Sauti Sol’s Sol Fest to Continue as Annual Event

Sauti Sol’s Sol Fest will continue to be an annual event, according to the group’s singer Bien Aime Barasa.

Barasa told Nairobinews that the event is no longer just about Sauti Sol, but about the Kenyan music industry as a whole. He said that the goal is to make Sol Fest a platform for many artists, including international ones, to come and perform.

“We don’t have our version of Afro Nation or Afro Coachella in Kenya, and this is the direction we intend to take with Sol Fest,” Barasa said. “Our dream is to bring a variety of different acts to that stage.”

Barasa’s vision for Sol Fest is certainly ambitious, but it is not unrealistic. The event has already drawn some big names in the African music scene, including Tanzanian superstar Harmonize and the late South African rapper Costa Titch. With Sauti Sol’s connections and reputation, it is likely that they will be able to attract even more top talent in the years to come.

Whether or not Sol Fest will ever become Kenya’s version of Coachella remains to be seen. However, there is no doubt that it has the potential to be a major event on the African music calendar.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay