Fierce Kenyans Force Activist Cabu Gah to Show the White Flag


Do not dare mess with Kenyans on the social media, if this is advice is anything to go by then Cabu Gah just learnt it the hard way.

How do you even bully someone on his own page, this is how crazy Kenyans have come to be of late, resorting to intimidate activist Cabu Gah. This is how it all started; Cabu Gah was not pleased with Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria’s newly invented phrase; Kikuyu is not a tribe, it is an enterprise. He wrote a piece expressing his opinion but it seemed Kenyans loved Kuria’s phrase more and in their numbers, they attacked Cabu Gah forcing him to withdraw his earlier comment.

In the spirit of democracy, Cabu Gah ultimately withdrew his article and bowed to the ‘numbers’ but still maintain the statement by Kuria was a passing JOKE.




About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere