Kamene Goro reveals why she makes such a terrible girlfriend and partner

Kamene Goro has a way of eliciting strong opinions from my still-beating heart. I was minding my own business, trying to find out when my next classes are going to start when I came across a statement she made about relationships and love…

Why Kamene Goro is still lonely 4 years after bitter break up with potential husband

When she held a True os false game session on her Instagram account, a fan said she missed being in a relationship to which Kamene Goro’s reply was, “False… I do miss being in love though” and this got me thinking for a hot second before I realized she would make a terrible partner for any serious man.

Kamene Goro
Kamene Goro showing off her body

You see, Kamene Goro seems to have forgotten that in order to make relationships work, one has to forego a lot of whims and fleeting emotions. Relationships only work because of hard work. And they are the natural progression of that “ïn-love” feeling.

Kamene Goro and Andrew Kibe prove there are no real friendships in entertainment

However, Kamene Goro isn’t alone in being in-love with the process of falling in-love. It’s called “infatuation”. Usually this is a fleeting fancy. Boy meets girl, he falls for her and pursues her. The culmination of this pursuit is she falls for him. After that brief period of their dalliance, the heat and passion of that infatuation eases up. For a lot of people, this is the point at which they bid their friend sayonara and fade into mist.

Kamene Goro
Kamene Goro opens up about her body size

The problem with this is it leaves one heart broken and the other person evolves into a serial monogamist. Somoene adept at the hunt but little else. She might actually be one of these people. And it makes for a bad time for anyone foolish enough to try and pursue a relationship with her.

Open letter response to Kamene Goro’s question on single mothers

These are usually the people who get into relationships and are soon looking for any excuse to ditch it. But because the emotional high is what they are seeking, they quickly jump into the next relationship. Or perhaps Kamene Goro is the type to always instigate drama in her relationship. She injects all the ups and downs of being pursued, chasing off that partner, inviting them to pursue again thus turning the entire affair into something similar to a roller coaster.

Kamene Goro
Kamene Goro posing

Or maybe I am just jaded from listening to some interesting rants from my mentors about their interactions with women who were similar in nature to this trait she has alluded to having. All I know is that the pursuit of only falling in love os something that would make Kamene Goro a terrible partner for anyone looking for something serious. One night stands seem to be better suited for her or short lived cuddle buddy arrangements.

Playstation 5: Kamene Goro giving relationship advice is actually laughable

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Kamene Goro and Andrew Kibe prove there are no real friendships in entertainment

First, because I know how guys can get, this is not an accusatory piece about either Kamene Goro or Andrew Kibe. This is simply a look at what type of friendships you should expect with your work colleagues or your peers within whichever industry you’re in but largely entertainment. Now that that’s out of the way, allow me to proceed.

Watch: Kamene Goro and Jalang’o tear each other apart over Frankie Just Gym It and Maureen Waititu’s broken relationship

A few months ago, I argued out my opinion that Kamene Goro and Jalang’o teaming up against Xtiandela was proof that the previously indomitable trio of Andrew Kibe, Kamene Goro and Xtiandela had unravelled as soon as the pair of gentlemen had been shown the door at Kiss 100 FM. And when the first opportunity presented itself, Jalang’o and Kamene Goro took a shot at Xtiandela.

Kamene Goro
Kamene Goro poses in underwear

At the time, Xtiandela was hosting his Covid show in IG and had just invited Shakilla on who had made some bombastic allegations, claiming she had slept with the likes of Victor Wanyama among other celebrities. It was later revealed that she had been lying through her teeth as she was just making up lies for hype and clout.

Xtiandela vs Kamene Goro and Jalang’o: Showbiz haina urafiki

From there, Jalang’o and Kamene Goro hosted the little girl on Jalang’o’s YouTube show and they just threw Xtiandela under the bus to pass themselves off as saints who are out to liberate young girls. This was the first sign that these so-called entertainment friends are not exactly friends.

Kamene Goro and Andrew kibe
Andrew Kibe and Kamene Goro

Last year, I was talking to a friend of mine who said something rather insightful. We were talking about friendships and he pointed out that the best friends we make in life are those we make in childhood. After that, the next tier of best friends we make are those we make during times of sheer adversity -when we both face the same adversity and overcome it. But the friends we make in adulthood are largely acquaintances and the problem with us is that we confuse these for real friends. Take Kamene Goro and Andrew kibe as an example.

Edgar Obare gets the last laugh over Jalang’o and Kamene Goro

The pair were supposedly real down friends. they had come up together at NRG Radio and when they were moved over to Kiss100, they both faced legal action instituted against them by Kevin Mullei. They then were set to take over urban morning radio. Kamene Goro however, was forced to split from Andrew Kibe when he was let go by Radio Africa Group, the parent company of Kiss100. When that happened, there was nothing Kamene could do as the company isn’t hers nor her father’s. And most likely, Andrew kibe had done something that put him in the company’s crosshairs.

Xtian Dela
Xtiandela interveiwing Shakilla

But when Andrew Kibe revealed that he had survived a crazy 2020 that saw him suffer financially following his sacking and the Covid19 pandemic, I found myself wondering where his friends were. Where was Xtiandela and where was Kamene Goro? When he opened up about his struggles, Kibe did not mention any of them reaching out to him to offer something as impactful as a shoulder to lean on.

This if anything should tell you that entertainers are simply strange bedfellows whose loyalties are fleeting at best and merely to their bottom line more often than not. And plan accordingly. Knowing is doing and while knowledge isn’t power, the disparity of knowledge is. So now that you know, use this information wisely. What I will say however, is that it was a dope thing seeing Kamene Goro admit she and Andrew Kibe are no longer close.

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Open letter response to Kamene Goro’s question on single mothers

Kamene Goro has asked a question on her morning show at Kiss100  that was a low IQ interpretation of something rather logical: “Why do women hate single mothers?” Her trash hot take reminds me of something a mentor of mine used to keep telling me, I am responsible for what I say, not what you understand.

“Someone called me a hippopotamus” Radio Queen Kamene Goro speaks after body shaming comment

You see, the issue of men dating single mothers is clearly an emotive one for women. And Kamene Goro is simply voicing the concern a lot of single mothers have that they chalk down to men hating single mothers -if your IQ is either in the single or double digits.

Kamene Goro and Jalas in studio
Kamene Goro believes Kenyan men hate single mothers

Why do I say this? Because it is illogical for a man to want to date a single mother if he has no children of his own and if he is a high-value man. You see, it is often said that women should have standards for the men they date. While this is true, it is equally true for men too. That means that a man who has his life together doesn’t need to put himself into a relationship where he isn’t dating someone who has shown a clear lack of decision-making skills.

Playstation 5: Kamene Goro giving relationship advice is actually laughable

Make no mistake about it, when a woman gets pregnant young, it is due to poor impulse control. “Well, what about the ones who got abortions?” I don’t know, I don’t care. We are discussing the ones who didn’t. And this is not a moral conversation or a religious one for that matter. And that is something Kamene Goro and her type need to realize. This is simply a conversation about the benefits or demerits men get from dating single mothers.

Kamene Goro
Kamene Goro posing in a pool

For starters, the projection that Kamene Goro has done shows that she believes men should hate single mothers because no balanced man would ever hate a woman for having poor decision-making skills and getting pregnant by a makanga or whatever man excited her enough to tickle her lady parts in her younger years.

Kamene Goro’s open confession forces Jalang’o to walk out on her during Live show (Video)

Kamene Goro needs to understand that men who are worth their salt and have taken the time and put in the effort to build themselves up would never want to get into relationships in which they aren’t going to be treated as priorities while they are expected to treat their significant others as a priority. You see, a single mother has to focus on her child more than she does her new man. Why would any man worth his weight in gold select to be unequally yolked in such a stupid situation? It doesn’t benefit and infact brings us to yet another point:

Kamene Goro
Kamene Goro at the Kiss100 studios

A man who dates a single mother simply takes on an expense as that child is nothing more than a bill. Kamene Goro could try and interpret this however she wants but the fact remains that children are a cost. It makes sense when it is a man taking care of his genetic material but when a man is dating a single mother, he has zero benefits as that child cannot even be written up as a tax write-off. You see, high-value men probably can work charity to a children’s home as a tax break but not if the charitable case is him buying uniform and snacks for a single mother’s child.

Xtiandela vs Kamene Goro and Jalang’o: Showbiz haina urafiki

Do any of these reasons spell hatred towards single mother? I am responsible for what I say, not what you understand.

Kamene Goro
Kamene Goro posing by some DJ decks

Another reason why men dating single mothers are often warned not to by their own mothers is that a lot of the time, these single mothers are still involved with their baby daddy. So not only does this man have to contend with not being a priority (cancelled dates because the baby has no one to mind them), he also has to deal with being stuck with a bill he did not help create and now he more likely than not has to share the lady who is now the apple of his eye with her baby daddy.

Edgar Obare gets the last laugh over Jalang’o and Kamene Goro

Another reason why men who have an IQ higher than room temperature would never date single mothers is that when push comes to shove and he has to discipline the child (because let’s face it, single mothers usually have ill-behaved children), he will not be allowed to. That is when he will be reminded that the children aren’t his. So now he is stuck with a bill, cancelled dates, poor life decisions and sharing the apple of his eyes, Kamene Goro would also demand that he must never have authority over the child. Or perhaps it is just me seeing things as I do…

Dear Kamene Goro, do any of these reasons spell hatred towards single mother? I am responsible for what I say, not what you understand.

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Playstation 5: Kamene Goro giving relationship advice is actually laughable

Kamene Goro decided to share with us some words of wisdom that she uses to govern her dating decisions and relationships and I must admit that it was all pretty laughable. You see, she recently made comments about not dating men who play videogames and I was hurt in my heart.

Separated at birth? Meet Kamene Goro’s doppelgänger who literally bares an uncanny resemblance to the popular radio host (Photo)

I and a lot of men Iknow play videogames. I am in university but the men I hang out with are high performing, successful men and sometimes when we meet we do so simply to play videogames and decompress. Whether we play Tekken or Mortal Kombat, Call of Duty or God of War, we simply take an afternoon out to relax, grab some rest and relaxation and shoot the shit. Kamene goro would clearly not choose any of my mentors nor my friends to date.

Kamene Goro
Ms Kamene Goro

Let me tell you something about my mentors and friends, we are all in university pursuing STEM degrees and as far as my mentors are concerned, while one got what he describes as “singled out”, the rest run their own businesses. They have each tasted success in their own rights and they are building something better for the future. They are all men who taught me some philosophies in life that my own father didn’t such as taking care of my mind, body, finances and focusing on my mission. But Kamene Goro wouldn’t date them because they are into videogames.

Kamene Goro’s open confession forces Jalang’o to walk out on her during Live show (Video)

They taught me to sharpen my mind, read beyond my studies in school, they taught me to get my body right. They taught me to dress well and have introduced me to thinking and reading about my financial wellbeing. But because they play videogames, Kamene Goro wouldn’t date them.

Kamene Goro
Radio personality, Kamene Goro

Yet taking a look at Kamene Goro’s past relationships and her “marriage”one has to deal with the glaring peculiarities of her inconsistencies. Why? Because sometimes, before you digest a message, you have to interrogate the medium, the vessel and the messenger to see whether they are simply poisoning you. And when we look at Kamene Goro’s love life, we realize that her relationship advice is poison meant to make you have an unhappy, unhealthy relationship like the ones she is used to having.

Ouch! Kamene Goro opens up about her first heartbreak

You see, Kamene Goro has had a plethora of lovers. Not lovers in the context of relationships, lovers in the context of one night stands. 27 men as at the time of her revealing that figure to the world. And when she did infact have a longterm relationship/ marriage, it was a toxic hot mess that no one I know envied. It was a dumpster fire marriage that ended with her being dumped via WhatsApp. And to make matters worse, when Kamene Goro left her marital home, she was none the wiser.

Kamene Goro
Kamene Goro

She didn’t seem to have taken the time to introspect and learn something from that relationship because when she spoke about it, she heaped all the blame and responsibility for the breakup on her man -yet we all know it takes two to tango.

“I gave up everything for a man who later betrayed me,” Kamene Goro’s regrets after getting married aged 23

How do we know this? Because a woman who been ran through by 27 men still doesn’t have the common sense to know that she should be looking for relationship green flags in her potential man, things like virtues and strength or character instead of feeding us the bullshit about her not dating a man simply because one of his hobbies is playing videogames. Kamene Goro hasn’t gotten it into her coconut that relationships are about more than just hobbies. Relationships for her and other women have the bar set so low for them that they believe all they have to do inorder to have a great one is to “be“.

Kamene Goro
Kamene Goro and her then 50-year-old husband

All she has to bring to her relationship is herself and her airhead attitude rather than put in the work to make it work. As a result, she thinks hobbies that to her aren’t cool is a dealbreaker. Let that sink in. Rather than focus on a man’s character, a man’s personal philosophies, she would rather focus on whether or not he plays videogames. And we wonder why twenty-seven men ran through her refused to commit. And the only man who did commit did so temporarily before coming to his senses.

Xtiandela vs Kamene Goro and Jalang’o: Showbiz haina urafiki

And as for my mentors, we spoke about this topic and all they said was summed up best by one of them,

“Look at me. Look at how I look and how much work I put into cultivating myself. Why would I date her? The only thing she has going for her is her pretty face which she didn’t work for. Everything else she needs to work hard at has been neglected, body, mind and clearly character too.”

I asked about her career and he reminded me that women NEVER share their pot of gold so that is immaterial to him. Anyway, we have a videogame night this weekend.

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Jalango’s move to replace Andrew Kibe at Kiss FM morning show may be his smartest career move yet

It’s a tall order trying to make an accurate assessment of Kenya’s entertainment scene without considerable tribute to a phenomenal entity, Felix Odiwuor variously known as Mzee Jalang’o or just plainly, as Jalas.

Well, here’s a seasoned jack to a lot of trades.

Jalango is an established stand-up comedian, event MC, influential radio presenter and an astute businessman running a thriving event-hosting company called Arena Media.

Jalang'o with presenter Alex Mwakideu at Milele FM studio (file image)
Jalang’o with presenter Alex Mwakideu at Milele FM studio (file image)

This is a shrewd man used to making headlines on entertainment sites, gutter blogs and mainstream media, but keen observation shows a performer aware of the secret to being a darling to the masses – remain relevant.

Until a few weeks ago, Jalas has been hosting an influential morning radio show at Milele FM, alongside popular co-host Alex Mwakideu. He sensationally quit, citing contractual disagreements and has since joined Kiss FM, replacing the iconic controversial presenter Andrew Kibe at the morning show.

It’s easy to get fooled by his trademark green suit and a well-used, leopard-print shirt. Well, this is his mark of trade on stage, and hosting events as an MC – corporate and otherwise.

Beyond that smoke screen is a determined, focused and ambitious man, with a realistic finger-touch feel of the region’s needs in terms of entertainment. And, the guts to gamble and take career risks to reposition himself to take advantage of the trends.

Felix Odiwuor has come a long way – from a roadside comic byline to a regional, influential public personality. It hasn’t been an easy ride.

As always, this success story is inspired by bleak, humble beginnings. The usual tagline starts with a struggling background. He had willing and loving parenting, but life being unapologetically what it is, he faced lots of grounding uphill in early schooling.

Jalang’o, like many other artists of repute, owes a pie to the Kenya National Theater halls, where he moonlighted as a fickle second-cast entry for a whopping three years. He’d join the travelling theatre making play of high school literature set books. Well, lady luck did smile on him.

As wheels of fate inevitably turn, a break happened out of the blues – Papa Shirandula Show on Citizen TV. Alongside colleague and friend, Captain Otoyo (aka Otos), they’d clinch and secure spots on the show that’d endear them to the viewership and catapult the show’s ratings to the top.

Jalang’o has never looked back.

On the current trend with Jalang’o replacing Andrew Kibe at Kiss FM, what many do not know is that Jalas also owes the station a significant piece of his success.

Kiss FM is the station that gave the comedian and presenter the doorway to greatness, ways back. At the time, Jalas was performing on the Papa Shirandula show, and a slot had opened at Kiss FM. Despite impossible odds, Jalas aced the interview without any academic papers – they wanted a ‘degree person’!

Since then, he’s worked with Radio Maisha, then Hot 96 alongside iconic Jeff Koinange before a move to Milele FM for a morning sting with presenter Alex Mwakideu.

The move to the Kiss FM morning show to pair up with outspoken lady presenter Kamene Goro may be Jalang’o’s best career move yet.

He’s come of age – he’s influential, established on the social scene shedding the hustler image to join the polished, perhaps corporate listenership section. It’s time Jalang’o sheds the comic, pea-brained clown persona to embrace a polished, urban, well informed analytic presenter.

Kiss FM commands a large section of the urban radio segment, and this is where the present-day Jalang’o really fits.

Do Jalang’o and Kamene Goro have radio chemistry

Jalang’o finally stepped back into the Kiss100 radio studio and he got to start his job today, hosting the morning show alongside Kamene Goro. This was a controversial job he has taken because many felt that he had a hand in his predecessor, Andrew Kibe getting canned.

Jalang’o and Kamene Goro’s heated debate turns sour (Video)

And whether that was right or wrong, many carried on with that narrative and it has formed a dark shadow over the show. But the question to be asked is whether the new partnership of Jalang’o and Kamene Goro works.


And the answer to that question will be unravelled over the coming days but one thing is clear, they aren’t on the same level of energy and chemistry as Kamene Goro was on with Andrew Kibe.

Revealed! Interesting reason Jalang’o failed to show up for morning show at Kiss FM

And indeed, this can be seen in the fact that they have started the show on a day with hot content being gifted to them. They have had the topic of Natalie Tewa and her new rumoured lover but let us be honest with each other, that is too hot a topic for radio and it would affect their bottom line. There was also the topic of a Kenyan man who found out his girlfriend was being railled by his “friend” with whom they had gone to Naivasha together with.


Jalang’o and Kamene Goro actually went in for the latter story and while the discussion is an interesting one, the chemistry wasn’t all the way there.

MCA Tricky to replace Jalang’o at Milele FM after quitting Radio Maisha

But that shouldn’t affect them but for two areas: to motivate them and to drive them to work harder. What do I mean? It’s simple really.

kamene goro

Knowing that they aren’t exactly a natural fit, Kamene Goro and Jalang’o should use this as motivation to prove everyone wrong. Yep, they should tuck their chins in and keep swinging to get that sweet chemistry connecting. If that means they go drinking and get to know each other, so be it.

What next for Kamene Goro after Andrew Kibe exited Kiss100?

They should also use this as motivation for them to work hard. They need to keep it going and they should grind out some semblance of chemistry. They need to work hard at researching their topics and they need to be more fun.


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What next for Kamene Goro after Andrew Kibe exited Kiss100?

Kamene Goro and Andrew Kibe came together from NRG Radio as a package deal that involved their show’s producer, Xtian Dela when they were poached by Kiss100. Unfortunately, that audacious play at market disruption did not pan out to be a longtime play with the team eventually exiting the Radio Africa Limited owned company.

Kamene Goro’s reaction to Andrew Kibe’s termination is surprisingly grounded

This has resulted in Kamene Goro being the only survivor left standing at Kiss100. On Monday morning, however, her solo run at the show told a very clear story to the world. And I for one sorely missed Kibe’s energy and the chemistry that was undeniable.

kamene goro and andrew kibe

Now, make no mistake about it, Kiss100 will definitely survive that minor speed-bump and inconvenience of having to let go of Kibe but they, along with Kamene Goro will have to dig deep to change the show’s format into something that works.

