3 Ways To Make A Girl Wet For You

The major mistake that game newbies keep making is giving girls too much attention. They exhibit sheer delight when speaking with chicks. I used to be that way when I started out too. I would give, give, give and heap attention, gifts and time on girls hoping that she would like me. But then the rejections were too many and my inner soul eventually told me, “You deserve better than this Mr. Etemesi”.

So I set myself out to learn. And the greatest thing I learned is that giving a woman space and building mystery is key to keeping her attracted to you until the point she is consumed with you and can’t live without you,

Since I’ve been on both sides of the coin, i can tell you what will get you punani and what wont. The way to seducing women is by redirecting them to CHASE YOU

Here are 3 mannerisms that will make a girl wet for you

#1. Always Text And Call Less Than Her

Do you want to be the kind of guy that makes girls go crazy with anxiety, desire and romantic hopefulness? Don’t call them all the damn time. Always act like there are twenty other women lined up outside your keja ready to service your autocratic cunt carver

You might be asking “Well how will access her pubic regions if I don’t call her often??”,

Realize that a chick’s ‘ultimate power’ comes from withholding lungula from men. Chicks know you want it and the more you show them that you want it, the more they will keep it away from you. Girls wait for you to chase them, and when you don’t, they see you as different. They start chasing you instead.

Only call a girl or text her when you have time. Don’t be afraid to give ‘blue ticks’ on Whatsapp. Blue ticks drive girls nuts. Although she will act superficially offended that you didn’t respond to her text, underneath her angered and shamed exterior, she is bristling with arousal and curiosity

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#2. Learn To Hibernate From Time To Time

Disappear from radar every once in a while. Show her a good time then go underground. This will drive her insane and cause her to become consumed with questions such as “Where is he? What is he doing? Is he with another woman? Does he find me attractive? ” Such thoughts are important in making a woman attracted to you. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

The hibernation move also shows that you’re a dude who does what he wants, when he wants and such a mentality is attractive to chicks. No woman wants a man that is ever available.

#3. Make Your ‘Dates’ Short

Like I always, say, long dates provide a girl with too much time to judge you and see your weaknesses, If you really want to amp the ante then cut a date short right at its peak of fun. This will cause her to leave the interaction enthralled with the amazing time the two of you had and will have her daydreaming about the next time you two hang out.

Avoid all the rigamarole of long complicated dates and focus on the fundamentals. The way to do this is by being creative with your date ideas and really showing her a good time. Do things out of the ordinary.

Remember that each of these points will have her soaking wet for you so don’t overdo it, but use each one at certain times to build mystery and attraction. Nothing kills a relationship quicker than being around each other 24/7..

About this writer:

Philip Etemesi