Etemesi’s Tales | Naked In The River


EXPLICIT CONTENT: Do Not Read If You Are Holier Than Thou

In my rural home (a place called Butere in Western Kenya), young people still consider bathing in the river a fun activity, even though everyone has bathrooms at home. There’s always a bathing section for men and a special bathing section for women too. As a young man who has been born and raised in Nairobi, this is one of the things I look forward to whenever I go to ocha. I mean, where else can you walk around with your penis swinging proudly in the breeze and no one to judge you?

Men are forbidden from going anywhere near the women’s bathing section but two years ago, my cousin Dick (yeah he’s called Dickson) and I, together with Ongaro (the guy that herds my grandmother’s cattle) discarded the rules. My whole extended family had converged in Luhyaland for the Christmas holidays. So on a fine hot afternoon, we accompanied Ongaro as he took the cows to feast on grass a few miles away from home.

As we were idling around, Ongaro came up with a naughty suggestion

Munataka niwaonyesheko penye matem huoka?”

Since Dick is born tao like me, it took him time to digest what Ongaro had just said. A Luhya accent as plastered all over his Swahili but I understood what he was trying to say. The guy wanted to show us where the ladies bathed. No wonder he was being accused of impregnating four girls in the village at the same time. Anyway, since boys will be boys, we agreed to the offer. Who wouldn’t want to see wet titties and sexy mazigwembe anyway?

So Ongaro, guided us through some bushes then stopped us

Nyamaseni na mchungulie kwa hiso matawi hapo!”, he ordered

I was the first to peep through the leaves and goddamn. Around ten women were busy soaping themselves in the shallow river. An eye-garsmic sight is what it was. I felt like King David staring at Bathsheba – forbidden but sweet.

My cousin Dick wasn’t even moving. His mouth was wide open like a true champion of thirst. He couldn’t believe what was unraveling before his eyes. Neither could i.

Two the women were twins. They were the ones that caught all of our attention. That’s because they were the hottest. Their beauty made all the other women look bleak.


We kept our eyes trained on them as they slowly bathed then dressed before gathering their items to head back home.

Hao matwins wako fiti jo. Si tuwafuate?” Dick suggested to me

It was a crazy idea but a viable one still.

His plan as to rush to the road that they were going to use to get back home and intercept them then try to seduce them. We were behaving like high adolescent kids but who cared? No one.

We left Ongaro with the cattle and rushed through the bushes as Tarzan would in the jungle. We were just in time. We stopped the girls and introduced ourselves. Each one of us chose their own twin. I chose the one that was now wearing a red dress while Dick chose the one in a black skirt and white top

Seducing women by the roadside is the norm in our rural area. For every several metres you move, you see a guy standing by his bicycle while talking to a girl as she draws circles on the ground with her feet and blushes

Lucky for us, the twins were impressed by our dedication and vibe. They both gave us their numbers. My target’s name was Claire. Her sister’s name was Charity. As for me, getting a number is all I ever need to seal the deal. I am the Sultan of Sexting. It takes me three days at most to convince a girl to bang. With Claire, it took two days. All she kept reminding me was to get a condom

Since I couldn’t bang her at our home, I requested Ongaro to allow me to do it in his tiny but tidy hut as he went to handle grandma’s stubborn bulls by the riverside while stare at some more naked women. He agreed. Great guy

On the third day after meeting her, I called Claire over and she showed up in time. Despite her swift willingness to bang she was disciplined. She told me she had just gotten her first job as a secretary at a government office in Kisumu. Her sister was a professional volleyball player. They had both come to spend the Christmas holidays with their parents back home.

In the hut, the atmosphere was perfect. Mulembe FM blared from Ongaro’s six battery radio. No time was misused. I smoothed my hand over Claire‟s loose hair. Without the braid, it hung well past her shoulders . I pushed the hair from her face, looking down at her with such tenderness it made her heart have an inconsistent rhythm    

My head lowered, my lips touching hers as we sat on a bed where four women had possibly been impregnated. My tongue was burning for the taste of her. Desperate for the feel of her mouth. A driving inferno of lust was building inside me. It defied description..

I pressed my hands into her stomach before sneaking inside her skirt. I was rushing, bu she didn’t complain. Her abdomen rippled and i could feel the pulse of dampness between her thighs. Her nipples were so sensitive the rasp of her top was torture. Her clitoris was engorged and aching.


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I took off her dress slowly as I kept on caressing her. She whimpered as another punch of sensation slammed into her tummy, her vagina, her clitoris. It was like a racking blow of electricity being shoved inside her. It sizzled and burned and left her gasping in need as she helped me take off my t-shirt and unzipped my jeans.

Claire needed me like I needed her. Her lips opened beneath mine, accepting my tongue and that taste she craved so desperately. She sucked it into her mouth and heard my groan of pleasure. She arched into my arms and begged silently for more.

But kisses weren’t enough for her. She needed me to touch her more. She needed that so bad that she gripped my hand and shoved it to her chest. I clawed her bra in half. Her breasts tumbled out. I gaped at them until her nipples hardened under my heated gaze. Then her hands were all over my chest, touching hot, hard flesh as she felt my hand cup the swollen mound of her breast. The cool air of the hut suddenly felt icy against her sensitive nipples.

We made sure to remove every piece of cloth that was on our bodies. A second later she found herself flipped to her stomach. Her fingers curled into the blankets as she opened her eyes and stared in dazed confusion at the bed. I jerked her hips up. My fingers ran through the sensitive folds between her thighs, and she was wet. So slick and wet and hot. And it felt so delicious for her that she stretched into the caress.

I wore protection before allowing her to feel every inch as the crest of my ‘D’ tucked between the wet folds – broad and hot

Claire pressed her head into the bed. I was taking her to a zone where she couldn’t find a sense of control or focus. She couldn’t hold on to me. She just had to receive the blessings.


Her sex flexed and rippled, drawing me in. With each heated thrust she became more sensitive, hungrier, needier. A moan ripped from her throat as i tunneled inside in hard calculated strokes. Her thighs parted more, her hips tilted back farther as she called for deeper thrusts

“Tamu beb”, she cried out

Beb?…since when was I her beb? It didn’t matter anyway. I gave her about five hard spankings before I continued pumping.

The bed banged against the wall and with every sharp thrust, our skin slapped together lusciously. She was filled with me. She could feel every heavy vein in my Luhya manhood, every pulse of blood through it, and it was driving her insane. She needed more, wanted more. She begged me to ravish her greedily.

And more is what I gave her. Surging inside her as she felt her body tighten. Her vaginal muscles wrapped around my erection – they tightened. Her clit throbbed, pulsed, and then around eight minutes later, everything inside her exploded in a cataclysm of light and color that had her screaming my name.

She shuddered through her orgasm, jerking beneath me as i continued to thrust hard and fast, gaining speed, pushing into her as she felt more of those pulses of heated fluid. Shivers traveled down her spine and her insides twisted in knots.

A second later, she heard me snarl. I was getting larger, separating her farther as i felt my semen begin to spurt inside her. This left me with no choice but to grin like a feral wolf.

I spanked her again, the sting of my large palm connecting sharply with her ass, causing another, harder orgasm to rip through her. It shook her, wrenched her senses from her and left her lost. She was so lost, with nothing, no one to hold on to. Thrown into a pleasure so violent, so brutal, i wondered if she could survive it. She remained in that doggy position, unable to move

After the tremor of the pleasure had faded, she turned over and lay on her back. I got over her and kissed her. Soon we would be gearing up for the second round, in a hut, at the heart of Luhyaland..

About this writer:

Philip Etemesi