Four Signs You Are Suffering From A Terrible Dry Spell

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another important love session from the Sheriff. Dry spells are common nowadays. In men, it’s called ‘Punani Deficiency Syndrome (PDS) ‘. In women, it’s called ‘Dick deficiency Syndrome (DDS). If you are smart, you already figured it out. I’ll still explain nevertheless. A victim of these disorders is one who isn’t getting enough lungula, someone who is undergoing sexual purgatory. Maybe their social skills suck, maybe they are ugly or maybe they are too choosy. So what are the signs you are not getting enough sex?

You start texting your ex

This is dangerous territory and will likely end in regret. For a moment in time, you forget anything the douche bag put you through, and start laying out the doormat for small talk. You’ve probably got a cup of tea beside you, and you’re not too much worried about anything past the present, so you run with it. Your thumb goes on a reminisce spree, and you start asking about random shit like their family, how work is, what they ate for breakfast that morning – anything to show you care. Then you ask the ultimate question, “Can we hook up sometime?”. The truth is that you’ve just run out of options

You stop having a ‘type’

You always say “I can’t date short guys” or “I can’t date dark skin girls” but suddenly you don’t seem to mind. Anything goes. You haven’t felt the comforting touch of another human being in ages so pretty soon you start seeing everyone as a potential sex partner. The slightest friendly touch turns you on and your hormones are screaming at you to jump their bones. Now even mama Mboga seems to have gotten sexier in your eyes. Sorry to inform you that the dry spell is real on your side

You are sliding into DMs, comment sections and inboxes

Whenever a girl posts a dope picture, your comment is there in record time. You say things like “Uko sawa msupa’’ or “Nipatie number yako.”. And as if that’s not enough, you are in her inbox, sending message after message even when she’s not replying. If you are a lady, you don’t mind the guys that are DMing you and commenting on your pics. You actually keep checking to see who is the most handsome so that you can ‘talk more’

You are angry and jealous all the time

It’s been several months since you’ve seen someone naked and now the frustration is starting to build. Whenever your friend tells you about their great sexual experience you feel jealous and wish it was you. If you see a happy couple, you ask yourself what you are not doing right. When someone rejects your advances, you foolishly get angry and even throwing some insults. You need to chill. It’s never that serious. Calm down, be easy and things will start to flow the way you want them to

About this writer:

Philip Etemesi