Mombasa governor using sexy bikini’s to campaign?

Well, there are photos of super sexy bikini wear and women underwear making rounds on social media. The photos suggest that Mombasa governor, Joho’s, campaign team has chosen to use innerwear’s to campaign!
As shocking as it sounds, there are orange panties written that might already be in the market. Also, the panties might have been made by his fans who strongly feel this is the only way to have the ladies on their side.
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Though the Joho team has not confirmed whether they have anything to do with the panties , lets agree that this is a smooth strategy in this dirty game of politics.
Anyway, this is just one of the many shocking ways we witnessed politicians use to campaign as the year comes to an end. Also, Siaya governor Cornell Rasanga left many speechless when he was caught using a mock exam to campaign.

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Baba Ghafla