Defiant Martha Karua embarrasses President Uhuru Kenyatta by walking out on him

Narc Kenya Party leader, Martha Karua today pulled a first one on President Uhuru, leaving the head of state totally embarrassed.
Karua walked out, on President Uhuru Kenyatta shortly after warming receiving him and even hugging the head of state.
According to a local daily, Drama started, after Kenyatta introduced the iron lady to the excited Kirinyaga crowd and instead of following the flow (jubilee wishes) and joining Jubilee in a public rally out in the open.
The defiant iron lady in her true colors, flashed the two-finger salute to indicate that she was still in Narc Kenya.
Uhuru in a calculated move to pressure the iron lady to fold up her party and join jubilee, called on her to join his Jubilee Party as he was addressing the public, if she wants to work with him.
Uhuru remarks promoted the jubilant crowd to start chanting Jubilee slogans directed at Ms Karua when she stood to respond to the president’s wish, however the narc Kenya party leader was not amused and in defiance, she flashed her party two finger salute before walking out of the meeting, leaving Uhuru totally embarrassed.
Upon arrival, Kenyatta who is on a marketing campaign tour in the Central region, had been warmly received by Karua who was among the guests who were waiting to receive the Head of State as he began his tour of the Kirinyaga County.
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Earlier this month, Karua who had been one of the fiercest critics of President Uhuru and the Jubilee government announced that she will support Uhuru’s second term re-election bid.
However a few days later in a local morning show, Karua backtracked her statements and said the support was only applicable in the Kirinyaga County where she was contesting for the governor’s post and she did not have a preferable presidential candidate.

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla