5 Signs Your Friend Wants To Smash Your Bae

In God’s green earth that we live in, there are real people then there are jealous people. I’ll give you an example. Remember when I wrote about how i katiad a hot chick at a matatu stage? Well, a jealous pal of mine who happened to know her went and showered her with mindless propaganda claiming I was not the man I had told her I was. As a result, she almost blacklisted me, but since the legendary romantic Romeo of the Shakespearian era is my great great grandfather, I convinced her to stay with the sheriff. Just Yesterday, I whatsapped this dude a picture of me kissing the girl, just to piss him off.

A scenario like mine happens quite so often. That friend you trust so much right now probably wants to shag your bae. But how can you know? I’ll give you a few indicators

They keep telling you bad things about your bae (and you didn’t ask them)

So your pal has suddenly turned into Ghafla huh? Telling you all the gossip about your bae. Do not be fooled. Your friend is probably doing this so that you can give up, break up then they take over. It’s okay for your pal to tip you off on a few of your bae’s sins once in a while but if they are feeding you info all the time, you better watch out. It’s not your friend’s business to watch over your bae and point out their wrongs. That’s your own responsibility

Your friend always want to come over when you are with your bae

Such a friend is so hurt by the fact that you will be having some alone time with your bae. So they at least have to insist on showing up to neutralize the romance. Or maybe they just keep on missing the love of your life. The conversation usually goes something like this

You: Niko kwa nyumba nawatch movie

Him/her: Uko na ule mtu wako ama?

You: Yeah…hata tunawatch pamoja

Him/her: Nice…acha nikam nimgotee

.This is the same friend who hates movies and ten minutes ago, they told you they were really busy and swamped with work. Something is off. If this happens too often, you might get pushed over the cliff by your trusted Lieutenant. ,

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They always try to steal the show when you are all together

If she’s a chic, she makes sure she wears revealing outfits when your man is in the room but when you are just alone with her, she dresses like a nun from Holy Family Basilica. Normally she’s calm too and she exposes her humor through a sardonic smile. But when she’s hanging out with you and your man, she starts belly laughing over every silly and inconsequential thing he says. If the buddy in question is a dude, he suddenly becomes funny and turns into a smooth talking lothario in front of your girl. On normal occasions though, he’s as quiet and boring as you former high school’s index one,

Your friend constantly defends your bae

Whenever you have problems with your bae, it’s advisable talk to one of your closest friends. What if you are constantly bombarded with scenarios where your friend is constantly defending your bae? Don’t be a fool, This is a sign that the alliance has shifted. Your friend has a big crush on your bae and would like to have hot and wet sex with them. The unwritten rule of ‘ubeshte’ states that your friends don’t always have to agree with you but they should generally be on your side 99% of the time..

They talk trash about you to your bae and try to belittle you

When your friend is too desperate to smash your bae they will go for the jugular. Your friend will secretly text your bae and reveal how you are a whore or how you bang all the chicks south of Nairobi. “He’s not good for you”, your buddy will tell your girlfriend. And whenever you are in your girl’s presence, your friend will try to have sly digs at you and try putting you down. He’ll keep pointing out your weaknesses in front of the one and only person you die to impress. He will go feral In the need to show her that he is the stronger man and you are the weaker one. The battle has been brought to your tuff bro. Fight or lose

About this writer:

Philip Etemesi