“Girls need to know how to work hard and not just look at money” – Sabina Chege on femicide march

Nominated Member of Parliament Sabina Chege shared her perspective on the effectiveness of street protests in addressing femicide during a radio interview with Gukena FM.

Chege commended the efforts but stressed the need for a more targeted approach to achieve lasting change. She highlighted the importance of engaging the right audience and initiating dialogues rather than solely relying on protests.

While acknowledging the impact of recent marches, Chege suggested a more strategic approach, emphasizing reaching out to educational institutions, especially universities and colleges, to engage with young women directly. She proposed creating awareness through forums and discussions in places like hostels where young women reside.

According to Chege, the streets are primarily for media coverage, and more effective communication could be achieved by directly engaging with girls in educational institutions. She recommended mentorship programs and counseling centers to address the issue of femicide.

Chege underscored the importance of supporting girls who have experienced or are at risk of falling victim to femicide, emphasizing the need for awareness and understanding of their challenges.

In addition, Sabina Chege encouraged young women to focus on empowerment and personal development, advising them to prioritize hard work over a quick pursuit of financial gain. She emphasized the importance of understanding that success often comes through perseverance and effort rather than seeking shortcuts.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay