
Mulamwah reflects on the twists of life on Mother’s Day.

The Oyando family is currently enjoying quality time with their extended relatives in Kitale. Kendrick Mulamwah and Ruth K arrived in Kitale a few days ago to a warm and enthusiastic reception, akin to that of heroes.


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The couple shared a heartwarming video on Ruth K’s YouTube channel over the weekend, depicting the overwhelming love and support they’ve been receiving from their loved ones.

One particularly touching moment captured in the video was when Mulamwah’s grandmother bestowed traditional blessings upon their newborn son.

“Since we arrived here, I haven’t had a chance to hold him. I’ve only been breastfeeding,” Ruth K revealed. “I never thought I would feel this way about someone else’s child. But it’s a beautiful feeling,” she added.


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“We’re off to see grandma to hear what she has to say,” Mulamwah informed his fans.

During Ruth K’s pregnancy, Mulamwah’s grandmother had predicted that they were expecting a girl. However, Ruth had disagreed, citing ultrasound results indicating a boy.

In addition to receiving blessings for their son, Mulamwah’s new car was also blessed during the visit.

“This is where I grew up, I studied here, this place holds so many memories for me,” Mulamwah emotionally shared about being back in Kitale after leaving Nairobi.

Expressing gratitude and reflecting on the positive changes in his life, Mulamwah shared a heartfelt message on Instagram about his content family life.

“Mulamwah wishes you all a blessed Sunday from us ♥️♥️ , GOD IS GREAT. Loving life lately. My family and I send our love ♥️♥️”

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
