This IEBC attendant has thrown the whole registration process in disarray. Her hotness is just unbearable!

Voter registration came to a halt today somewhere in Kenya as men took turns to ogle at this IEBC attendant.

The lady whom allegedly is based in Lokitoung Primary is already driving team mafisi into frenzy after her photo emerged on Facebook.

The voter registration is in full swing as preparations for the upcoming elections take full effect and voter apathy is being fought by all means especially by leaders.

Also read:Kuchukua Kura Lazima! 5 of the most Drastic Measures Kenyans are being subjected to in the name of getting voters cards

So such a photo goes a great mile to ease out all the tension:

IEBC attendant
IEBC attendant driving team mafisi into a frenzy

About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi