Kenyan Celebrities Should Wear Pink Tomorrow and This is Why


I’m a terrible story teller but I’m going to attempt telling this one. Not because it’s one of the best stories ever told; trust me there are better ranking stories out there. But there is just something about this story that is partly educative and partly entertaining. It revolves around Kenyan celebrities wearing pink tomorrow and how it will make a great impact in society.

The story emanates from a young Nairobian lady who last year lost all her beautiful hair. We all know what hair means to a woman specifically Kenyan women. Have you seen all the horse hair making rounds in the CBD? But I digress.

To cover up for her sad loss, she decided to rock a behemoth PINK weave. Can you imagine walking around town in a pink weave; creepy right? Not exactly the best experience to go through as a woman I must say. It ended up making her feel depressed and at some point she wanted to hide from herself and the world. Fortunately her hair finally grew back and she regained her confidence.

She was a victim of cancer and she wore not to sit and watch any other woman go through the same ordeal. She vowed to make a difference which has on me and now I want to impact the same on you. This is what she has to say;


This being breast cancer month, I’d be amiss if I didn’t remind you that you are your first line of defence. It only takes a few minutes to do your breast self-exam, do it once a month and remind your girlfriends to do the same.  There’s no time like the present. Early detection is critical for treating and conquering breast cancer. It is not a death sentence; it is a journey that can be overcome. I am living testament.

This Friday and every Friday in October, wear something pink, and send your selfie to #PinkFriday254 on social media.  Take a breast self-exam, eat a little healthier, talk a walk or do some exercise, visit and encourage someone going through cancer. Thank God for your health. I do every day.




About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi