru are going to benefit.” – Dr Bernard Warui, Medical Superintendent at Molo Sub County Hospital.

Dr Bernard Warui, the Medical Superintendent at the hospital narrated how the hospital was struggling as they lacked basic items like beds and thanked Mozzart for the donation.

“From deep inside my heart, I want to thank. They have proved to be a genuine company that cares for the plight of Kenyans,” he said,

“We had an empty room with no beds and other necessary medical equipment because we lacked funds but through Mozzart, we now can afford a smile as the people of Molo and Nakuru are going to benefit.” He added.

Mr. Kefa Omuyoma, the hospital’s board representative also expressed gratitude.

“On behalf of the board, I would like to thank Mozzart, not just for the donation to our hospital but also for the good job they have been doing in different hospitals and communities around the country. We are very delighted to receive this equipment that will go a long way in improving healthcare in this region,” he said.

Mozzart’s CSR Representative Cyprian Aluda emphasized on Mozzart’s commitment to empower Kenyans.

“I would like to thank Molo for the warm welcome. As Mozzart, we are a listening organization and have always been willing to support community projects. We have focused on healthcare and water projects from last year as we believe these two are very important,” he said,

“We hope our donations will make a change in the lives of the people of Molo and Nakuru at large,” he added.

Since November 2020, 18 different hospitals have received essential medical equipment courtesy of Mozzart.

The facilities include Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital, Pumwani Maternity Hospital, Ngara Health Centre, Chemolingot Sub County Hospital, Mathare North Health Centre, Kahawa West Health Centre, Kayole 1 Health Centre, Kayole 2 Sub County Hospital, Nyamache Sub-County Referral Hospital, Rachuonyo County Hospital, Dandora 1 Health Center, Mukuru Health Center, Dandora 2 Health Center, Kakamega Referral Hospital, Waithaka Health Center, Vihiga County Referral Hospital, Yala Sub County Hospital and now the Molo Sub County Hospital.

More hospitals around the country are lined up to benefit in coming weeks.

Mozzart inspires better health for Katanga residents in Machakos County as it commissions a Clean Water Community Water Project

Water is among the most basic necessities of life but there are still many places in the world where people have to walk several miles to bring gallons of clean water home to their families. The goal of Mozzart’s action “100 Wells for Our Community” is to help provide clean water all over Kenya.

On Friday 26th February, the leading gaming company commissioned another water point worth Ksh 2.8 Million in Katanga Secondary School in Machakos County.

Mozzart has been very committed to improving the lives of ordinary people in Kenya. This is the fourth water project that the company has undertaken and it targets to do 96 more.

Franklin Mutua, Katanga Secondary School’s Principal thanked Mozzart for what he termed as a “good job” by the gaming company.

“Children will now focus more on their education as they won’t be used to look for water.” He added.” – Franklin Mutua, Katanga Secondary School Principal

“On behalf of the school, I would like to sincerely thank Mozzart. Water has been a great challenge to the school and the neighboring community. Students from the school will now have easy time studying as they have clean water,” he said.

“We will also plant trees in the school. Children will now focus more on their education as they won’t be used to look for water.” He added.

Area Chief Zipporah Mwanza Kithyaka said she would ensure the project benefits the entire community.

“On behalf of the Government of Kenya, I want to thank Mozzart for commissioning this water well for the people of Katanga. My administration will offer all the support required to ensure the project benefits the entire community,” she said.

Mozzart representatives say they are very excited about this great action and that they aim to help even more comunities to acces clean water and improve the quality of life.

Mozzart Marketing Manager Frank Ochieng reiterated the company’s mission to support Kenyan communities.

“This is the fourth water point we have commissioned and we have 96 more to go. We have also been donating very crucial medical equipment to hospitals around the country and we will continue to do so,” he said.

“On behalf of Mozzart, I would like to thank the people of Katanga for the warm welcome and reception. Our organization is happy and privileged to provide you with clean and safe water. We wish you all the best in whatever you do.” He added.

Mozzart Marketing Manager Frank Ochieng speaks during the commissioning event
Mozzart Marketing Manager Frank Ochieng speaks during the commissioning event

Mozzart has spent over Ksh 50 milion in CSR activities and provided great support to our healthcare facilities in the fight against corona virus.

Mozzart has in the recent past funded the digging of fresh water points in Imbo,  Kothidha in Homabay County, St. Basil Lurambi Primary School in Kakamega and Chebunyo Dispensary, Bomet County.

Almost every week healthcare facilities across Kenya receive critical medical equipment from the leading gaming company and through the “100 Wells for Our Communities” project, the company shows that is even more committed in giving back to the society.

Mozzart winning hearts with its CSR Initiative as they commission water project in Bomet County that will provide safe, clean drinking water

Mozzart has been operating in Kenya for three years and is honored to be able to show solidarity with the Kenyan people and help them with numerous donations.

The company constantly shows great social engagement and therefore initiated several Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. One of the biggest is “100 WATER WELLS FOR OUR COMMUNITIES” project, through which Mozzart aims to deliver clean water all over the country.

“The project that this company has undertaken is important for us and the entire community, Area     Chief, Chebunyo Location.” Mrs. Mercy Langat said

After the donation in Imbo,  Kothidha in Homabay County and St. Basil Lurambi Primary School in Kakamega, the leading gaming company commissioned a water point worth Ksh 2.4 million  In Chebunyo Dispensary, Bomet County.

The water point will serve the Chebunyo Health Centre, Chebunyo Market, which is the largest in Bomet County and a neighbouring Primary School.

“We really appreciate what you have done for us. The project that Mozzart has undertaken is important for us and the entire community. We will ensure that everyone in the community benefits,” -Area Chief, Chebunyo Location, Mrs. Mercy Langat said.

In the midst of corona virus pandemic, the solidarity of the people, but also the humanity of successful companies like Mozzart is needed more than ever.

“As a county government we are very happy with this gesture from Mozzart. We are very happy as Chebunyo Ward and Bomet County and we will support Mozzart as they do more projects in the community,” Area Member of County Assembly (MCA), Hon Joseah Chepkwony added.

Mozzart has spent over Ksh 50 million in CSR activities from last year and this shows their commitment to improving the lives of communities around the country.

“Our commitment is in improving the lives of ordinary people in the society. This is the third water project we have undertaken as Mozzart and our target is to do 97 more. The community is always at the center of whatever we do and we are always eager to assist. We are happy to play our part in helping the people of Bomet to access clean water and improve the quality of life,” Frank Ochieng, Marketing Manager Mozzart Kenya concluded.

“We’ve had no Clean water since Independence….” Mrs. Anna Tesot, Chebunyo Village.

Mrs. Anna Tesot, a Chebunyo Village resident during the event.
Mrs. Anna Tesot, a Chebunyo Village resident during the event.

Anna Tesot, an elderly lady from Chebunyo village expressed gratitude on behalf of the people of Bomet County.

“We have not had no clean water since independence and from the bottom of my heart I want to thank Mozzart on behalf of the community and I urge the company to continue supporting the underprivileged in the society.”

Yala Sub-County Hospital joins list of facilities under Mozzart’s CSR Initiative as they receive medical equipment donation worth equipment donation worth millions

What do you know about Yala?

It’s a beautiful place with endless flat plains ideal for horticulture and fresh produce. A large portion of the fruits and vegetables in the country’s major hubs – Nairobi and Mombasa – especially watermelons, come from Yala. And, of course, it’s a major maize production area.

The people are hardworking, serene and enterprising.

It’s for this reason that Mozzart, through its CSR Initiative stepped in to make health care easier for Yala residents.

Mozzart has made a vital medical equipment donation to Yala Sub County Hospital, worth Ksh 1.5 Million to the Yala Sub County Hospital on Thursday.

“This sports-oriented gaming company has found it fitting to save lives in the communities. On this CSR initiative, they have scored a great goal.” – Hon Dismas Odhiambo, the Siaya County Executive for Health

The donated equipment included hospital beds, bed side lockers, maternity delivery beds, patient monitors, oxygen concentrators, oxygen flow meters and infant incubators.

At hand to officially receive the equipment was Hon Dismas Odhiambo, the Siaya County Executive for Health who thanked Mozzart for the kind gesture.

“We are happy to receive but I want to thank Mozzart for taking the bold step to be the givers. Every equipment given to this hospital shall be put to good use to improve service delivery so that every patient that comes in here leaves as a better person.”

“I get treated in this facility because I believe in the capability of the staff here and the good work they do. Mozzart is a sports-oriented gaming company and they have found it fitting to save lives in the communities. On this CSR initiative, you have scored a good goal.” He added.

Cyprian Aluda, the Mozzart CSR representative reiterated the company’s commitment to supporting communities across the country.

“We are very happy to be in Yala to give this donation of medical equipment as part of our CSR program known as SUPPORTING OUR HEALTHCARE FACILITIES. We have done this across the country from November last year and we are not about to stop as more hospitals have been aligned to receive more donations in the coming weeks” he said.

