Don’t Lie To Yourself…….No One Wants You To Succeed

I know this isn’t in the realm of things that I usually write here at Ghafla but I need to do it.  By the way if you’ve been wondering where the ‘adult’ stuff that I usually write has gone to, it’s still there. I started a new blog, specifically for that. You can check out my social media pages to learn more. My writing is evolving so I am taking new strategies as well. Anyway, back to today’s issue. I figured that I should let everyone aware of something they all intend to ignore. No matter how much we try to assume that it’s not so, most of the people close to us are hoping that we will fail,   

Your boyz are hoping. Your BFFs are hoping. Your neighbors are hoping. Your competitors are hoping. Believe it or not, some of your relatives and close family members are hoping. They want you to fail because your success is their failure. It reminds them of their laziness, their poor work ethic and their lackluster ways of life. I’m sorry to tell you that they all want you to fail so that they can feel better. Their subtle jabs and withholding of encouragement are aimed to keep you in an inferior station. No one wants to see someone rise at faster speed than themselves. No one truly wants you to succeed. So don’t lie to yourself that people are happy for you.

It’s quite unfortunate, since we all should be happy when the people close to us make forward steps in life. It’s not like there are limited spots to fight for to be successful. It’s like love, there is no limit to love in the world, we’ll never run out of love. There is enough for everyone. Same with success. Everyone has the opportunity to be successful without stepping on each other’s toes, especially family & friends. Sadly, that’s not how they see it.

Quite often, you will notice that the people that are truly happy for you aren’t necessarily your closest allies. It will usually be people that have had success themselves and are not threatened whatsoever by the fact that someone else they know has success. You see, most people can digest that other people are more successful than they are, as long as it is far away. When it’s too close to home, they can’t stomach it

So there is no point in telling other people your goals. They will talk you out of it or give you bad advice. Mjanja hufanya mambo yake kimya kimya. There is no point trying to convince others of your world view. They will plant seeds of doubts that prevent you from action and seeing the truth. The minute you go just slightly higher than you have been, they will try to sabotage you. They are the worrymongers, fearmongers, scaremongers, shamemongers, guilt-trippers, trolls, and haters. Ignore them. Feeding them brings you down to their level, which is exactly what they want.

You’re completely on your own even if you hate to admit it. You don’t need help from anyone. If you can’t reach your goals without the validation and support of other human beings, the bulk of whom I promise are against you, then you don’t deserve to succeed.

About this writer:

Philip Etemesi