Bankers, doctors, pilots most likely to cheat, research shows

This eye-opening survey shows that bankers and brokers are the most likely to cheat on their partners with someone at their place of work.

Closely following the folks in the financial sector are the people in the aviation and health industries.

Let’s say a prayer for pilots, especially. Must be quite hard, keeping their eyes [and apparently their hands] off those pretty air-hostesses.

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The survey conducted by website, Victoria Milan, involved 5,658 persons, giving a kind of understanding into cheating behaviours and patterns.

The study has found that Pilots are highly prone to cheating [with other pilots or air hostesses, we guess]. Doctors and nurses have also been found to suffer an abnormally high tendency to cheat.

It has also been discovered, through this research that two out of three adulterous women (65 per cent) say they strike up affairs with people from the office, leading to the suggestion that perhaps it makes their work place more fun for them to be in.

Apparently, the workstation is the coolest place to create an attraction and bond with someone else.

They add that it was a convenient place to hide their affair as there would be no need to go anywhere else for their sexcapades.

Many of the women caught in this web, however, say that the worst part of having an office affair was having to still see the person every time even after the relationship must have ended badly.

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Pulse Nigeria Reporter