“Our hope is the equipment will benefit the people of Yala Sub County and Siaya County at large. We have spent over 50 million in CSR activities and we are very happy to make a difference in the community.” He added.

More hospitals around the country are lined up to benefit in coming weeks, just like Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital, Pumwani Maternity Hospital, Ngara Health Centre, Chemolingot Sub County Hospital, Mathare North Health Centre, Kahawa West Health Centre, Kayole 1 Health Centre, Kayole 2 Sub County Hospital, Nyamache Sub-County Referral Hospital, Rachuonyo County Hospital, Dandora 1 Health Center, Mukuru Health Center, Dandora 2 Health Center, Kakamega Referral Hospital, Waithaka Health Center, Vihiga County Referral Hospital and now the Yala Sub County Hospital.

More hospitals across the country are still lined up to receive Mozzart in their CSR Initiative.

Mozzart presents the perfect Valentine’s Day gift by donating medical equipment worth Ksh 3M to Vihiga County Referral Hospital

Vihiga County is vast and re-known for bountiful harvests and friendly people. Today, led by their tireless Governor Hon Wilberforce Ottichillo, hosted a corporate team on a friendly mission.

The leading gaming company Mozzart on Friday 12th February, visited Vihiga County with a desire to donate much-needed medical equipment worth Ksh 3 Million to the Vihiga County Referral Hospital.


“As a county we are trying to equip all health facilities under our jurisdiction but we are underfunded and therefore it is not easy. That is why we must appreciate Mozzart for equipping our main hospital.” – Vihiga County Governor, Hon Wilberforce Ottichilo.

The donated equipment included hospital beds, bed side lockers, maternity delivery beds, patient monitors, oxygen concentrators, oxygen flow meters and infant incubators.

At hand to officially receive the equipment was Vihiga County Governor Hon Wilberforce Ottichilo who thanked Mozzart for the kind gesture. He was flanked by the Deputy Governor Hon Dr Patrick Lumumba Saisi, other dignitaries and hospital staff.

“We are very grateful to Mozzart and want to assure them that this equipment will be put to good use. I also want to request the management of this facility to ensure that some of the equipment is redistributed to other local health centers within the county which are in dire need,” Hon Wilberforce Ottichilo said,

“Our health centers still need more support and we have officially requested Mozzart for further support. Other partners who can help us improve service delivery are also welcome. As a county we are trying to equip all health facilities under our jurisdiction but we are underfunded and therefore it is not easy. That is why we must appreciate Mozzart for equipping our main hospital,” He added.

“I have held a meeting with the top management of Mozzart and requested support in terms of boreholes in the Luanda and Khamisi Sub County Hospitals and also medical equipment support to the two facilities and they have promised to look into that,”

“Apart from donating medical equipment to various hospitals around the country, Mozzart has also been digging boreholes in several areas and that is a great thing they are doing for the community. Water is a very important thing especially in the fight against Covid-19 and we are hoping to benefit from their program soon.” He added.

Mozzart Country Manager Sasa Krneta thanked the Governor and people of Vihiga for the warm welcome and emphasized the company’s commitment to improving the lives of Kenyans by supporting community projects.

“On behalf of Mozzart, I would like to thank you all for the warm welcome we have received in the great County of Vihiga. We are very delighted to be here to support the Vihiga County Referral Hospital with this vital medical equipment,” he said.

“Healthcare is very close to our heart as an organization and we have spent over Ksh 50 million in various CSR activities since Covid-19 struck mid last year and most of these has gone into supporting hospitals around the country,”

“We have provided clean drinking water to communities in Homa Bay and Kakamega by digging boreholes under our “100 WELLS FOR OUR COMMUNITIES” and all the CSR programs really show our commitment to improving the livelihoods of Kenyans,”

“We are happy to support Vihiga County Referral Hospital today and ask you to use this equipment to improve service delivery to the people of this great County. We are a listening organization and our doors are always open. We promise to support more community initiatives in this county and Kenya at large.” He added.

Since November 2020, 18 different hospitals have received essential medical equipment courtesy of Mozzart.

The facilities include Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital, Pumwani Maternity Hospital, Ngara Health Centre, Chemolingot Sub County Hospital, Mathare North Health Centre, Kahawa West Health Centre, Kayole 1 Health Centre, Kayole 2 Sub County Hospital, Nyamache Sub-County Referral Hospital, Rachuonyo County Hospital, Dandora 1 Health Center, Mukuru Health Center, Dandora 2 Health Center, Kakamega Referral Hospital, Waithaka Health Center and now the Vihiga County Referral Hospital.

More hospitals around the country are lined up to benefit in coming weeks.

Mozzart lands in Kakamega County General Hospital with life-changing medical equipment worth Ksh 3 million

Some stories need to be told.

Stories that inspire generations. Stories of goodwill that positively impacts on the society. This is one of those stories.

In Kakamega, like in most sections of the republic, health facilities are stretched. Basic health services may sometimes be long distances away, often demanding long travel. It’s always a blessing to have reliable, efficient health services within reach – especially maternal health care.

An incubator, a part of the medical equipment donated to Kakamega County Hospital by Mozzart.

Kakamega residents have a reason to smile, thanks to Mozzart’s CSR initiative that’s spreading across the country.

Leading gaming company Mozzart on Thursday 4 February donated medical equipment worth Ksh 3 Million to the Kakamega County General Hospital.

“When Covid-19 was at its peak, Mozzart donated medical equipment worth Ksh 10 million to 10 counties and I received this as the then Chairman of the Council of Governors. They have continued to support the communities through other initiatives and this is commendable.” Kakamega County Governor, Wycliffe Oparanya

The donated equipment included hospital beds, bed side lockers, maternity delivery beds, patient stretchers, patient monitors, an oxygen concentrator, oxygen flow meter, nebulizers, blood pressure monitors and maternity MVA kits.

At hand to receive the equipment was Kakamega County Governor Hon. Wycliffe Oparanya who thanked Mozzart for the kind gesture.

Kakamega County Governor Wycliff Oparanya speaks during the handover ceremony at the facility.

“When Covid-19 was at its peak, Mozzart donated medical equipment worth Ksh 10 million to 10 counties and I received this as the then Chairman of the Council of Governors. They have continued to support the communities through other initiatives and this is commendable,” he said,

“In Kakamega they recently dug a borehole to provide clean water to the kids at Lurambi Primary School and the community around, they have sponsored Kakamega Homeboyz to the tune of Ksh 20 Million and have now donated very vital medical equipment to our hospital. We are very grateful for their support. As a county we are committed to providing quality healthcare and the equipment is a big boost to our efforts to improve service delivery.” He added.

Mozzart Country Manager Sasa Krenta said the company was committed to supporting Kenyan communities even more.

“We are happy to be in Kakamega once again; this feel like home now. We have a great partner in Kakamega Homeboyz and we were in Lurambi to commission a new water point for the community. We are delighted to donate vital medical equipment to Kakamega County General Hospital and hope this will make a great impact in the lives of the community around here,” Sasa said,

Mozzart Country Manager Sasa Krenta speaks during the handover event at the County Hospital.
Mozzart Country Manager Sasa Krenta speaks during the handover event at the County Hospital.

“We have spent slightly over Ksh 50 Million so far on CSR programs and we are just getting started. We are very passionate about the well-being of Kenyans and will continue supporting key projects in Kenyan communities,” he added.

Between November 2020 and now, sixteen different hospitals have received essential medical equipment courtesy of Mozzart. The facilities include Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital, Pumwani Maternity Hospital, Ngara Health Centre, Chemolingot Sub County Hospital, Mathare North Health Centre, Kahawa West Health Centre, Kayole 1 Health Centre, Kayole 2 Sub County Hospital, Nyamache Sub-County Referral Hospital, Rachuonyo County Hospital, Dandora 1 Health Center, Mukuru Health Center and Dandora 2 Health Center.

More hospitals across the country are lined up to benefit in the coming weeks.

Mozzart fulfills promise to Pumwani Maternity Hospital by donating special medical equipment worth Ksh 400,000

As part of its ongoing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative named “Supporting Our Healthcare Facilities”, the company donated a specialized Continuous Positive Airway Pressure therapy (CPAP) machine worth Ksh 400,000 to the Pumwani Maternity Hospital in Nairobi on Friday 29th January.

Medical staff at Pumwani and the Mozzart team during the presentation at the facility.

The machine is used to help a person who has obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) breathe more easily during sleep.

A CPAP machine increases air pressure in the throat so that the airway doesn’t collapse when a patient breathes in.

The donation of the CPAP machine follows a special request for this specific equipment when Mozzart donated Intensive Care Unit (ICU) worth Ksh 3,000,000 to the hospital on 18th December last year.

Dr. Beth Maina, of Pumwani Maternity Hospital during the event.
Dr. Beth Maina, of Pumwani Maternity Hospital during the event.

