‘Kenyan Fashion Bloggers Can Only Dress Their Villagers’ Huddah Monroe Trashes Fashion Bloggers in This Unforgettable Rant

A lot of Kenyan fashion bloggers have gotten a bad rap of just being pretty girls who take good pics but have nothing much to offer when it come to content or style. Yes there a few out there who have something to offer but most of them have been criticized for being ‘basic’ in their fashion ways.

Perhaps their most vocal critic to date has been Huddah Monroe who thinks that the clothes most of these fashion bloggers wear are only good for their villagers and the walking dead.

Here is her full rant as seen on one of her social media accounts:

“It is funny that 99% of fashion bloggers in Kenya know ZERO About fashion. You are a fashion blogger but I can’t hack any of your outfits even for a funeral. I don’t know who these Kenyan fashion bloggers dress tho. The walking dead? Coz none of their outfits are impressive

You think if you dress your villagers you are already an award winning fashion blogger? LMFAO! 99% of you are jokes, Check out songs of Styles, Sidney fashion blogger e.t.c.

Fashion is not a 2 piece crop top and skirt. Fashion is not wedges and a maxi. Fashion bloggers go out of their way. Out of the ordinary and make magic.

SMH! 99% of Kenyan fashion bloggers are a disappointment to the fashion world.

Kaveke was fashion…and some other old school ladies, not these wannabees.

I’m out.

You can’t find anything impressive on these so called fashion blogger posts, and on their BIO they are Award winning…What did you win? Dressing your villagers? SMH she wrote.




She then went on to reveal why she was disgruntled with the Kenyan crop of fashion bloggers.”This came out coz I was look ling for an outfit to wear for a very high end event. And the award winning fashion bloggers have nothing to offer. Misplaced awards. I would rather give a mtumba guy an award coz they know what is kupiga look. Sio hi ufala mko nayo kwa IG!” she concluded.

About this writer:

Sue Watiri