Kalekye Mumo Blatantly Defends Selfies


Taking a photograph of yourself and uploading it to the social media is the simplest definition of a selfie, well this is the new trend across the globe and if you thought it is done entirely for the sake of fun only, worry no more as Kalakye Mumo will definitely give you the reason.

First of all let me give you a hiccup of how it started, for those ones of you who do not reside anywhere near Nairobi; yesterday the city was grasped by a cold weather and apparently Kiss 100 FM presenter Kalekye is quite innovative too, she just discovered that taking a selfie help keep the scorching cold away.

So all in all, if you ever feel cold from now henceforth, just take a selfie and you will get that much needed warmth. Here is the selfie Kalekye took yesterday.




About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere