For the first time Boniface Mwangi is REALLY scared assassins could do harm to him… His enemies have found a way to hit him below the belt

The daring Rights Activist has revealed his enemies have found a way to hit him where it hurts the most. Boniface said he had faced countless threats in his life ever since he became an activist but he was never cowed by them, until recently.

“Since l became an activist, my life has changed significantly. I can’t be out alone late at night. A veteran politician once cautioned me that evil loves the dark. I am constantly looking over my shoulder. When working late or hanging out with friends, l must ensure I am with trusted company. I cannot speak freely on my phone. I have had to adjust my life drastically as I cannot afford to take these threats lightly. Routinely, supportive friends with access to info will send me information shared by people who have been paid to spy on me. In spite of these chilling reports, I refuse to be intimidated into silence. I refuse to be paralyzed by fear,” Boniface wrote in part.

The Rights Activist revealed his enemies have now resorted to threaten his wife and kids after they discovered he wasn’t scared by the threats on his life.

“I am anguished because the threats are now taking a more dangerous tone. For the first time since I began engaging in activism, my wife and children have been included as targets. The source of the threats claims that because I have refused to be bought and won’t compromise, I have put my family in danger.”

Boniface disclosed that he received the threats on his family as he was returning home from America where he had gone to promote his book, The UnBounded.

“We were meant to travel back last week, but then I received a frightening warning message: “DO NOT COME HOME: THEY WILL KILL YOU.” To prove the message’s authenticity, my source shared specific details of how they intend to hurt me and my family. It has broken my heart to see my wife cry, almost everyday. In her tears she keeps saying, “You fight for Kenyans everyday, but who will fight for me and for our children?”

Boniface Mwangi's family
Boniface Mwangi with his wife and kids

He goes on to reveal that his family and friends have always been sick worried about his safety ever since he started getting threats on his life.

“My close family and friends are in constant fear for my life. My mother-in-law even has a permanent prayer chain of friends who pray for me daily. Do I fear for my life? It’s the question on everyone’s mind and it comes up at every interview or talk I give. Like most humans, I am afraid of death, but often my convictions for a better Kenya have overcome this real and palpable fear. It is a great sacrifice to die for Kenya, but an even better one to live for her.”

Boniface says he intends to make a statement to the police regarding the current threats on his family upon touching down in Kenya.

“As I write this, I am on my way back home. I intend to make a statement of the current threats to the police. They may not do much about it, but I will have done my part in reporting. My family will follow once I have shared all the information I have with the police,”

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

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