Expressing Your Feelings and Getting all the Attention Has Never Gotten This Easy….Even Being a Kenyan Celebrity Can’t Beat This

The day was 5th December 2014 and there she was standing in the rain with a black polka dress, a red trench coat with a shade of mascara and just the right amount of lipstick, right and then I knew….I knew she was the one and I knew I had to have her.

More than one year down the line and nothing has really changed despite the ups and downs. I still look at her big hazel eyes and a speck of delight boils up in me. My stomach rumbles and churns establishing that in deed this is no ordinary love.

I bet I’m not alone and there are many of you experiencing this kind of feelings every single day. Many of you happy to be with your significant others, many of you elated to spend time with your families and many of you who can’t wait to get to work and change the world; okay maybe not many but I’m pretty sure you get the drill.

Feelings of elation, contentment and gratitude are always bubbling deep within us and as humans we want to share them and let the world know how we feel; let our friends and family know that we love and appreciate them.

But what is the best way to do that without being branded an attention seeker, what is the most simplistic and elegant way of expressing your feelings? I struggled with that when I first experienced love in that eventful day but I guess no more.

Behold, Coca Cola’s share a feeling which is determined to ensure that whatever feeling crippling inside you is shared and not just like a facebook post or a tweet that people will just peruse over but in a gif which everyone can take keen of and be mesmerized with it driving your message sound and clear.

So did you just graduate, did your girlfriend just give birth to a bouncing baby girl or did you just get a promotion? Let the world know with a gif! Express your joy and brag a little bit, life is too short to not enjoy its simple moments. Just log into here and make your day>>>>>>Taste the Feeling

About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi