CABU GAH DIARIES: Today I met Tony Mochama. I was afraid He would Sexually Molest Me. But He didnt. Here is the Story.

By now,if You haven’t heard the Tony Mochama sexual molestation story,You probably should quit living in the Amboseli National Park. And join other human beings. In normal human settlements.

 The story blew up like an Iraqi ISIS terror blitz in the Mountains of Gir-el Kumar.

Wambui Mwangi is the activist-cum-writer who descended on Twitter to mercilessly and callously attack the person of senior Standard Writer and Columnist Tony Mochama alias Smitta Smitten.

Twitter blew up. Like a Gikomba Market blaze on a sunny September afternoon. The Retweets came in,thick and fast.

A conglomeration of various activists and human rights agitators and writers and regular Twitter users had a field day tweeting and retweeting the story of the Week.

Smitta was accused of sexually molesting gay-rights activist Shalija Patel,a clean shaven zealous poet.

Shalija,interestingly,was curiously absent from all the Twitter brouhaha leaving her trusted friend,Wambui to singlehandedly handle the assault.

And today,I was at the Standard Group Media House for a weekly TV discourse on KTN when I met up Smitta Smitten.

I was already on set when Smitta walked in. As I was having small talk with the Show’s Host,the comely Sophia Wanuna when I saw her light up and wave animatedly at someone who had just walked into the room.

I looked towards the door…And there he was; Tony Mochama in his usual vivaciousness.

” The Sexual Molester is in the House!!!” Tony announced,jocularly. Everyone laughed.

Trust Tony to poke fun at any situation. Regardless of who is involved. Or what.

I did my part and left the set. But waited at the backstage for a promised chat with the Wordsmith himself,Smitta.

After an hour or so,Tony had done his TV interview and was ready to meet me.

We walked to the Cafeteria….Me,Tony and his longtime pal,Solo.

Tony grabbed me a Delmonte Juice and grabbed himself some toast bread and tea.

And then we sat down. For this chat.

CABU GAH(C.G): Nice to Meet You again,Tony.

TONY: Nice to finally meet You too,Cabu….I saw Your article in Ghafla. That was so nice.

CG: Thankyou. So,these sexual molestation accusations. Tell Me about it.

TONY: At first I was shocked. Totally. But I have overcome them. And I am ready to hit back. Hard.

CG: Hit back? Meaning??

TONY: Oh,I have already pressed charges against Wambui and Shalija. I am suing for more than 3 Million Kenya Shillings.

CG: WOW…..

TONY: Yes. Through the very astute hands of Lawyer Gillian of Sichangi and Co. Advocates,I have sued both Wambui and Shalija Patel for libel,slander and defamation.

CG: And…..

TONY: And for maligning my name and brand to Standard Group,My Employers and also PEN Kenya,My literary partners. I am suing for a 7-figure compensation. We are talking Millions here.

CG: How did You learn about these accusations?

TONY: Social Media. I opened my Facebook and my inbox was flooding. At first I thought My sister,who lives in Essex,England was DEAD!!! Everyone was inboxing Me!

CG: And….

TONY; My heart sank. I didn’t know what to say. How to say it. Or who to say it to.

CG: Did You actually go to Wambui’s house that day??

TONY: Yes,I did. And I sat next to my friend Steve Pattinton . And My good friend Wanjeri Nderu with whom I was at the Story Moja Festival. Never once did I get close to Miss Patel. Or even touch her!! Never!!


CG: And…

TONY: And we sat there.Just talking. And the house had around 12 People! 12 people!! No one whom saw Me actually molest Shalija! Its a room full of people! They should have seen me molest Shalija…atleast. Come On!! And it was DAYTIME! At around 3pm..Saturday afternoon.

CG: What is the beef between You and Wambui and Shalija??

TONY: Well,We are in the same industry. The writing industry. And,many a times,on the many online platforms we have had chance to interact with,I have never ever agreed with Wambui. Atleast fundamentally. We’ve never shared the same World outlook. Or views. And because if constantly disagreeing with her opinions and school of thoughts, Wambui,who can be rather stubborn and opinionated has NEVER liked Me. She hates my guts.

CG: And Shalija?

TONY: Well…Shalija ,it dates back to 2007. We’ve never gotten along,ever!! She has always hated my articles,my outlook on life and my personality. She has carved out a carrier of constantly bringing me down…Attacking me verbally at different forums,calling me a drunk, discrediting my articles…Calling me a chauvinist,a misogynist.

CG: Why does she do all these??

TONY: I DON’T KNOW. Cabu,I don’t! I don’t even bother with her life! She’s a homosexual-rights’ activist. She’s an NGO-person. I don’t know. Its insane. We don’t ever get along. Sometimes back I met her at an event,I extended my hand to shake her hand…she ignored it and walked away! She walked away! Leaving my hand hanging! Man,she’s hated me for Years. Its crazy bana.

CG: Actually,Its STUPID!!!

TONY: And some other Gay activist called Keguro. Who is now so strongly supporting Shalija. He also claims I actually did molest Shalija and yet he wasn’t even at the house! What does he know??? What?? He claims to be a Justice Activist! Why apply selective Justice? Don’t I deserve Justice too? Or what does Justice mean to him?? Accusing me before hearing my story, Is that Justice??


TONY: Exactly! That’s favoritism. And biasness. I am outraged! These activists will say or do anything to stay relevant. And to get donor funding. Totally nonsensical.

CG: I call that BULLSHIT. And what exactly is Shalija and her conniving cahoots accusing You of? Exactly?? Did You rape her? Undress her? Grab her ass?? What EXACTLY are they saying You did??

TONY: NOTHING!!! Can You believe it! They won’t say HOW or WHERE I touched her. Or molested her. They won’t specify! They are just using one ambiguous word; SEXUAL MOLESTATION.

CG: But they should describe exactly HOW You did it. And what You did!

TONY: And yet they can’t! They won’t! Its all a stupid mind game! Just hiding behind a word ‘sexual molestation’. Come On! I dare You to say WHAT I did! Say it! Describe it! I dare You!!!

CG: Wow…People can be mean…

TONY: People are MEAN,Cabu Gah. Am telling You…the evil people are not only the ISIS terror group fighting in Iraq. Or the Alshabaab. Real wicked people are out here. There is REAL wickedness in the World Cabu Gah!


CG: I know…I know….

TONY: Someone once said,Twitter is like Monkeys with Machine guns….It can totally be misused. And abused. Imagine giving a Machine gun to a Monkey…that’s how it feels to give social media to some people….reckless heartless people…

CG: Has this incidence taught You a thing??

TONY: Yes…I have learnt that Not everybody wishes You well. And I have started getting closer to Jesus. And I am NOT even a religious person! I have started to very strongly identify with the tribulations of an innocent Jesus at the Cross,Cabu Gah. Even Uhuru Kenyatta,my wrongful accusations tell me very strongly that he could be absolutely innocent too Man….

SOLO(Smitta Friend): Something else Cabu Gah… Irrelevance is damaging!

CG: Nice One Man! Tony,have You attempted to talk to any of these people??

TONY: NO,NEVER!! I have nothing to say to them!!! Nothing!! The ONLY time I will talk to them is in Court!

CG: And now that they went to the Police…Have You been served any papers?? Any impending arrest??

TONY: Nothing! Absolutely NOTHING! No papers…No arrests have been made on Me…No summons,NOTHING! Nothing Man! I should be in police custody by now…And Yet I am NOT! How Now?? Real Sexual Molesters should be in Police custody by now! And Yet I am Not!

CG: Man….

TONY: I have learnt that You can wake Up a Hero in the Morning and by Evening You are a Villain…A Devil…

CG: Last Words….

TONY: Well…This assault on my brand has NOT shaken Me…Or broken Me down…I have acquired a heart of steel…And I am now more wiser than before…And more cautious of who I Love,Hug or Befriend…

I wrap up with a huge BEAR HUG to Smitta,the Wordsmith. I totally empathize with him..And as I walk out of the Cafeteria with Him…My mind is racing fast and quick…

His situation saddens me and opens My eyes to an evil World…A World where everything can go wrong. Faster than You thought.

Everyone who knows Smitta Smitten,Including Queen of Media Caroline Mutoko said one thing: The Tony I know CANNOT sexually Molest a Woman!

As I I walk to the gate,holding Tony’s hand,I am MORE THAN CONVINCED that this Man…this Man…HE IS INNOCENT!


Good Luck,Pal. Good Luck….twas a pleasure,Bro….



About this writer:

Cabu Gah