#AskEtemesi : Should I Stop Using A Condom When I Am In A Serious Relationship?

Two days ago, I got an email from a guy who wanted some advice on a rather interesting issue. Since I felt it’s something that affects many young people (I included), I decided to address it via an article. This is what he wrote:

Hello Etemesi

My name is Karis. So I was wondering, is it okay to stop using condoms with your bae once you are in a serious relationship? That’s if the two of you trust each other. All my friends do it so I was wondering if it’s totally cool? I’ve been dating this chick for a month, now we are thinking of ditching the CDs. She’s totally okay with it. What do you think?

Okay Karis

This is what I’d like to cool the condom conundrum. Many people rush to do it raw because they don’t want the pleasure of sex to be circumscribed by some smelly latex. They want to rub their chins in pontification and savor every delicious sexual memory. Do condoms suck? I won’t answer that question because I might need to get a job with Trust or Durex someday. Are condoms necessary? Absolutely. But that doesn’t mean that raw lungula is out of the question? Well…not entirely.

I try to think about it this way.

Chicks that insist on condom usage for the purposes of safety and prevention of unwanted toddlers are precious gemstones. But there are diminishing returns to this general rule. If your chic insists on using a CD even after you’ve dated her for the longest time possible, you should cut her loose. Why is this a wise idea?

One, she doesn’t value your sex life that much to experiment. Two, she thinks you are not faithful, but she doesn’t care. (This is a bad foundation for a fledging relationship). She might be getting nabged by other dudes too. In short, she’s careful slut, .

So I’ll break this down into rules

Rule number one

If she’s okay with doing it raw after you’ve dated for a long time, then she’s a great girl. You should go get tested together, decide on a family planning strategy and bang the shit out of each other. (Remember, you must totally trust her and know her mannerisms before you decide to go this route. Know the type of people she hangs out with too.)

Rule number two

If a chick was willing to fling herself at your uncovered ‘D’ the very first time you had sex with you, without getting tested, you should not even grant her the privilege of being your girlfriend in the first place. Think about it. How many guys has she shagged without getting tested? If she offered her goodies to you raw the first time you met her, I hope you declined. A long life is better than a few moments of pleasure,

Rule number three

If she isn’t comfortable using family planning methods and she clearly explains to you why, then you should use a condom with her, at all times. Do not make your girlfriend pop P2s every single time. It’s not cool. If both of you are okay with using a condom, then please use one ll the time. There’s no need to bow down to societal pressure. You don’t have to bang raw just because everyone else is doing so.


Have any questions? Shoot me an email at [email protected]


About this writer:

Philip Etemesi