Amber Ray’s daughter has more followers than you!

Amber Ray, a socialite, posted a photo of her newborn daughter on Instagram. Under the user name Africana Rapudo Ochieng, the infant with the name Africanah has an Instagram account that her well-known mother set up for her.

On May 17, she gave the account information while pleading with online users to follow the toddler.

Over 6,000 people have followed the account so far. Possibly because the family is waiting for users to assemble, no posts have yet been published.

Africanah just had a six-day old baby. The happy news was revealed on Monday, May 15. Amber and her fiancé Kennedy Rapudo.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay