GHAFLA EXPLORES: 10 Estates In Nairobi Where Sponsors Love Keeping Their Young Ripe Sugar Babes

We are witnessing an influx of ‘sponsored chicks’ here in Nairobi, otherwise known as sugar babes. These are girls that have no intention of working hard whatsoever. Their goals in life include milking money from wealthy married from men who are age forty and above and having their vaginas ploughed. Or rather tickled.

The sad thing is that these girls have boyfriends who have no idea what’s going on. Fellow guys, In order to avoid putting your mouth where an old wrinkled cock has been, check out this list I wrote a while back —- ‘5 signs your girl has a sponsor’. The sheriff has got your back.

Anyway, which estates in Nairobi will you find the most sugar babes?

Kahawa West

Wonder why girls form Kahawa West look like Serena Williams, with strong muscles and mazigwembed legs? It’s simple. Carrying a 50 year old, 200 pound man every weekend isn’t a joke. Men riding in the fuel guzzlers love gifting money-hungry Nairobi chicks with rented houses in this area in exchange for five second sex every weekend. Rumor has it that sponsors don’t last for more than five seconds. True? Probably.

Baraka Estate

Other beneficiaries of financially compensated relationships can be located in this hood. Sponsors understand the importance of money in attracting women. First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the women. Then after you get the women, you keep them in a place like Baraka Estate and they’ll never go anywhere. Just like chicken, give them a home and they’ll always come back in the evening.

Nyayo Estate

Ahaaaa….oh hail the capital of sponsored babes. There are so many chicks here who live in expensive houses but have no real job. Where do they get the money? Are they betting experts? No. Do they grow money on trees? No. Do they work in a money-minting factory? No. Do they open their legs for old men? Yes


Imara Daima

Sponsors frequently pop in this hood to get a train of blowjobs and raw sex from their sugar babes. Something their wives are all too reluctant to give. If your girlfriend lives in this estate, be very afraid. There are high chances that she might be ushered into the cult of sponsorship. And once she’s in, she’s gone forever.

South B

Here, we find a good number of chicks who still with their parents but get fucked on the side by men resembling their fathers. Take Cheryl Kitonga for example. She lives in South B. She looks like a decent lady who gets As in college, yet all she gets is Ds in the bedroom. What a shame.


Although it’s not really in Nairobi County, Ruiru is another hub for plastic bimbos who depend on sugar daddies. They mostly consist of university girls living in hostels. Their sponsors have money but are too mean to rent them places elsewhere. And these girls aren’t even intellectually empowered enough to realize that.


There’s a reason why Komarock is convenient for sponsors. It’s ideal for secrecy. This estate is like a maze, with numerous gates and countless junctions. When a wife gets tipped with a message like “bwana yako ameweka gachugwa pale Komarock”, it’ll take her a whole year before she can find the exact place.”


In Hurlingham, there are resident females who’ve been gifted apartments while there are those who are renting themselves after accumulating stacks of sponsor cash. The sugar babes here are rich. They drive dope cars and you can’t dare mess with them because they date powerful men

Riruta Satellite

Here, you’ll find ladies who have middle class sponsors. These are men who don’t have Range Rovers or X6s but have little money to spoil younger girls with while still affording to live decent lives. Their beneficiaries usually rush to shop at Toi Market after being blinded by 2K via Mpesa.


There’s no surprise that it’s called Utawala. Sponsors ‘tawala’ this estate on weekends. After intense research, I’ve discovered that a lot of ladies that date their bosses live in this area. During weekdays, these chicks get picked and dropped by cabs or company cars. During weekends, it’s all about the SUVs

About this writer:

Philip Etemesi