Cashy Karimi is everything wrong with baby mama culture

Cashy Karimi this morning reminded me why I loathe baby mama culture and I have to say that this is something that we need to address as a nation before we head in the direction of America’s Foundational Black American community. And the single mother epidemic is the reason American culture is on the decline!

Cashy Karimi VS Khaligraph Jones: Kenyan family law is flawed

“According to the survey, a Kenyan woman has a 59.5 percent chance of being a single mother by the age of 45 either through pre-marital birth or dissolution of a union. The research also established that about 30 percent of women in Kenya are giving birth before they are married.”

Miss Cashy with son, Xolani

And the reason this is an issue is that it is making the victim Olympics a whole thing. Am I referring to the fact that this rapper is dragging her child into the depths of the mud pit that is her fight with Xolani’s father, Omollo. For starters, we are not the right people for her to be battling her custody wars infront of. We do not care. And the fact that Cashy Karimi is blind to this is very telling. I don’t know what you understand from her actions but to me, she strikes me as a very narrow-minded and short-term thinking individual who wants to attempt to burn down the bridge simply because she hasn’t been allowed across it.

Khaligraph Jones and his toxic baby mama Cashy Karimi

Khaligraph Jones definitely has a part to play in all this. However, he is smart to remain silent as this battle rages on. That is masculine stoicism. But it is also wisdom. He is a man who is aware that today’s wars shape tomorrow’s reality. And there are some statements and actions that you can’t walk back on. So he is minding his tongue in public so that when the little boy is grown, he will not see much of anything outside of the fact that Omollo claimed his mother cheated on him.


But back to the single mother issue at hand: Cashy Karimi at the start of all this was on record boasting that her father would step up and be a father figure for the young boy she had borne. She stated that her son would lack for nothing and that he would be adequately provided for. So why the change of tune?

‘He Is Building A Mansion Yet He Has Neglected His Own Child’-Khaligraph Jones Baby Mama Cashy Karimi

She is now acting like if Khaligraph Jones were to meet an unfortunate untimely demise or were to fall off the face of the map, her son wouldn’t be able to get an education or she would be unable to provide for her child. Again I ask, why the sudden change in tune?

Cashy exposes baby daddy

By my estimation, she is trying to force her ex-boyfriend’s hand. She is trying to emotionally blackmail him publicly in the hopes that the shame she is piling on him will make him decide that he wants to play an active role in Cashy Karimi’s son’s life but this has failed spectacularly so why she keeps going at it is beyond me. At this point, it is even just embarrassing.

Cashy Karimi Needs To Stop Sharing Her Issues With Khaligraph Jones

The reason I want to tuck this in with single mother culture is that she should have waited to marry Khaligraph before she gave him the ultimate honour she can bestow on a man by carrying his child to term. Now she thinks she makes him look some type of way -and maybe she has achieved this in certain circles- but she only is hard at work making herself look dumb.

Khaligraph Jones baby mama, Cashy

This is the Brittany Renner story all over again. Women think they have finessed men and trapped them with a baby when all they have done is trap themselves in a vicious cycle that gives their offspring all sorts of disadvantages. That is what Cashy Karimi has managed to do here.

On to the next: Cashy’s Caucasian boyfriend steps in to play daddy after Khaligraph Jone neglects son? (Video)

Women have all sorts of options when it comes to birth control options so why she didn’t exercise any of them is beyond me. But now that we find ourselves here, she needs to realise that this BS is unbecoming especially after she disparaged Omollo. She needs to cut her losses and focus on raising her child on her own. That way, what is currently her burden will become her win!

Instead, we are being treated to he-said-she-said games that Cashy Karimi is playing alone. Just another statistic of unhappy single mothers.

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Cashy Karimi VS Khaligraph Jones: Kenyan family law is flawed

Cashy Karimi has taken to social media to reveal she is feeling under pressure to hand her son by Khaligraph Jones over to him for him to raise as one of his children with his wife, Georgina Amali.

Khaligraph Jones and his toxic baby mama Cashy Karimi

This has been quite the roller coaster affair as the former couple has been embroiled in a fight firstly over paternity and now over child support. Bt what most do not know is that rumour has it that Cashy now has a Canadian man who wants to move back with her to Canada to settle down and Khaligraph Jones is asking to be allowed to remain in Kenya with his son so he might raise him.

That is quite the complicated conundrum right? But when you think about it critically, it really shouldn’t be. You see, Cashy Karimi and her ex-beau have had an issue ever since they broke up. Things quickly devolved into a he-said, she-said situation with him accusing her of cheating on him.

‘He Is Building A Mansion Yet He Has Neglected His Own Child’-Khaligraph Jones Baby Mama Cashy Karimi

After that, Khaligraph Jones moved on with his life even though she was clearly heavily pregnant. Perhaps he didn’t think she was heavy with his child or maybe he didn’t care but who knows? What is clear is the fact that the former rapper was having none of it! After going on record to say her father would be an apt replacement for Omollo, she quickly did a double take and sued him for upkeep.

Cashy Karimi unveils boyfriend

Khaligraph resisted and even fought against having to submit for a paternity test but it did come out positive, proving once and for all that he is Xolani’s father. And after this small win, Cashy found herself in a bind as the father of her son made a rather logical request; he wanted to be allowed to raise their son.

‘I’ll Never Give Him The Child’-Khaligraph Jone’s Baby Mama Cashy Karimi Speaks

You see, child support isn’t money meant to help the mother sustain her lifestyle. It is meant to help raise the child which is an expensive endeavour in and of itself. But when a woman sues her baby daddy for upkeep, she is clearly admitting that she cannot afford to raise the child.

Miss Cashy with son, Xolani

However, in Khaligraph Jones’ case, he can. And what’s more, he is able to offer a more solid home for young Xolani as he has a wife and together they have 2 children. Using deductive logic, on the face of things, isn’t he the better option for a parent?

Cashy Karimi Needs To Stop Sharing Her Issues With Khaligraph Jones

And that is why Cashy Karimi took to social media to ask whether people thought it to be a good idea. Of course, there is the question of cultural differences given that in Khaligraph’s Luo traditions, he would automatically be given his son to raise.

Khaligraph Jones baby mama, Cashy

This is a case of getting what you want only to regret the outcome. Cashy Karimi as a mother has every right to ask the courts to help her raise her child as best as she can with support from the child’s father. And the courts have indeed helped her get to this point. On the flipside, Khasligraph Jones has every right as the father of the child to suggest he be given custody of the child given he has a more stable household and can take care of his son better.

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Khaligraph Jones and his toxic baby mama Cashy Karimi

By now you already know that Khaligraph Jones is being dragged through the mud by his former girlfriend and baby mama (not to mention one-hit-wonder), Cashy Karimi. What is rather interesting about all this is the fact that she is the type you would expect to be an Independent Woman Who Don’t Need No Man™ yet she is stuck on him.

‘He Is Building A Mansion Yet He Has Neglected His Own Child’-Khaligraph Jones Baby Mama Cashy Karimi

The entire situation generated a rather interesting conversation between my friends and I as we debated who -if anyone- was on the wrong. My money is on her being on the wrong and I will explain to you why I am willing to die on this hill.

Cashy Karimi unveils boyfriend

When Khaligraph Jones and Cashy Karimi broke up, he accused her of cheating on him. She remained silent on the entire affair. I, however, have a more interesting take on things… What if he never wanted the baby to begin with? You see, unlike with women, men have no say on whether or not the baby will be conceived (due to all the birth control options available to women) and whether or not the baby will be carried to term (the final solution).

Cashy Karimi takes a swipe at Khaligraph Jones wife, reveals she was the side chic not the other way round

Do we know whether that was the case? No. But what if it was? If a woman can say something like, “My body my choice”, then why can’t a man say the same about everything he has agency over? Why can’t a man choose where and when to invest his time, effort and money?


Feminists will call a woman who had the presence of mind to terminate a pregnancy a good woman, a woman who was mindful of her future but when a man aborts his financial responsibility to a baby he never wanted, he is a deadbeat dad? Make it make sense.

‘I’ll Never Give Him The Child’-Khaligraph Jone’s Baby Mama Cashy Karimi Speaks

I should reiterate at this point that we do not know whether this is how things played out but the fact still remains that we should respect a man’s decision to opt out of a pregnancy. But again, we do not know whether or not this played out between Khaligraph Jones and Cashy Karimi.

Khaligraph Jones with ex, Cashy

That said, the reason why I say she is a toxic, poisonous baby mama is because of the manner in which she has been conducting herself. She has become petty and does irrelevant things out of spite. Case in point was when Georgina Amali, Khaligraph Jones’ wife celebrated his 32nd birthday with a touching series of birthday wishes on social media. None of you can convince me that Cashy Karimi’s messages mocking what she said were called for. I understand that she is hurting and she is bitter because of the way things played out between them but why drag his family into it? Even if there is behind the scenes drama between his wife and baby mama, why would she bring it to our attention?

Cashy Karimi Needs To Stop Sharing Her Issues With Khaligraph Jones

Also, there is the fact that this is no longer about doing what is right by their son. The reason I say this is because Cashy Karimi is a Kikuyu and Khaligraph Jones a Luo. The two communities have different customs with regard to children and lineage. According to her custom, the children are the mother’s (matrilineal) while according to his customs, the children are the fathers (patrilineal).

Mahater! Khaligraph Jones totally pissed off by hater who left scratch marks on his sleek Range Rover ride (Video)

He has come out to say that he wants to be given his son (after the paternity test confirmed paternity) so he could be raised under his roof. She has refused. Why? She is claiming to be struggling to provide for the boy so how does it make sense that you want the boy raised in deprivation while his father wants to raise him in abundance?

Cashy vs Khaligraph Jones: Is child support meant for the child or mother?

And I should not have to mention the fact that statistics tell us that children born to complete nuclear families are more balanced and have better odds of being successful than those raised by single mothers. Children raised by single mothers also have a higher chance of getting involved in crime and drug abuse. I don’t know about you but sometimes loving someone means letting them pursue a path that allows them the best odds of succeeding even if it guts us.

The Omollo’s

Unlike Khaligraph Jones and Cashy Karimi, I don’t have children nor do I have a baby mama so I am speaking as an uninformed observer who is basing his arguments on cold, hard facts. But one thing I know is that the constant online fights (which in all honesty are started and sustained by her) will do little for the boy’s wellbeing. Since she cannot get things to play out as she wants, she might aswell maintain her dignity and silence and move on with life.

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Cashy vs Khaligraph Jones: Is child support meant for the child or mother?

Cashy Karimi, a rapper with one collaborative hit under her belt that she did with her ex-boyfriend, Khaligraph Jones has been rather vocal about her disdain for the rapper who was at one point in time not just her lover but benefactor aswell. The reason for this being the fact that when she fell pregnant, the Kayole born and bred MC distanced himself from both her and her child.

‘I’ll Never Give Him The Child’-Khaligraph Jone’s Baby Mama Cashy Karimi Speaks

Since then, she has yelled from the mountain tops, rooftops and wherever else that song mentions, trying to get the attention of not just Khali but his fans aswell to alert them to the fact that she considers him a deadbeat father.


Whether or not this has worked for cashy, one thing is certain, it did catch Khaligraph Jones’ attention and he decided to request a paternity test. the results weren’t brought up by him but rather by her which is very telling in and of itself but what happened next would shock many not native to the tribes of Western Kenyan and parts of the Rift Valley: he demanded his son.

Khaligraph Jones baby mama finally unveils mzungu boyfriend’s face (Photo)

If you know a thing or two about the different ethnicities in Kenya, then you’re aware that Khaligraph Jones’ request isn’t strange. He is a Luo and the people of that tribe are patrilineal. The children are the fathers by right and often, when a dispute occasions a divorce or separation, the man of the house is left with his children. Curiously enough, Cashy Karimi is a Kikuyu which is a matrilineal community which believes all children belong to the mother. In essence, the two communities have a diametrically opposed.

Rapper Cashy

However, be that as it may be, the truth of the matter is that Khaligraph Jones is doing rather well for himself and has been raking in millions from his business and his craft. Cashy Karimi is a fresh graduate still finding her feet in the world. She has not established herself and both her and her son live off the providence of her father.

Cashy Karimi Needs To Stop Sharing Her Issues With Khaligraph Jones

There is nothing wrong with her case. However, she has been urging Khali to send her upkeep for her son. and that now raises the reason for this opinion piece; is child support supposed to help her or the child? because if we use logic and argue that it is meant to go for maintenance of the child and afford them a decent lifestyle, then the argument can be made for her to relinquish guardianship of her son over to his father as he has been requesting.

Miss Cashy with son, Xolani

Afterall, Khaligraph Jones can offer a more stable home for their child given that he is married (common-law) to Georgina Muteti. The couple already has two children of their own sop the eldest oh the MC’s kids won’t have to grow up alone -for the foreseeable future anyway.

‘Time to pay up’ Cashy exposes Khaligraph Jones for neglecting 3 year old son

That way, Cashy’s demands will have been met and she will have acted in the best interest of their child. Infact, the Kenyan courts of law have already established precedence on the matter and so, if she really wants me to believe her argument that she wants what’s best for her son, why not give him over to his father? Unless ofcourse, the whole concept of child support that she’s touting is infact just to line her pockets?

Seriously though, I am eager to hear a counter to my opinion. But until then, she needs to stop playing the victim as if she were the first single mother involved in the victim Olympics. Call Khaligraph’s bluff and let’s take things from there.

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Cashy Karimi Needs To Stop Sharing Her Issues With Khaligraph Jones

Cashy Karimi is back in the news blasting her alleged baby daddy, Khaligraph Jones. I am tired of seeing the BS but I guess she is not anywhere near tired of posting about it so here we go again.

Video: Khaligraph makes s********s revelations about Cashy in latest single

Uhuru Kenyatta lifted the curfew that had been instituted to stem the spread of the beer bug and it was not a moment too soon because it has wrecked havoc on the economy.

Khaligraph Jones baby mama, Cashy

While the rest of the country was breathing a sigh of relief because we can get back to working, Cashy Karimi chose to use it as an opportunity to dump on Khaligraph, her baby daddy, the man she chose to breed with and sire for.

‘Time to pay up’ Cashy exposes Khaligraph Jones for neglecting 3 year old son

That is actually the crux of my issue with this entire situation. She chose the man, therefore, she is responsible and accountable for her decisions. Instead, she keeps making their issues public like we are her midwives.

Khaligraph Jones with ex, Cashy

I get it, she is unhappy that Khaligraph Jones allegedly moved on from her. We get it, she claims theirs was an abusive relationship meaning she probably wants to see the universe serve some sort of justice on her behalf but what does that have to do with us? That is the question no one is answering.

Weuh! Cashy shares Mpesa receipts showing how much child support Khaligraph Jones has paid in 2 years!

I would strongly suggest that Cashy Karimi simply focuses on herself and her child. She needs to focus on actually putting herself in a position to provide for their child without needing Khaligraph Jones’ input.

I would be advising her to stop telling the general public what is going on between them because when things were going great, we were not consulted on anything including the birth control method they would employ -and clearly, nothing was used.

Khaligraph Jones Ex girlfriend rapper Cashy shows off her figure in tiny black lingerie (Photo)

We simply do not care and Cashy Karimi needs to understand this. Hii story ni yake na Khaligraph Jones, sijui penye tunaingilia. She chose to lay with the man and even when the relationship was toxic, she chose to persevere. She needs to keep that same energy and remain mum on whatever it is that is transpiring between them and their broken family.


Like it or not, it is Khaligraph’s time and money to choose to do with as he pleases and he is clearly not interested in either Cashy Karimi nor their child so she needs to move on and stop her unhealthy fixation with humiliating him through ill-advised public diatribe meant to elicit sympathy. So what if her feminist fans and supporters join their voices to theirs? At the end of the day, she is the only parent willing to actively parent her son she needs to focus on that.

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