CAMPUS CORNER: How To Get A ‘Wifey Material’ Girl Before You Graduate

A common denominator in the thoughts of campo guys is how they’ll get wifey material chicks that will maybe stick by them until marriage. Of course it’s advisable to get a good girl while still in campo because out here it’s tricky. But the problem is there are so many ratchet females jumping around lecture halls and hostels these days.

So how do you find the good girls? The best way to find the decent chicks is by sieving out the bad ones. This is because the bad ones are easier to identify than the good ones. Here’s how to identify girls that will never make a good wife for you outside campus

She has her own ‘keja’

When you see that she has rented her own keja outside campus, you might think “Hmmm…..she’s got her own place. Impressive.” But if you’re unplugged, you’ll know that a campus girl who insists on living alone has very peculiar reasons for it.

The reason is that campo chicks are heavily influenced by BFFs who shame them, or question any choice they make be it how they dress, what they do for a living, and most of all how many random hookups they have with random dudes.

Living by herself gives her carte blanche to sleep with as many dudes as her little heart desires without the judgmental gaze of her roommates or BFFs. With male thirst at an all time high, it’s a pretty good bet that a campus chick who doesn’t share a residence with a friend is likely pushing triple digits in the notch count category, and sampling an array of cocks for her pleasure. Normal young girls like hanging around each other and living with each other.

She has more male friends than female friends

Or maybe she claims she doesn’t like being friends with a bunch of females, but prefers being friends with guys. This too is often just BS. Most chicks I know who are friends with armys of guys have had sexual relationships with at least a quarter of them, …….if not all of them. Very few are on some truly ‘just friends’ tip.

And if other chicks find it hard to be friends with her, it could be because they can smell the home-wrecker and man-snatcher that she is from miles away. That girl could very well be the chick that all the other women keep their boyfriends away from because she has a habit of stealing them. Food for thought…

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Her hobby or ‘career goal’ is an art but she is so poor at it

A lot of promiscuous chicks in campus are into arts such as music, dancing, modeling, deejaying and other forms of “artistic expression.” Thing is, none of them are good any at them. Sure there are a few that happen to be half decent but by and large, most are well below average.

All careers in arts are oiled by poosy. Women have to give it up to men in higher positions in order to advance. And women who stick to arts but are not good at what they do will do anything to get ahead. And that includes opening their legs at 90 degrees. Avoid such if you want a wifey material girl.

Chicks in arts are only good for sex. Their exuberant lovemaking will spoil you for all other women.  Their beautiful pornographic gestures will capture your heart.  Their craving for intimacy and their wellspring of empathy will draw you in.  And then right at the moment you fall deepest for her you will catch her one night frenching a half-shaven DJ in her bed sitter room.

She shows a lot of cleavage and flesh all the time.

No worries if she’s accentuating her tits and legs on the first date to entice you as the only guy who is interested in her, but if she’s got those colliding death stars displayed for the universe to admire every time you see her, you’ve got a chick on your hands who is addicted to advertising herself. And there will be buyers, oh yes! Plenty of them


About this writer:

Philip Etemesi