Deputy Medical Superintendent and Head of Clinical Services at the hospital Dr. Beth Maina thanked Mozzart for responding to the request.

“We are very happy that Mozzart listened to our request and fulfilled their promise. This is a very crucial machine that we have lacked for a very long time and we are very glad to have it finally.” She said.

Mr. Orina, the Nursing Manager in charge of the new born unit said the equipment would improve service delivery in the facility.

“It will help us nurse our babies especially those that are born pre-maturely. It will enhance their lungs and improve their breathing system and we are very grateful to Mozzart for donating this important equipment.” He said.

Mozzart’s CSR Representative Cyprian Aluda said the company was also glad to help and will continue doing so.

Mozzart's CSR Rep Cyprian Aluda during the event at the facility.
Mozzart’s CSR Rep Cyprian Aluda during the event at the facility.

“We are very happy to be back at Pumwani to donate the CPAP machine as per your request. We are very passionate about healthcare hence the reason our CSR activities are mainly focused on this area. We will continue partnering and helping more health facilities around the country.” He said.

Between November 2020 and now, sixteen different hospitals have received essential medical equipment courtesy of Mozzart. The facilities include Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital, Pumwani Maternity Hospital, Ngara Health Centre, Chemolingot Sub County Hospital, Mathare North Health Centre, Kahawa West Health Centre, Kayole 1 Health Centre, Kayole 2 Sub County Hospital, Nyamache Sub-County Referral Hospital, Rachuonyo Couty Hospital, Dandora 1 Health Center, Mukuru Health Center and Dandora 2 Health Center.

More hospitals around the country are lined up to benefit in coming weeks.

Mozzart donates ICU equipment worth Ksh 1.5 million to Dandora 2 Health Center in Nairobi

Leading gaming company Mozzart continues to provide great support to Kenya’s healthcare system, through numerous donations to different hospitals every week.

As part of its ongoing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative named “Supporting Our Healthcare Facilities”, this company donated Intensive Care Unit (ICU) medical equipment worth Ksh 1.5 million to the Dandora 2 Health Center in Nairobi. 

Health staff at Dandora 2 Health Centre and the Mozzart team pose with the dummy cheque worth Ksh 1.5m during the event.

Donated equipment include hospital beds, patient monitors, oxygen concentrators, incubators and bedside trolleys.

Kimenye Richard, the Kasarani Sub County Ministry of Health representative said the equipment would go a long way in improving service delivery.

“We are very glad for the support from Mozzart and appreciate what they are doing. The equipment will help us monitor mothers before and after they deliver and this is a big boost. We are really thankful,” he said.

Kimenye Richard, the Kasarani Sub County Ministry of Health representative during the event.
Kimenye Richard, the Kasarani Sub County Ministry of Health representative during the event

“Kasarani sub county is vast – from Kariobangi to Kamulu and obviously there are gaps as far as health services are concerned. This gesture from Mozzart means a lot as we strive to give quality health services to the community and we will do our best to maintain the equipment. We will also ensure they are put to good use.” He added.

George Omondi Owoth, the doctor in charge of the Dandora 2 Health Center also echoed Kimenye’s sentiments.

“We thank Mozzart for the equipment. It has been our vision since 2014 to be one of the facilities in Nairobi that can offer quality and affordable health services to the people and this is now coming into a reality courtesy of Mozzart,” He remarked.

“Previously we used to refer patients who required critical services to other hospitals but now we have the capacity to deal with emergencies. Such equipment are very vital and we are very honored to receive them.” He added.

June Jemutai, Mozzart’s CSR representative, reiterated the company’s commitment to supporting Kenyan communities especially in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic.

June Jemutai, Mozzart’s CSR representative during the event.

“Thank you for accepting our donations. We hope this equipment will help mothers, kids and all other patients. We have supported various hospitals and will continue to support our communities in different sectors.” She said.

Since November 2020, 16 different hospitals have received essential medical equipment courtesy of Mozzart. The facilities include Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital, Pumwani Maternity Hospital, Ngara Health Centre, Chemolingot Sub County Hospital, Mathare North Health Centre, Kahawa West Health Centre, Kayole 1 Health Centre, Kayole 2 Sub County Hospital, Nyamache Sub-County Referral Hospital, Rachuonyo County Hospital, Dandora 1 Health Center, Mukuru Health Center and now Dandora 2 Health Center.

More hospitals around the country are set to benefit in coming weeks.

