Angst at supposed arrest of conductor for attempting to charge a cop fare

A video trending on the X app shows a conductor being humiliated by people with a police officer standing beside them. The man is half-clothed and is allegedly being arrested for asking for fare from a police officer who is not on duty. The conductor is heard shouting that they are hurting him, and netizens are shouting for help.

After the video was posted, KOT (Kenyans on Twitter) reacted with disappointment. Here are some of the many reactions:

  • “This is a disgrace to the police force. The police officer should be arrested for abuse of power.”
  • “The conductor should not be humiliated like this, even if he did ask for fare from a police officer. He is still a human being.”
  • “This is just one example of the many ways in which the police abuse their power in Kenya. It is time for justice reform.”

The video has sparked a debate about police brutality and abuse of power in Kenya. Many netizens are calling for the police officer to be arrested and held accountable for his actions.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay