Ruthe Matete dishes dirt about “dating” Mzungu Mwitu

Image: Pastor Ruth Matete

Ruth Matete, a vocal instructor, has resumed her dating life.

After the passing of her late spouse, Matete has talked openly about dating. In 2020, a gas cylinder explosion in their house claimed the life of her husband.

Ruth admitting moving on and adoring the newfound tranquility in a conversation with her best friend Reverend Dad, also known as Mzungu Mwitu.

Since 2015, the two have been close friends. He asked her to sing at a youth conference in Eldoret, where they first met.

Rumors of a relationship between Ruth and Mzungu Mwitu have surfaced. She refuted the claims.

Jesus if they knew.

I am not pregnant, I am not dating you (Reverend dad), guys I am dating someone else.

At the moment she realised she had said too much, she said,

Shhh oh my God, but yes I am dating I can’t say I am dating, ngai dating ni nini?

There is someone I like, he likes me and we talk. We are having coffee, and we text each other every morning Good night, and how is your day going

Mzungu Mwitu quickly clarified that he was actually her deceased husband’s friend long before he was her friend – and you know how men are about honour and loyalty.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay