7 Types Of Game Of Thrones Fans You Might Meet In Kenya

Game of Thrones returned two weeks ago, and if the first two episodes are anything to go by, this season’s going to be more electrifying than Milly Odhiambo’s rants.

This Westeros-based show is dope. Why? Because a show doesn’t pull in over 10 million viewers an episode, get renewed for several seasons and remain the most illegally downloaded piece of film production if it isn’t not good.

Game Of Thrones has an insanely passionate fanbase drawn from all over the spectrum. Here in the 254, people are obsessed with it in different ways. So with that in mind, here’s a run-down of the many factions that make up the fanbase of game Of Thrones here in Kenya.

The pretentious fan who’s only a fan because their friend/bae is one.

Hah! Gotcha! We know you have no idea what’s going on. Ati “Who’s that?”, “Where are they going?”, “Did he die?”. Too many questions Miss Lightskin. You just know there is a short guy In it. You just want to fit in. How about you stand up for yourself sometimes? If you think Game Of Thrones is shit, don’t watch it. It doesn’t matter if all your friends are watching. Just do what you love doing.

The fans who’ve read all the books.

These ones could pass a literature exam on Game Of Thrones. They have read all the books way before the series even started. They’re very proud of the fact that they’ve ploughed their way through a small forests worth of pages and will want to make sure you know about it. They regularly find it necessary to chime in with statements like “In the book, it’s like this and that”, as if they have the author on speed dial. Commendable! But for the love of God, we get it. Just know that the rest of us haven’t read the books and we don’t plan on doing so. We are just fine with the show. Thank you very much

The fans that love the show for all the ‘nudity’

Mafisi tibim!!! We see you. Let’s cut to the chase. There’s an awful lot of nyonyos and nudity in Game Of Thrones. Of course they don’t equal the ones in a show like Spartacus but they’re still worth the scrutiny. A s a result, perverted fans have flocked to the show like moths to a flame. A flame with breasts. This particular kinds of fans appreciate the banging scenes so much that they find it difficult to appreciate other aspects of the show. It’s okay though.

The ‘mafeelings’ fans.

You dare say a bad word against the show and this small subset of people might even throttle you to death. To this fan, there will never be an acceptable world in which anyone anywhere dislikes Game of thrones. Talk of being too attached. Come on, it’s never that serious

The fan with all the spoilers.

Herein lies the most annoying kind of fan who Is always the first one to download each episode through the office internet or the free wifi wherever they are, then go on to casually broadcast spoilers. The problem is that such a fan can’t just watch and shut up. One thing is to know all the spoilers, the other is to screw it up for the rest of us who don’t. Watch and let us watch pia! Alaa!

The emotional fan who stopped watching after the death of his/her favorite character.

Then there’s this sorrowful lot that’s ailing from poor impulse. Seriously, the makers of Game Of Thrones should be labelled mass murderers. haha. Throughout the seasons, they’ve killed more characters in the show than Boko Haram does in real life. I know it hurts but you’ve got to be strong! Get over it. Okay? Life is about being strong and moving on. Start watching it again. The rest of us don’t give a flying pig about who died. It’s all fiction anyway.

The fan who judges those who don’t watch Game Of Thrones.


Chill fam. Game of thrones is not a basic need. My lifestyle isn’t wrong because I don’t watch it. Don’t look at me as if I am the devil incarnate for not realizing the brilliance of the Lannisters. I can watch ‘Mad Dogs’ or ‘American Crime Story’ and just be fine with that. You are not any special because you watch dragons. Sawa?

About this writer:

Philip Etemesi