Degrading the presidency; this is why Uhuru might be forced to appear in court to testify on whether he smokes bhang

Uhuru Kenyatta could find himself in an unfamiliar albeit embarrassing situation should a court require him to testify in person.

Samuel Apoko , the MCA from Kisii County who shock the nation when he insulted the President calling him a ‘bhang smoker’ now wants the Head of State to be present in court in person. Through his lawyer, Gideon Nyambati, Apoko argued that the president being the complainant should be the first witness to give his testimony.

Such a scenario would have Uhuru Kenyatta responding to the claims of bhang use that have been thrown his way not just by Apoko but also another Nakuru politician. For many this is seen as degrading the president. The president himself will not be looking forward to such a scenario especially having to respond to such claims. 


The state prosecution dismissed the plea asking the court to consider the president’s security while the defense argued that the president is not legally exempted from appearing in court and he has also appeared in numerous public gatherings.


Photos from top. Uhuru Kenyatta and Samuel Apoko meet at State House (Dennis Itumbi/Facebook)

In August,28, 2013, Apoko called for the president’s advisors to ask the president to stop taking bhang. The words earned him a couple of days in the cells and he parted with Kshs. 50,000 as bail.

Later Dennis Itumbi a director of PSCU revealed the president had forgiven the MCA and even shared photos of the two hugging and exchanging courtesies at State House Nairobi. It appears the president did not withdraw the case and now may find himself facing Apoko in court. The court will rule on whether he can attend or not on 28th this month. 

About this writer:

Liatema Munyu