Hidden meaning behind the Malwedhe song

The collapsing dance craze called the “malwedhe challenge” took all four corners of the continent by storm which featured people falling down some of which have become extreme cases of people getting serious injuries. But did you know what the song actually means?  We have. Broken down below the lyrics of the chorus which prompts the falling.

Makwela Makwela Monada!!!
Nna rena le malwedhe (I have a sickness)
Geo okhe Jola lenna, (if you are dating me)
Okhe raloke kago Nhlala (Don’t play with breaking up with me)
Nna rena le malwedhe (I have a sickness)
Wa nhlala odho tsosa Malwedhe ale khole (if you break up with me, you will bring up hidden sickness from far)
Kena Le Bolwedhe bja go idibala (I have a sickness of collapsing)
Wa nhlala kea idibala (if you break up with me, I collapse)

It is what we would call in Uganda “empewo ze’kika” so while you are enjoying collapsing to this song,  donot be surprised if your ancestors attack since you are some way calling upon them.