5 Relationship Rules You Should Stop Following……RIGHT NOW

The relationship rules below are outdated and no longer relevant in today’s world. Quit following them and do things your way.

You have to tell each other everything you do and where you go

It’s not cool to attach yourself to your bae’s hip. Let them live their life. You don’t have to keep drawing a mental map of your daily grind to your significant other. No need to keep on giving reports about every place you have set foot on.

Have everything in common

This is a major misconception. You don’t have to like the same things. The fact that you both like ‘Game Of Thrones’ doesn’t mean you’ll have a happily-ever-after relationship. Game of thrones will eventually end. So what next huh? More so, loving the same things will leave you with nothing new for each other to explore.

Love your partner with all their flaws and misdemeanors.

Hell no. if you can’t stand someone’s bad habits, there’s no need to persevere. Correcting someone all the time will wear you out. If someone isn’t willing to change, dump them like used condoms in a dust bin. Never tolerate your partner’s annoying bits of incompetence. Especially if it’s something they can change but are lazy to do so.

Public displays Of Affection (PDAs) are a sign of love

Affection can be projected in a million different ways. Kudarana in public doesn’t mean a thing. If at all it means something, then it’ horniness. Get your act together and do the things that really matter. Save your magic for the bedroom

Anniversaries are the only times to do special things

Do not wait till your partner’s birthday for you to buy them a special gift. Do it when they least expect it for it to hold more meaning and value. Avoid the good old clichés, and make show your affection to your lover during the boring times. If you only save nice words and nice gifts for special days, your partner might think you are merely pretending or playing along.


About this writer:

Philip Etemesi