A United Kenya on Feb 28th

‘On the 28th of February 2011, Kenyans did something historic…they stood united and sang all three verse of our beautiful and powerful National Anthem.

On the 28th February 2011 Kenyans demonstrated that there is more that unites us than divides us.’

These are the powerful words that ushered in the cause of the ‘Kenya 28th Feb’ initiative on their website. Well, this year they are going to do exactly that all over again. On their Facebook event page they stated:

‘In the face of ethnic polarisation, a highly politicised atmosphere and the daily search for daily bread, it is sometimes easy for all of us to forget what binds us together, that we are Kenyan and that we are strongest when united.’

In this light, Kenya Feb 28th is calling all Kenyans, wherever they may be around the globe, to patriotically stop, think about their country and sing ALL THREE VERSES of our national anthem.

The tagline is: 1pm, 1 nation, 1 people, 1 anthem, united in 1 prayer for 1 Kenya

This will be on the 28th of February 2012 at exactly 1300hrs GMT+3.

Have a look at a short video of what the initiative looks to achieve.

You can follow Kenya 28th Feb on twitter: @kenya28feb

About this writer:

Kevin Oyugi