Funnyman Obinna Keeps His Promise; He Will Definitely Do it This Month

How many comedians do you know can actually get musical and still entertain you? You are about to find out that soon, I mean not later than this month though, just soon enough.

Obinna Ike Igwe promised to release his new song and it is now a sure deal that the next time you see this comedian on your screen, he will be featuring in his new single debut. This guy surely knows the meaning of hustling, he has a TV and radio shows as well as events and now he is just about to launch his music career, I mean venturing in all sectors of the entertainment industry is not a thing that works well for most of the artistes.

Let us wish him the all the best, hope his music will be worthwhile for you guys to buy, listen, watch or whatever you do with it.

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere