Akothee reveals why she and her family abandoned church

In a recent post on social media, Kenyan singer and businesswoman Akothee revealed why she left church and why she never takes her kids there anymore.

Akothee said that she was misjudged and left alone when she needed the help of the church. She explained that after her marriage hit rock bottom, all her friends from the church took the side of her ex-husband and she was rejected and severely judged.

“I was rejected and judged harshly, none of them reached out to me, and I was left to die,” Akothee said. “When I reached out to them, they felt like they were talking to a sinner who had just resurrected from hell.”

Akothee’s experience left her feeling hurt and betrayed. She said that she no longer feels welcome in church and that she avoids going there because the songs they sing trigger bad memories.

“I took my kids to the big tree on the beach every Saturday instead of church,” Akothee said. “I knew it was wrong, but I wasn’t strong enough to go back to church at that time.”

Akothee said that her children are her source of inspiration and that she is determined to provide for them. She said that she has never forgotten God, even though she felt like he had forgotten her when her ex-husband was doing well and getting married.

Akothee’s story is a reminder that even people who are active in church can be judged and rejected. It is important to remember that everyone makes mistakes and that we should be kind and compassionate to those who are struggling.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay