“Am Getting Fed Up With Y’all B**Ching about Lillian Muli.” Former Citizen Reporter Pheona Kenga Says As She Rushes To Defend the Citizen TV Screen Siren

Lillian Muli is now the talk of the town and the recipient of attacks on twitter after her meltdown in Carribea, located in the upmarket Kilimani area in Nairobi.

In the video, a woman said to be Lillian Muli gripes loudly about substandard service and a bad attitude from the waitress.

As much as there have been attacks directed her way, there are those defending Lillian and one of them is Pheona Kengah who used to work at Citizen TV. This is what she wrote:

Am getting fed up with y’all bitching about Lilian Muli Kanene outburst to a waiter nkkt. Some of you acting like you have never been through such a situation whether in a hotel, restaurant or even at home between spouses or towards your maids. Cut the act and embrace reality; she is human just like any of us. She has feelings just like me and you so stop acting all surprised! Sometimes these waiters can be a handful and its good they learn a lesson. They have no idea what demons someone is fighting so they should be professional. #AttitudeWachiaDictionary Am out of here

See Also:Lillian Muli Finally Breaks Her Silence After KOT Launched an Online Onslaught Against At Her for Verbally ‘Attacking’ a Waitress

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Sue Watiri