Kamene Goro finds love years after fiancée walked out on her!

Rumour has it that Jalang’o will be joining the show to inject some much-needed foil energy to Kamene Goro’s morning segment and that will definitely help set the pace. But outside of this, what happens to Kamene Goro outside of Kiss100 now that her partner in crime is gone from radio?

kamene goro and andrew kibe

Well, as with anyone else, Kamene Goro could set up a podcast. The challenge with this, however, is the fact that we haven’t really gotten to hear a lot of her thoughts as she hasn’t really created a brand and niche for herself. As a result, unlike with Andrew kibe, Kamene Goro would have to start laying the foundation for her podcast -essentially starting from the ground up.

Andrew Kibe and Kamene Goro talk about their relationship after meeting on Tinder

Kamene Goro could always target getting on TV with a show. She has in the past had a show with Shaffie Weru and DJ Hypnotiq but that was a crowded show. Kamene Goro could always go the route of setting up a show that would be in the lifestyle mould that the likes of Tyra Banks or closer to home, Grace Msalame.

kamene goro

And the final option open to Kamene Goro would be for her to continue working with her former teammates off the Radio Africa Limited platforms such as Kiss100 and actually build a digital ecosystem for themselves. Xtian Dela, after all, is a Wizz at creating Digital videos and platforms, Andrew Kibe is already chemistry she had built up and can always tap into almost with no energy at all.
Kamene could commit to doing the work to build podcast/ video or any other platform with Andrew Kibe and Xtian Dela that would allow her to note only safeguard her radio platform but that comes with zero of the red tape she had to endure over at Kiss100.

“I love women, but not like that..” Kamene Goro clears the air on lesbianism reports


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Kamene Goro’s reaction to Andrew Kibe’s termination is surprisingly grounded

Kamene Goro is the last man left standing when it comes to the radio personalities poached from NRG Radio by Kiss 100. The original cast had Xtian Dela and Andrew Kibe aswell but they are no longer with the Waiyaki Way based radio station.

Kamene Goro’s reaction after Kibe’s exit from Kiss FM

Xtian Dela was the first to be shown the door during a retrenchment drive done by the Radio Africa Limited owned radio station earlier this year and Kibe was the latest shown the door.

kamene goro

As you can imagine, this is a tough time for Kamene Goro who has been left alone from when she first set foot in the Kiss100 studio and this will definitely dampen her spirits.

Kamene Goro finds love years after fiancée walked out on her!

It also goes to show you just how professional Kamene Goro is because she has managed to keep her energy levels elevated in spite of the termination of her radio partner which probably happened in a manner that blind sighted her.

kamene goro

It also goes to show her as a woman with her priorities in order as she took stock of her life and realities and realized that she arrived in the world on her own and she would doubtless have to deal with her circumstances and responsibilities alone. So she has chosen to soldier on and knowing the Kenyan populace would want to know how she felt, she shared as much as she could without landing herself in trouble with her managers by simply saying

Si poa

And at the end of the day, who knows, she might just end up working with Andrew Kibe again. Perhaps on a podcast or some other level of production. And she has let her bosses know she can be relied upon to maintain sharrap when needed. So they will feel free to reach out to her when the time comes to rebuild the morning segment.

kamene goro

Kamene Goro reveals unknown details about her relationship with Avril’s baby daddy

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Kibe’s exit from Kiss FM opens the door for Jalang’o to join

Jalang’o aka Jalas, aka Heavy J is an example of why people should invest heavily on building their brands -especially those in media. You see, he was fired from Mediamax owned Milele FM for refusing to accept a fifty per cent pay cut just a few short days ago.

Jalang’o and Betty Kyallo: new partnership loading

And already, it would seem like luck is on his side because following a reported meeting with the Radio Africa Limited CEO, Patrick Quarcoo, news just reaching us this morning intimates that the company which owns Kiss 100 has decided to part ways with Andrew Kibe.


