After Uganda, Kenyans Maul CNN On Social Media

The World over has been riding on the Obama visiting his native home bandwagon, many a sources have peddled news, half-truths, theories and endless shenanigans as pertains to the visit later this week. Each story has come with its own share of speculations and twists. 

 World renown BBC got a share of its own medicine after they shared a post that looked like part mockery of Kenya. The question on their social media read “If you were Obamas’s tour guide in Kenya , which places would you show him?Send us a pix of your top places” 

This seemed like BBC was trotting for information, thinking like most western media houses that Kenya didn’t have much to show, banking on that ignorance one witty Kenyan (congratulations are in order) replied to BBC thus:


Ya’ll know Sabina Joy is best known for hookers .. 

About this writer:

T. Magu