Drama as Police Blocks Journalists from Covering Kirumira’s Case

Journalism is not an easy  job. When you are one, you have to get the job done, and write the story, regardless of the circumstance. There has been drama today, when police blocked Journalists from Covering Kirumira’s trial.

The former Buyende District Police Commander, ASP Muhammad Kirumira had been arrested on several counts, some of them including; extortion, corruption and misuse of office. Kirumira was granted bail, when he apologized for his “scandalous misconduct”

A policeman chasing after the brave journalist for covering the case of Kirumira.

Police, blocked all family and relatives of the ASP Kirumira, from accessing the victim. Some journalists, who are brave enough to do their jobs in the lines of war, decided to cover the story. This brought a lot of drama as the police raced to chase after the journalist. The police wanted to arrest the journalists because they attempted to cover the trial or Kirumira, who had been in detention.

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Great job to the journalists, who do their best to get for us first hand news.

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Always excited for no particular reason

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