Heartbreaking: This Is The Kenyan Woman Set To Be Killed Today In China For Alleged Drug Trafficking (Photo)

A Kenyan woman convicted of drug trafficking in China is set to face the hangman any time from now.

Floviance Razan Owino, who has been in custody in Beijing for the last two years is set to be executed in China today according to the country’s laws.

Asian countries are known to offer stiff penalties for drug traffickers and the least they can do to a person found guilty is execution.

Floviance, a mother of a 4 year old daughter, disappeared without the knowledge of her family until last week when her sisters received a phone call from China telling them that their sibling will be hanged this week for trafficking drugs in China.


Photo courtesy: Nairobi News

The family has since made every effort to rescind the decision but all has proved futile.

The media has greatly highlighted this story, with the government urged to use its relationship with China to stop the imminent execution of Floviance.

The foreign embassy has said that the government is doing everything possible to stop the execution but it seems time is running out as the execution is set to be done any time from now.

Kenyans have since launched a campaign on social media to save Floviance.

Many have expressed their anger at the Chinese government saying that Chinese nationals in Kenya have done worse things in the country but none has been executed.

About this writer:

Edward Chweya