Akothee issues stern warning to bloggers

Akothee has taken to social media to warn bloggers who have been linking her to her sister, Cebbie Nyasego who has recently been involved in a lot of drama online and even in real life when she confronted her “bully”.

Zari Hassan Denies Being Inspired By Akothee’s Marriage

She warned bloggers that the only time her brand should be attached to matters pertaining to her children, her Ben 10 and herself. Taking to her IG account, she shared the following warning:

Bloggers stop drugging my
brand into useless online
Only my children and my
husband are allowed to be
tagged alongside brand
Don’t allow me pull a first one.
If you are not Addressing
me ,my children or my
husband. DONT DRUG
Akothees so and Soo
| didn’t build my brand on
someone’s back . Na kama
mumelipwa mtanuambua. |
disconnected with that family
long time Ago.
And | won’t apologize for sins
never committed

So next time we touch on Cebbie beating up her political detractor we will not bring up her relationship with Akothee or the fact they share a parent or the fact she missed out on her wedding.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay