Gay and Proud: Shock As Two Male Lions Are Caught On Camera Banging Passionately (Photos)

Some of us thought that homosexual behavior was only common in human beings but 1,500 different species prove otherwise.And although this ‘gay’ behavior is rarely caught on camera,two male lions caught in the wild engaging in coitus proved that this can happen.

A photographer had a rare chance to capture the lions that have been at it for a week now trying to mate in the Lagoon area of Kwando in Botswana

Apparently the two lions had shoved out other males out of the pride and the other females had moved to the Mopani woodland leaving only one lioness behind

“Only one lioness was seen in the centre of the concession where the male lions were and the lions showed no interest in the lioness leading to the assumption that she may have been pregnant. It is the first time I have seen homosexual behavior in lions, but when reading about it upon my return, it is not that uncommon.”Nicole Cambré, who took the pictures told the Daily Mail.

Here are some of the pics which have caused quite the stir:




About this writer:

Sue Watiri