The details for this decision is still not clear but what is clear is that if you’re a lazy bum, you think this is proof that Jalang’o has a guardian angel or luck on his side.

Jalang’o should now chase independent media pursuits

The truth of the matter, however, is less grandiose or based on destiny than you would like to think: he -Felix Odiwuor is simply reaping the rewards of all the hard work he put into his brand as Jalang’o which has amassed for him a following and that is why Radio Africa Limited has been flirting with the idea of bringing him on board.


Add to this the fact that he has also been building his digital presence with a YouTube account that has grown as if he had fed it steroids and you see why other media houses would want to get him. Most traditional media companies have a protected position due to the heavy capital investment required and the political connections one must have to start radio stations. As a result of the internet, however, the barriers to entry into the media and content creation field no longer exist and as a result, traditional media is struggling to get a foothold in the digital space outside of reporting news.

Why Kenyans defended Alex Mwakideu but persecuted Jalang’o

And Jalang’o had the sense to sit in that desired space -an organically grown and maintained content generation field with a massive following.

andrew kibe and kamene goro

So as we wait to see what unfolds, I would wager that Kiss 100 is waiting on the wings for an opportune time or perhaps they will create that time themselves and they will announce that Jalang’o has joined their staff and he will very likely be paired with Kamene Goro.

Ted Josiah and the dishonesty of men blaming Jalang’o

Still, that morning show has lacked stability since Caroline Mutoko left the scene and while Adelle and Shaffie brought some semblance of stability, it was short-lived. It will be interesting to see what unfolds from here on out.


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Kamene Goro rushed to hospital in an ambulance after accident at home 

Radio host Kamene Goro was yesterday rushed to the hospital following an accident at her house.

We are not yet sure what happened but the former NRG presenter took to social media to share photos riding in an ambulance on her way there.

Health care

She later posted a few other posts urging fans to stay calm and she will communicate further what just happened.

In another post, she also lamented how healthcare in the country is deteriorating even in private hospitals.

Had an unfortunate incident last night, at the new house that saw me ride the back of an ambulance for the first time ever. A lot of lessons have been learnt for sure. I’ll tell you more when I know more for sure. Bless you all for the love… lakini healthcare in Kenya.… It just gets worse, even private Hospitals. Can’t believe it. I swear I have never been in pain like this before…” she wrote.

Kamene Goro: Kibe has really changed on how he thinks about women

New Kiss FM employees Andrew Kibe and Kamene Goro are gearing up to start their new job as hosts at morning breakfast show. The two are set to start on July 1 and are really excited.

“I have been listening to Kiss FM since the time I was in school, and now that I will be hosting a show that has been my favourite, it is just amazing. It is a huge challenge, but we are ready to take it on.” said Kamene. 

“It is dope to see that someone had strong belief in us because many people have been afraid of our brand, especially because of the immense topics we have been discussing.”


Kamene opened about how things are now different since the first time he met fellow host Andrew Kibe. Kibe is a hardcore anti-feminist who calls women all kind of names.

Kamene said that Kibe has now softened up and is treating women very differently.

“Kibe is very founded in his beliefs, although he has changed a lot on how he thinks about women, and we can just wait and see how he is going to be in this new show,” she said.

“He is who he is and my intentions for him is to probably change his thinking, although my opinion about him is very different from everyone else.”

Kamene Goro’s sober reply after fans wanted to know if she’s increased the number of men she’s slept with from 27 

Former NRG Radio presenter Kamene Goro became a trending topic last year after confessing live on camera that she has enjoyed 27 different d@$ks so far.

“My body count…Body count is the number of people I have slept with my whole life. My body count currently stands as we speak at 27. Twenty seven d****,” she said then.

Kenyans descended on her with some claiming she has downplayed the number. Others wanted her to shut up and stop sharing her private information.


Now that she’s moving to Kiss 100 FM after being poached, fans wanted to know whether her her body count has increased since her confession.

A fan asked her on social media about the count to which she replied.

“You know that story almost made me lose my mind. I am not gonna talk of my body count on national radio on the last day of my show today.” she said.