Things To leave in 2017 #1

As we draw near to the end of the year, and draw up a list of our various resolutions,  there is a list of things that we have done in 2017, but however ought to agree that it should not be carried on to the new year.

Photoshop: The level of photo shop this year has been out of this world. People have practically transported themselves all over the world, and even outside to space. Well, the kings and queens of photo shop can stay, but us who end up sitting in the clouds in our photos, Tubileke!!


Dab: We have dabbed so much this year, that some of us are almost touching the ground. Everything has done the dab, from emoticons, to cartoons, football players, musicians, babies, and even animals. Guys, don’t we think it is time to stop the dab and lift up our heads?

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Panda doing the dab

Chokers: This year, we have chocked ourselves out. Next year, we should leave some space to breathe. We need to breathe. They are hot, they look good, but some of us are wearing the chokers on just each and every outfit. Shouldn’t we leave them in 2017.


The word “Slay”: Slay Queen, Slay King, Slay Jaja, Let us keep slaying, but we find another word for it. Let us set our social media platforms free!

Slay Queen

Bae: This new trend of referring to the one we love, may not be new anymore. Should we leave the word bae behind, or carry it to 2017?Don’t get me wrong. We can take our baes but lets not call them bae.





About this writer:


Always excited for no particular reason

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