How This Japanese Athlete’s Dreams of Winning Gold at the Olympics Were Crushed By His Own Manhood

Most athletes often lose their chances at a medal thanks to a sprained ankle or a twisted knee but it’s rarely their manhood that gets in the way of their dreams.

But Japanese athlete Hiroki Ogita’s penis proved to be his own downfall as he tried to clear a height of 5.3m during the pole vault qualifications rounds in Rio.

According to Daily Mail, his shin scrapped the bar, then his thighs grazed it and left it shaking precariously but a whack from his trouser friend ended his Olympic dream when the pole fell to the ground.

Below is the tragic moment:

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Gif:Perez Hilton

He managed to clear the height when he tried again but only managed a height of 5.45m with his last jump leaving him at number 21 and subsequently ending his Olympic dreams.

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Sue Watiri