Also Read:

Mozzart brightens smiles for Dandora residents with Ksh 1.5m worth of ICU equipment in donations to Dandora 1 Health Center

Leading gaming company Mozzart on Tuesday 19th January donated Intensive Care Unit (ICU) medical equipment worth Ksh 1.5 million to Dandora 1 Health Center in Nairobi as part of its ongoing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative named “Supporting Our Healthcare Facilities.”

Dr James Muema, the doctor in-charge of the health facility during the event.

Donated equipment include hospital beds, patient monitors, oxygen concentrators, incubators and bedside trolleys.

James Muema, the doctor in charge of the facility thanked Mozzart for the donations.

“We are very pleased to have you here and appreciate your kind donations. We have received them with a clean heart and assure you we are going to use them to improve service delivery,” Dr. James Muema said,

“We did not have any oxygen concentrators, incubators and patient monitors and now that we have them, we are really going to improve our service delivery especially during emergencies. We thank Mozzart for stepping in and helping the Dandora community.” He added.

Medical staff at Dandora 1 Health Center and the Mozzart team posing at the facility with the dummy cheque

Peter Mugui, the Medical Officer in charge of Kasarani Sub County and Embakasi North, also echoed Muema’s sentiments.

“Most organizations only donate to private facilities but I have seen Mozzart going all over the country donating very vital equipment to the most deserving public health centers and that is really good,” he said,

“Oxygen concentrators and patient monitors are very key in the fight against Covid-19 and all the other equipment donated today will improve service delivery in this facility. Many patients from within this community that were being referred to other better equipped hospitals will now access the same services here and that is great. Thank you Mozzart for the noble job you are doing in the Kenyan communities.” He added.

June Jemutai, Mozzart’s CSR Representative during the handover event.

June Jemutai, Mozzart’s Corporate Social Responsibility Representative (CSR) and Internal Control assured that the company will continue supporting more public health centers.

“We’ve been concerned with public healthcare especially after Covid-19 started affected the daily livelihoods of Kenyans and we have donated a lot crucial medical equipment all very over the country. This is the primary focus of our CSR programs and our promise to Kenyans is that we will not let you down and will continue supporting you.” She concluded.

Between November 2020 and now, fifteen different hospitals have received essential medical equipment courtesy of Mozzart. The facilities include Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital, Pumwani Maternity Hospital, Ngara Health Centre, Chemolingot Sub County Hospital, Mathare North Health Centre, Kahawa West Health Centre, Kayole 1 Health Centre, Kayole 2 Sub County Hospital, Nyamache Sub-County Referral Hospital, Rachuonyo County Hospital and now Dandora 1 Health Center.

More hospitals around the country are lined up to benefit in coming weeks.

Mozzart blesses Kayole 1 Health Center with Ksh. 1.5m worth of medical equipment

Gaming company Mozzart on Wednesday donated medical equipment worth Sh 1.5 million to the Kayole 1 Health Centre in Nairobi.

This is part of their ongoing “SUPPORTING OUR HEALTHCARE FACILITIES” which aims to empower healthcare facilities around the country with vital equipment.

The company has in the recent past made a donation of Ksh 10,000,000 worth of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE’s) to front line professionals, medical equipment to the Ngara Health Centre, Chemolingot Sub County hospital in Tiaty, Mathare North Health Centre, Kahawa West Health Centre each worth Ksh 1.5 million while the Pumwani Maternity and Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospitals each received donations worth Ksh 3 million.

On Thursday, more equipment will be donated to the Kayole 2 Health Centre.

Items donated to Kayole 1 Health Centre include incubators, patient monitors, oxygen concentrators, bedside lockers, and patient beds complete with Macintosh mattresses.

Mrs Erica Ndege, who is in charge of the Kayole 1 Health Centre, thanked Mozzart for the kind gesture.

“I want to thank Mozzart for the donation. This will go a long way in ensuring we offer quality service especially in our maternity wing which was started three years ago and is now doing around 200 deliveries in a month. We are very grateful.” She said.

Mozzart’s representative Mr Rodney Rono reiterated the company’s commitment to supporting Kenyans especially during these hard times.

“We are very delighted to share with you our love and appreciation for the Kenyan people. A healthy nation is a wealthy Nation and therefore we are very keen on empowering hospitals even at the grassroots level in order to reach the ordinary citizens who work so hard, day in, day out,” he said,

“We hope our donations today make a change and impact the lives of the people of Kayole and on behalf of Mozzart, I would like to assure Kenyans that we are here to support you especially during this difficult period.” He added.