How To Get Rid Of That Crazy Ex Who Wants You Back

Exes can be annoying or beneficial depending on the type of person you dated. Personally, I never want anything to do with my former baes. If you walk out of my life, keep going. Don’t see me on a newspaper and start texting me. I’ll make your life hell just for the fun of it. I’ll research which one of your friends has the biggest booty then i’ll bang her.

Honestly I don’t understand those couples who break up and are like “I loved you, you enriched my life, you gave me many orgasms, now go prosper and be happy. “ I am way more like, “You are an asshole, I hate you with the power of a thousand suns. I hope you get struck by lightning and turn into a rock.”

Anyway, how do you handle that crazy ex that regrets leaving you? You might not be as vicious as i am but try these out….

Tell your them how awesome your current boo is

So she reminds you of that time you bent her over the sofa with your jeans down to our waist then you drilled her from behind? It doesn’t matter. Tell her how your current girlfriend cooks for you the sweetest meal then gives you a powerful blowjob right after. Exes like to know that they are the only ones who made you happy. When they realize that there’s somebody else who is rocking your world, they feel like losers, and that’s awesome.

Tell your ex that you are currently saved and Jesus is the love of your life

This should scare your former lover off, especially if they were the sinful type. For guys, we date crazy chicks once in a while. We all have that ex-chick who knew how to serve the punani but ended up breaking our hearts. She was a psycho, a stalker, a drama queen, a slut, , a catty backstabber and a utensil-throwing, suicide-threatening, hey-check-out-my-big-purple-dildo, stick-her-finger-up-your-asshole-during-sex whirlwind of whorishness all wrapped up in one..

Then she says she wants you back, you might be tempted to consider it just so she can suck you and make you cum like a tap once again. But don’t do it. Tell her you are saved now. Start quoting bible verses to her and she will run away faster than a CORD demonstrator from teargas.

Avoid discussions, meetings and hang up the phone

if you are quite certain that the relationship is over, then make that clear to them. Don’t be forced into justifying your decision. Reject all offers of ett-ups and treats. When your ex calls, pick up but then hang up the phone when they start explaining something. If you let them manipulate you into a discussion, they´ll try to counter your reasons by coming up with an answer to ´solve´ the problems. So be firm and simply insist that it´s over

About this writer:

Philip Etemesi