‘Jicho Pevu’ on Intrigues Surrounding Disputed 2013 Polls Finally Airs

After waiting for more than a month for the highly publicized ‘Jicho Pevu’ that sought to unearth the cloak-and-dagger surrounding the hotly disputed 2013 polls, Kenyans finally got a chance to watch the exposé over the long Easter weekend.

Amid speculations that the exposé had been put on ice by President Uhuru Kenyatta, KTN went on to air it.

Dubbed Dugudwa La Uchaguzi, this episode of ‘Jicho Pevu’ highlights the deepest secrets surrounding the highly disputed 2013 General polls. Mohammed Ali was able to obtain classified communication between a CORD luminary and one of IEBC officers as well as a Government sleuth who was tasked to hacking the digital transmission of results.

The elections are long gone but Moha claims that this exposé is an eye-opener and as a lesson to be learnt in future.

Here’s the exposé if you missed;






exposé is an eye-opener and as a lesson to be learnt in future.

Here are the exposés if you missed;



About this writer:

Jeff Omondi (Writer)